Bush or Kerry?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ManagerJosh, Jun 26, 2004.

  1. ScootieDude

    ScootieDude New Member

    G W Bush's denials

    The Bush administration has a serious case of denial. Until several books came out revealing differently, he denied his obsession with Iraq. He denied knowing prior to 9/11, of a terrorist network in the U.S. that was learning to fly planes to be utilized as bombs to destroy buildings. Now just before the election, Bush acts on information four years old, updated in January. With no pictures and no names, he starts a massive search with road blocks, body searches, and you name it. He will do it to show he is our great protector and win re-election points. Mr. Bush said he gave large corporations huge tax breaks to create jobs. I would like to know where all these jobs are. He denies that giving tax breaks to corporations to move jobs overseas costs us jobs. They create jobs, is the myth he perpetuates. You're brainwashed if you believe that. Any jobs created have been low-paying and few. Bush accuses anyone opposing the war in Iraq of being against the war on terrorism. He's wrong, again. He abandoned the war on terrorism when he unjustifiably invaded Iraq against all advice from his allies and the Muslim leaders. Now, everything they predicted has come true. Iraq is in complete chaos. It's Vietnam revisited. Our troops obviously have the power to destroy the enemy, but are not allowed to do it because it would turn even more Iraqi's against us. Meanwhile, our brave troops give their lives daily for Bush's mistake. The people who call for a complete withdrawal haven't considered what would occur. The terrorists would control Iraq, and have the oil to support their war on the infidels. Our Presidents in the past have been welcomed to foreign countries, but our image has been so damaged that Bush is protested against in every country he visits. Our citizens are told to keep a low profile if they go to the Olympics. No flag-waving or showing pride in our country. This is where Bush has brought us. :disappointed:
  2. SolidSnake_19

    SolidSnake_19 Senior Moderator

    With the lying thing I meant Bush admitted to smoking pot - he didn't say "I didn't inhale" like Clinton did, and hasn't had an affair with some woman and lied about it (e.g. Clinton & Monica). I should have been more specific but didn't think about clarifiying that post until the 'edit-time' had run out.

    Josh: All I can say about that long Kerry post is: @_@. I didn't like him from the start really, but reading that he's supported/done Communism, Treason, etc. makes me kind of "angry". Almost more information than I wanted to know about a person. :|
  3. Trinasis

    Trinasis New Member

    Well I am not all for presidental things, such as voting. So I really don't know but more power to you that do vote!
  4. copter

    copter New Member

    I dont live in America, but I go for Bush!
  5. mattho

    mattho New Member

    Could I ask what Australian political party you go for?
  6. copter

    copter New Member

    The Liberals ;p
  7. kristygal

    kristygal New Member

    I voted for Bush the last time & he's getting my vote again this time. I have many reasons for doing so, most are for moral purposes.
  8. zydeco

    zydeco New Member

    As an adult that lives in a state devestated by Bush, I will vote for ANYONE other than him! His domestic policies have impoverished the middle and working classes in my state. Many have no health insurance and any jobs "created" pay minimum wage. When factory after factory moves overseas it not only hurts those that lose their jobs but all businesses that surround a community. Unless you get to witness the trickle-down effect of a factory closing in a small community then you don't really understand what this means to a country when it happens thousands of times.

    I live in a state that has numerous military posts. Almost everyone I know has a family member in the military or national guard. Many of our soldiers were simply national guard that train "1 weekend a month, 2 weeks a year" to be available for domestic crisis like rioting or natural disasters. These were not people with a family plan for deployment overseas for 2 years. Young families with their breadwinner shipped overseas for an indeterminate time are paying the ultimate price...in poverty. They don't even have the support of living on a military base. I have a 17 year old son that's brilliant. To think he might be drafted to fight for a country that doesn't seem that thrilled with our "help" is enough to make me mark my ballot democratic.

    His band-aid catchy phrased program "no child left behind" is crippling to most state's public schools. No state can afford to implement it.

    Everytime I hear Bush spout his "war on terrorism" I could scream. Having grown up during the vietnam war and Bush having done his level best to avoid it you'd think he would have learned a lesson or two from it. You don't take young men and women into combat without a specific goal and an exit plan. Perhaps a smaller do-able goal would have been acceptable...find and erradicate ben ladin and his top men. The phrase "war on terrorism" terrifies me. Will we go after the IRA? I can just see us bombing Ireland. Will we go after the Basques in Europe or is our "war on terrorism" just confined to the Arab world? I think he's pushing the patriotic buttons with all the right spin and catch phrases and many Americans have just followed like sheep. I'm ashamed. Our country will pay for this stupidity for years and years. Money that could have improved our schools, provided health care and fed the poorest in our own country will be spent to rebuild another country.

    That we allowed him to invade our privacy at a whim in the search for terrorists scares me even more. What's that wonderful phrase? "Those that sacrifice freedom for safety deserves neither". Half the words I used in the previous paragraph probably flagged the FBI.

    I do not think that Bush won the last election and my fondest wish is that the Bush family goes down in history as "the one-term presidential family". I'll take a president that can't be monogamous but can keep America solvent and in good standing with the global community over a monogamous man who sells out our environment and can't keep the economy afloat. I'd really like to be able to have a job, health insurance, a home, education for my children, air to breath and clean water to drink..thank you very much. I haven't seen that Bush has done anything postive for this country...I'm willing to give Kerry a chance. I don't think he can do a worse job than the current administration. Are you better off now than you were 4 years ago?
  9. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    You are still willing to vote for Kerry even though he changes his views sooo many times, it is rumoured he has a multiple personality disorder?
  10. zydeco

    zydeco New Member

    I'll take a president that is willing to change his mind when new info is available than one who continues down the wrong path with massive evidence staring him in the face! lol You've obviously bought into the spin of Bush's campaign machine. People love to show what bills senators' vote against. What the vote doesn't show is all the little amendments added at the last minute that make good bills garbage. I'm looking forward to the debates tonight. I think the part of the process that irritates me most is that when push comes to shove..most americans really have no clue what each candidate believes on most major issues. I think each candidate should have to have their positions on all major issues in written form so that they can be held accountable. I did not say that I was pro-Kerry..I said I would vote for anyone BUT Bush! lol I think that both Sr. and Jr. are very personable people but not the brightest. I have never thought they were presidential material. The only Bush I like is Barbara! I'd even consider voting for her. ;)
  11. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    I haven't bought into Bush's campaign. It is a mere, independent observation. I saw recent footage from Kerry saying he "voted for the budget increase, and then after voted against it" or something like that..
  12. Vchat20

    Vchat20 New Member

    well, im still with Kerry at this point. and to further prove my point how Bush has screwed us over: this week our electricity was shut off. luckily, thanks to my mom's bank being so nice, she was able to get a loan from them enough to get the electricity turned back on. if youre wondering where bush comes into this, read further:

    see, my mom drives school bus for a living for head start kids. so far its been a very good job. and it pays well @ almost $12 an hour with 40 hours a week. but, being a single parent, this doesnt go far. even with the $300 and some odd ammount child support payments this doesnt go far. now if youre still wondering where bush comes into this, read further:

    between bush and the governor of Ohio (Taft), they dont think the head start program is a good program and have severely cut funding. now, if it wasnt for the funding cut, my mom could have worked all through the summer at the same wages driving what is like a taxi service in this area which is part of the same company who runs the head start program. she has done this before for a couple years and it has helped tons financially. but with the funding cut, they couldnt afford to hire any new drivers to drive during the summer. so my mom had to take like $400 unemployment checks every 2 weeks. as well, thanks to all this, my mom is now $2500 behind on the rent (thank god for having a landlord who is a sweetheart) and the car's has almost ben repoed 3 times this summer.

    again, thanks to bush and his effing work.
  13. zydeco

    zydeco New Member

    Ah..the flip-flop argument that seems to be the other phrase Bush has run into the ground. Kerry voted for the war with the weapons of mass destruction intel and when it was discovered congress had been mislead he voted no to war. Wow! What a horrible flip-flop. I think it took real guts to do that considering the mood of the country at that time.

    I'm so sorry about your mom's job, vchat20. My hubby lost his job this year. It took 4 months to find a new one. We realized how bad it was when every job he applied for there were 100's of other 45-55 year old men with college educations vying for the same job. Living on the edge is scary. Worrying about a roof over your head and food on the table when you work hard certainly isn't the American dream. Bush's "no-child-left-behind" program will hurt a lot of school systems and tie up needed funds. How new york or california is coping is beyond me. If ALL children have to meet grade level reading skills when you have children that speak 20 or more different languages I'd throw in the towel. I live in a small rural town. Our high schools can't find enough teachers..let alone foreign language teachers. My son had a wonderful German teacher. He adored this class. Due to Bush's plan she had to quit because she was certified only as an English instructor. It didn't matter that German was her first language. A school district near us recently built a brand new school. At the beginning of the next year they had 35 portable classrooms covering the campus because they had already run out of room. With factories and industries closing the tax base to build enough schools is non-existent. I'm 50 years old and I have never seen the middle class in such bad shape. I'm ready to give anyone a shot at turning the economy around.
  14. slimsim

    slimsim Often-Idle Member

    Kerry doesnt just flip-flop, he says this:
    I made it myself.
  15. ScootieDude

    ScootieDude New Member

    Let's change direction

    I believe John F. Kerry will be a great President for our country. He has the experience necessary from his more than 20 years in the U.S. Senate. He has a grasp and understanding of the issues that matter most to people. He values and has deep respect for what America stands for, and genuinely cares about the needs of our citizens. He believes as most of us do that our freedom and constitutional rights should be protected.

    John Kerry will work to create millions of new jobs, improve health care for everyone, allow stem cell research for medical advancement, adequately fund education for children and adults, lower taxes for the poor and middle class, lower the deficit, explore alternate sources of energy to reduce dependence on foreign oil, make effective anti-pollution laws and strenghten existing ones, renew a commitment to end nuclear proliferation, and will continue the fight against terrorism in the right way and make our country safe again.

    I think Kerry's a cool, nice, neat looking person. He volunteered for the U.S. Navy and served our country bravely in the Vietnam war. He knows about war, and knows how terrible it is, he also knows sometimes war is necessary.

    I believe we need a hero like John Kerry to lead our country. He will make rational, informed decisions, and do what is best for the American people.

    If you give him the priviledge of being our President you won't be disappointed. John Kerry will be a President that we can be proud of.
  16. Deva

    Deva New Member

    Just a note; that sounds more like propaganda. I've read a lot about psychiatry, with focus on schizofrenia, because I find it interesting. What you are talking about, Multiple personality disorders, are the stereotype that most people think is "schizofrenia". That is not true. There are several different types of schizofrenia, and the rarest one is multiple personality disorders. A person with a multiple personality disorder, will have a lot of trouble function in todays society. Even less run for president. Read about it, and you'll know what I mean :)
    It would be very interesting to see where those rumours came from, probably from the Bush-administration..

    And that is about what I know about politics in the U.S.
    I will not write here about what I think of the U.S personally, as it doesn't matter. I just wanted to say that ScootieDude is right when he writes
    Yes, America has the worst reputation ever. Bush's show-off (yes, that's how it is considered over here) with your large military force and guns and weapons, has made Europe afraid of you, I think. Fear often leads to hatred and misunderstanding. How can anyone in the world be safe with someone like Bush with his hand on the "button"? Only thanks to my internet connection, my will to speak and discuss with people, I've realized that most of the Americans are nice and decent people. Like you guys, here.
    Thanks, all admins/mods on this forum, for allowing a thread where you can speak your mind a bit (I do *not* promote flaming or anything like that though). I've experienced some horrible consequences for posts like this.
  17. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    As some one who studied the recent economic budget, there is no way Kerry can promise all that based on our current budget. There is simply not enough money to go around to fund such programs. I'm sorry to say, but Kerry is blowing too much hot air and making empty promises.

    Let's not forget Kerry's been all defensive everytime his military record gets questioned. I think if that's how he reacts to critism and stress now, I don't want to know how he reacts if he's the president.

    And just an FYI Deva, it was meant as a joke. The joke was passed around because he changes his views so drastically it's like he's another person when he talks.
  18. Gebbinn

    Gebbinn New Member

    Ok, im gonna chime in here...

    No matter what your political view, there will ALWAYS be evidence to support what you believe. If you want to think Bush is the antichrist, then you can find evidence from the Kerry camp to support it, if you want to think Kerry is the downfall of american life, then you will find support from the Kerry camp. It doesnt matter what links you put up, what sources you quote, where you get your information.. all that means is someone out there wrote something to support your views, and I could easily find information to oppose them, and even reasons to discredit your sources to fit my own agenda. Thus is the nature of politics.

    So, with that being said, lets take a common sense approach to some of these arguments...

    "Bush started this war for oil" This makes little to no sense to me, because its a common knowledge fact that bush is an oil tycoon himself.. so why go to war for oil that is just going to cost you. It makes more sense to me that by not having the oil from the middle east, he could just charge more for his own oil and make more money.. and since money seems to be the driving force behind this argument, then it seems to me the argument is flawed at the base level. I offer no supporting links, no sources, just my own thoughts on the matter.

    "Bush dodged the draft by joining the air natl. guard" This has already been proven as a lie propogated by the Kerry campaign to discredit Bush. Now, even if this WERE true, I dont see how joining the military is a way to dodge the draft. He joined the military to avoid being in the military? That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

    Anyone who has watched Farenhiet 9/11 and believed what was portrayed has been taken. This movie, made by Kerry for the specific purpose of discrediting Bush, has over 100 falsities, misinformation and outright lies within it. Please please please, if you believe this movie to be true, look into it, research the movie and you will find a thousand links about how the information in the movie is untrue. Dont base your beliefs on a movie.

    "Bush caused companies to move out of America" Ummm, no, this was not Bush's doing at all, this was Clinton's fault and NAFTA.. without NAFTA none of it would be possible. Just because these companies were unable to move until Bush was in office does not mean that Bush is responsible.

    "No Child Left Behind" is bad. How do you figure that a program designed to ensure that all children can recieve an decent education is bad. Unless you like uneducated inner city kids turning to gang-banging and poor families with children who never have a way to recieve education, then you should support this program and be willing to do what it takes to ensure it can be a reality.

    My final argument is this... Contrary to what most people seem to think, the president is not all-powerful. He does not make laws, he does not have near the power that people attribute to him. The president can make policy, but all of those policies MUST, as per the constitution, be ratified by a majority vote of congress AND the senate. Bush did not declare war on Iraq.. Congress did that, and Kerry was part of that congress, so he is just as guilty as Bush for the war on Iraq. The president is blamed for everything because he is the figurehead for the American political system. He can enact policy that is ratified by congress and the senate. He can enact a war that is voted on by the congress and the senate, but he cannot do any of these things without there backing. The president's power comes from the ability to Veto what congress passes, but even then, congress has the ability to overturn the president's veto. The only other power the president has is that he can be very persuasive. As a figurehead of the most powerful nation in the world, people tend to listen closely to what he says, and often will fall in line with those things. The president is also watched very closely by watchdog groups, and every error he makes will be blown up by the media. Case in point.. Clinton/Lewinsky. The No Child Left Behind policy may have been thought up by Bush's people, but its Congress and the senate that put it into law, so by that token they are just as responsible as is the president.

    Ok, enough of my rambling. I have stated here my own opinion, and a brief recourse on how the government of the United States works. I offer no opology for my views, and respect what others think and have to say, even though I may not agree with them. Feel free to offer counter-arguments.
  19. Deva

    Deva New Member

    But, if you believe the movie is false, and look into it, research the movie and one will find a thousand links about how the information in the movie is true, probably.
    I think most people can sort out what they believe is trustworthy from a film or a movie. I hope so, or they should probably not be able to vote. A vote, that may affect the whole world.
    Made by Kerry? what, the larger parts of that movie is official facts, anyone could have done it. And, there's no smoke without a fire, right? But that's just my opinion, as I've stated before, I don't know much about politics in America, I'm just trying to be rational :p
  20. Deva

    Deva New Member

    Righty then! (sorry for double-posting) It's just that I've heard that somewhere before, and believe me, those folks really did believe that ;)

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