Editing Meshes Is there any way to modify the actual MESHES used for skins? So that you could make different hair styles or something like that. Is there a program I need or something?
From hints we've had from Maxis, there will either be a tool for changing meshes (similar to the face changing one with sliders) or they will give us the white papers which explain how to do meshes (and objects) using Maya. We won't get anything before TS2 comes out, but hopefully it won't be too long after that. Our biggest stumbling block to making cool things at this point is not having enough selection in meshes.
I'm hoping they (or SOMEONE) will come out with tutorials for making new meshes in various 3d programs and, most importantly HOW to make those new meshes COMPATABLE with sims 2!
at the moment no, & I'm not sure if that is something I will be able to tackle! I think that we will need to rely on the super designers like the team at WDS to make these and hope that they would be happy to let people use them... Also...like the point about difficulty of making new outfits due to the limited range of meshes. I am really scratching my head about what to make at the moment...I want to make something fresh and new but can't because of the limited amount of meshes. The latest video does shows casie in action, which I found interesting - but after having a really good look at it I realised that the meshes aren't a lot different to what we have been given. Also that they tend to have one mesh with say 10 items based on it, which is o.k I guess but they are banging on about the vast collection of skins...(but not meshes!) Check out the video again and you will see what I mean.
Part 2 of the Warcry article http://www.warcry.com/scripts/columns/view_sectionalt.phtml?site=15&id=102&colid=3765 had this to say... ::Quote::We wanted to know if there are plans to make CASIE and CAS-like programs available for importing fan-created objects, and the modification of object surfaces, shape, and size... When we set about making The Sims 2, one of our objectives was to make it so that all things could be modified and customized by players. That said, some of the elements in the game are much harder to create tools for than others. We'll start with The Sims themselves with the release of The Sims 2 Body Shop. We hope to follow with the ability to customize household features, as we feel feasible move to meshes for Sims. We engage pretty often with some of the key fansites and creators of custom content to check on how things are going and what we might be able to do and support. ::EndQuote:: Looks like when TS2 comes out, it won't be as easy to edit meshes as we thought :-(
About the part of any other programs coming out to help create custom content is a sure, No, not before The Sims 2, but they do plan on having more programs in l8 fall and early winter... PS: the first The Sims 2 Expansion Pack comes out early next year