New Nieghborhoods I have created like 8 neighborhoods in anticipation for TS2 I cant wait untill September 17th. I want TS2 nowww!!! Playin TS2 at college and in class too.
I have created the following Neighborhoods: -Lynndale -Rossington -Sunnyvale -Frostburg -Towson -Dark Village -Deathville What else should i name my Nieghborhoods?
Are most of your neighborhoods going to be dark spooky places? I might name some of my neighborhoods after places in books or movies or tv shows I like.
I might... Name my nieghborhoods(That doesnt sound right) neighborhoods.... okay there.... after my hometown maybe... the city I live in now.... LoL lets see Brooklyn, NY Cuddebackville, NY Port Jervis, NY Middletown, NY Can you guess which one is my homecity... I mean town... LoL
I think it would be neat to do something like actually build neighborhoods from movies or things. Or even better, make MY neighborhood. That would be neat. Of course first I need SimCity 4. Maybe I'll just borrow it from my friend...
Then I will borrow it from you .... LoL... I will have to find someone with it that is my friend... of course everyone is my friend... but does everyone have SC4?
I doubt that everyone has SC4. However, I only got The Sims (Delux) because the EB Games guy told me about it when I went in to preorder my SC4. (I had thought that the game was all sex and violence, which to me is a turnoff. He explained that you don't have to play it like that, so I bought it. Then I didn't play SC4 until May when the patch came out.)