Ideas for "themed" Original Sims gameplay Personally, I like Westerns. There was a movie, that reminded me of The Sims. Chriton's 1970's Westworld, with some actor named Brennar. What made things interesting is how the tourist get to interact, such as shooting a gunslinger. You could also choose to visit Romanworld and Medievil world as well. What makes a Western really "tick" is having characters perform certain tasks. The errand-person might need to get three items in order to make a bulletin. The town sheriff needs to interview three sim characters in order to catch a villian. What every Villian needs is three items to make a weapond to attack another sim, like a bullwhip - as opposed to the magick wand. Gameplay can get very interesting, when One Sim gets the Simoleans from the losing party. This would be another way for the Sim to Die. Bad side is they get visited by the ghost of their sim victims, which causes health points to deteriorate. One very important feature - would be "Poker" tables. A Western isn't complete without placing a bet against another Sim. The Original Sims talked about Llamas - Can't there be a Llama farm, with maybe some other farm animals as well to help complete the country rural theme with gardening veggies ? Temathi
A llama ranch would be great! But it looks like any more sims 1 themes will only be made by the fans, not by the official company, since Makin Magic was the last Expansion pack for sims 1 and they aren't planning on expanding that any more.
A "Who done it" Mystery Knock-off - Sim Game Play. Another fun feature... is to take what's out there, such as Clue... and put a new spin on it. Since the sims can make excellent game pieces - one can just develop a mock. The Sim may gain some Logic Points, and some kind of Simolean Reward. Even though there's never been anything violent from previous booster packs that were released from the original, there were different ways to knock a character unconscious. There will be certain pieces, such as Jewelery, Cards, Weapons, and just by having a conversation with one of the Guests at the Mansion which will Pop up some information. Every good Investigator needs a Stationary and Pen set - which lets The Sim pick which one did the dirty deed. Have all three things figured out, and get the Sim Butler - Alfread to announce who did it. If the Sim gets even part of it wrong about the Individual, Weapond, and Place it's been done... The Sim has to sleep another night in the Mansion. Let's just say that one or two characters will try to "off" your sim for every night one is stuck in the Mansion. There would be places in the garden and property for the Sim to protect themselves. More trinkets such as Morgan Simolean Coins can be dug up in the garden. Some other helpful items include finding keys to unlock inaccessible rooms to get certain clues. Temathi.
Wow, I'm not sure how that might work out as an expansion but I think it would be really interesting if someone tried to play this out and shared the adventures of their sims playing Clue this way, it could be a weekly or daily updated website like all the sims version of Big Brother and Survivor out there! ... it could be my NEW addiction....
That would be a fun way to play. It wopuld be made even better for the Sims 2. A mystery is always fun with other p[eople howevere... It would be cool if they made an Online Sims Clue!