Amazing Race 5!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ManagerJosh, Jul 6, 2004.

  1. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    Amazing Race 5!

    Tuesday, July 6
    The Amazing Race is On
    Don't miss the exciting 90-minute season premiere Tuesday, July 6 at 9:30PM ET/PT, and watch as eleven new Teams of two start out on the ultimate race around the world for a one-million-dollar prize. Each week, they'll face their fears and take new risks while visiting some of the most breathtaking places in the world. They'll never know where they're going next or what they'll have to do once there. Each pair's relationship will be forever changed by their experience in this once-in-a-lifetime adventure.

    Get a head start on THE AMAZING RACE on the official website. Check out Amazing Moments with Phil Keoghan, our exclusive video interview, and meet the Teams to find out what their relationship is like at the starting line. Youll get Team profiles, photos, video and more.
  2. sugar_junkie

    sugar_junkie Active Member

    you know what this reminds me of? Derek and Drew..=P
  3. OinkUsed2BABunny

    OinkUsed2BABunny Perma-banned.

    I had the show on, but I didnt catch anything cos I was playing something else. :(
  4. Bryan

    Bryan Member

    Lets have a Woldsims Race!!
  5. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    Alison & Donny Zip into First, Dennis & Erika Eliminated

    A 75,000-mile race around the world began with a bang as ex-military man Jim fell on the boardwalk of the Santa Monica Pier. His injured knee required stitches and almost caused him and daughter Marsha to miss their flight to Uruguay. Once in Uruguay, Teams struggled to carry an enormous side of beef and faced their fears on a zip line 18 stories above the ground. After missing a clue at a Route Marker, married couple Chip & Kim and twins Kami & Karli were forced to go back, allowing dating couple Alison & Donny to cruise into first place. Nice guy Dennis allowed other Teams to take taxis in front of him and Erika, causing their last-place finish and elimination from THE AMAZING RACE.
    The fifth installment of THE AMAZING RACE began along the shores of the Pacific Ocean in Santa Monica, California, as lifeguard transport vehicles carried 11 Teams of two, each with a pre-existing relationship, to the world-famous Santa Monica Pier. The Teams are Brandon & Nicole, a dating Christian couple from Los Angeles; Kami & Karli, identical twins from Eugene, Oregon; Linda & Karen, best friends, mothers and amateur bowlers from Palmdale, California; Marshall & Lance, brothers who run a pizza restaurant in Dallas, Texas; Charla & Mirna, cousins from Baltimore, Maryland; Dennis & Erika, formerly engaged, now trying to find their way back together from New York; Bob & Joyce, widowers who found each other on the internet, from Mount Laurel, New Jersey; Colin & Christie, dating from Corpus Christie, Texas; Chip & Kim, married parents from Orange County, California; Jim & Marsha, an ex-military father/daughter wanting a closer relationship from Florida; and Alison & Donny, an on-again, off again-couple from Pennsylvania.

    Host Phil Keoghan met the Teams on the edge of the Santa Monica Pier, where he informed them there would be thirteen legs on this race, with eight being elimination points. However, he also warned of a new twist for the last-place Team on a non-elimination leg that would make their lives "very, very difficult." Wishing the Teams good luck and adding, "The world is waiting for you," Phil signaled the start of the race around the world for one million dollars.

    As the Teams ran along the boardwalk, two people--ex-military man Jim and Dennis--fell amid the jostling for position, but recovered quickly and joined the race to get their bags and the first clue. Switching on the afterburners, dating couple Colin & Christie ripped open their clue first and discovered they must find the hand in the sand in Uruguay. Teams also learned they could only travel on one of two available flights, on which seating was first come, first served.

    In the lead off the pier, dating couple Colin & Christie opted for surface streets, taking advantage of the fact that Christie used to live in Los Angeles. Meanwhile, twins Kami & Karli, dating couple Alison & Donny and couple Dennis & Erika all headed for the freeway. Marsha drove off the pier as her father, Jim, assessed his injury: a bloody knee caused when fell on a nail on the boardwalk. When Marsha expressed concern over the noticeable wound, Jim replied, "It's okay, baby! Go, go!"

    As the last-place Team, internet dating couple Bob & Joyce, left the pier, Colin & Christie were already seeing signs for LAX. The Texans continued to set the pace, arriving at the Park One parking lot first and taking a shuttle to the American Airlines terminal, intending to secure tickets on the earlier flight to Uruguay. In a battle for second place, brothers Marshall & Lance parked their car, followed closely by Dennis & Erika, Alison & Donny and Kami & Karli. Getting on a shuttle first, Marshall & Lance told their driver to continue past the other three Teams waiting to board. On the next shuttle, Dennis & Erika, Alison & Donny and Kami & Karli made a pact to work together to determine the better flight to take.
    With cousins Charla & Mirna lost and best friends Linda & Karen still on the freeway, Colin & Christie entered the American Airlines terminal, followed by Marshall & Lance. The two Teams quickly became perplexed when they couldn't find the flagged counter to purchase tickets. Their confusion allowed Dennis & Erika to arrive first at the American counter. Dennis & Erika's allies, Allison & Donny and Kami & Karli, were first to arrive at the United Airlines counter. BIG BROTHER 4 finalist Alison discovered that the United flight was leaving later than the American flight, but it would arrive in Uruguay first because of a shorter layover. She and Donny, along with Kami & Karli, were the first two Teams ticketed on the United flight, which could hold a total of seven Teams.

    Meanwhile, unaware of the information their alliance partners had received, Dennis & Erika purchased tickets on the slower American flight and held up the line forming behind them to secure two more seats for their friends. Married parents Chip & Kim, internet dating couple Bob & Joyce, brothers Marshall & Lance and dating couple Colin & Christie all expressed their discontent as Dennis stalled for almost twenty minutes, hoping his alliance members would return. Realizing the tension they were creating, Erika remarked, "Every other Team hates us right now!" Finally Kami & Karli arrived to deliver the news to Dennis & Erika that the United flight arrives an hour before the American flight. However, Dennis & Erika had already purchased their tickets on American and couldn't exchange them for the earlier-arriving United flight. Soon, also unaware of this information, Colin & Christie, Marshall & Lance and Chip & Kim secured the remaining three spots on the slower flight.

    Back at the United terminal, the late-arriving Teams, including Linda & Karen, Charla & Mirna and Jim & Marsha, all received a pleasant surprise when they learned they would be on the faster flight to Uruguay with Alison & Donny, Kami & Karli and dating couples Brandon & Nicole and Bob & Joyce. Jim & Marsha's celebration was tempered when an airport paramedic inspecting Jim's injury told him he required stitches. As Jim & Marsha were transported to a nearby emergency medical clinic, the four Teams on the slower American flight boarded their plane bound for Uruguay. Chip commented, "It's disconcerting being on a slower flight behind seven other Teams."

    In a race against the clock, Jim & Marsha arrived at the clinic, where Jim received medical attention. Leaving the clinic, Jim informed Marsha that his cut had required 25 stitches and had almost taken out a tendon. With their United flight now boarding, a nervous Jim & Marsha found themselves in traffic, unsure whether they would make the flight before it departed. The other six Teams were in their seats when Jim & Marsha rushed to the gate in the nick of time. Once on the plane, Jim joked, "Probably would have been quicker just to amputate the leg."
    After traveling more than 6800 miles, the first seven Teams landed in Uruguay to learn that they must take a 75-mile bus ride to the town of Punta del Este and find the hand in the sand, a statue that sits on the beach along some of the roughest waters in South America. The fingers of the statue represent the last thing you see of a person before they drown. All seven Teams on the earlier flight boarded the first bus leaving for Punta del Este just as the slower flight carrying the remaining four Teams landed in Uruguay. Getting on a bus forty minutes behind the first bus, Colin commented, "We're a little bit concerned about the fact that we're in the back of the pack."

    As Colin and the other Teams on the second bus worried, Brandon spotted the hand on the beach across the street as the first bus pulled into the station. Cousins Charla & Mirna took a quick lead running off the bus, but were soon passed by dating couple Brandon & Nicole, who reached the clue first. Opening it, the pair received instructions to travel by ferry to Gorriti Island to find their next clue. Believing that every second counts, dating couples Alison & Donny and Bob & Joyce, twins Kami & Karli, father/daughter Jim & Marsha and cousins Charla & Mirna all flagged down taxis to the port to catch a ferry. Only dating couple Brandon & Nicole and best friends Linda & Karen opted to walk. Pointing out that everybody else was taking cabs, Nicole became annoyed when Brandon replied, "It's okay. We have to save our money."

    Arriving at the port in first place, Bob & Joyce happily boarded the ferry, only to become disappointed at the appearance of Alison & Donny and Kami & Karli before the ferry could depart. Making it to the port a few minutes later, a limping Jim & Marsha and cousins Charla & Mirna took a second ferry to Gorriti Island. Still walking, an angry Nicole told Brandon, "We're in last now. We've got to focus on making smart decisions together." Brandon replied, "I need you to support me, Nic." The pair arrived at the dock with Linda & Karen and took a third ferry to the island.

    As the second bus carrying Colin & Christie, Dennis & Erika, Chip & Kim and Marshall & Lance arrived in Punta del Este; the first ferry reached the shores of Gorriti Island. Jumping off the ferry, Alison & Donny, Bob & Joyce and Kami & Karli all opened clues informing them to search among 100 marked trees in a nearby wooded area for tickets for ferries leaving the next morning at three different times: 8 am, 8:30 am and 9 am. Once a Team ripped a ticket off a tree, they could not change their minds. Running into the woods, Alison shouted at Donny, "Look for times before you rip it!" After finding an 8 am and a 9 am ticket, the pair kept looking while twins Kami & Karli grabbed an 8:30 am ticket, unaware they could have done better. As the second ferry carrying Charla & Mirna and Jim & Marsha landed on the island, Alison & Donny and Bob & Joyce each secured spots on the 8 am ferry the next morning. After rebuffing attempts by Charla & Mirna to work together, Jim & Marsha found an 8:30 am ticket. Charla & Mirna, also finding an 8:30 am ticket, said about Jim & Marsha, "They're playing nice, but they're not."

    Arriving on the third ferry, Linda & Karen found the final ticket for the 8 am ferry, leaving Brandon & Nicole to find 9 am tickets. Soon, the dating Christian couple was joined by the Teams on the final ferry. Colin observed, "Look, they're still looking for theirs." All five Teams took the remaining tickets on the 9 am ferry. A disappointed Brandon felt responsible for his Team going from the first flight to the last ferry because of his decision to walk to the port. Feeling in a similar position, Chip joked, "Here we go again. The bottom feeders."

    After a night of rest allowing Teams to relax and mingle with one another, Bob & Joyce, Alison & Donny and Linda & Karen departed Gorriti Island at 8 am, returning to the shores of Punta del Este. At the port, the three Teams found their next clue instructing them to make their way to the suburb of Maldonado to find the next Route Marker at the Jose Francisco Gonzales meat warehouse. They all decided to take the bus together to Maldonado just as Kami & Karli, Charla & Mirna and Jim & Marsha all docked at Punta del Este. The cousins quickly found the cluebox and sneaked away, leaving Jim & Marsha and Kami & Karli to walk endlessly up and down the docks. As Charla & Mirna hailed a taxi, the twins carelessly strolled passed the box. Charla remarked, "They wouldn't even talk to us. That's what they get for it."

    Arriving in Maldonado, Alison & Donny took a quick lead off the bus, but were shocked to see Charla & Mirna's taxi pull up behind them. Alison yelled, "There's the midget. Go!" Arriving at the meat warehouse, both Teams ripped open their clue. The clue instructed them to carry a 55-pound side of beef one-half mile to a butcher shop, La Rosada Carniceria. Once they complete the task, Teams would receive their next clue. With Bob & Joyce and Linda & Karen close behind, couple Alison & Donny took the lead. Donny carried the cumbersome beef, while Charla & Mirna struggled together.

    Couple Alison & Donny became the first Team to reach the Yield, a new feature in the Race. There is only one Yield on each leg of the Race. The Team that uses it may force a Team behind them to stop racing for a pre-determined length of time. A Team forced to Yield must turn over an hourglass and wait for the sand to run out before they move on, even as other Teams pass them. However, Teams can only exercise their Yield power once during the Race, so they must decide when it is in their best interest to use it. Alison & Donny decided not to exercise their Yield option on this leg and continued on with their side of beef. Meanwhile, back on the docks, Jim & Marsha and Kami & Karli finally found the cluebox just as the last five Teams arrived on shore from the 9 am ferry. All seven Teams raced to Maldonado in hopes of catching the four lead Teams.

    As Alison & Donny continued to lead the way, Bob & Joyce and Linda & Karen kept up, but Charla & Mirna showed signs of trouble. "The beef was disgusting," Mirna later complained, "The cow smelled. I don't even eat beef cooked, let alone just raw beef." As Mirna forced herself to continue carrying the heavy beef, Alison & Donny placed their side of beef in the meat locker at the carniceria and claimed their next clue. The clue instructed the Team to return to Punta del Este and find the Route Marker across the street from the blue and white hotel. Alison & Donny hurried into a cab as Bob & Joyce and Linda & Karen deposited their meat in second and third place.

    Finding the energy to keep walking, cousins Charla & Mirna realized they were lost and had walked four blocks past the butcher shop. This allowed twins Kami & Karli and the still-injured Jim & Marsha to catch up. Running out of the shop in fourth place, Charla & Mirna became exasperated looking for a taxi. Mirna lamented, "After we carried that beef, we cannot lose because we can't find a taxi." The cousins eventually found a taxi, but a logjam formed as the other seven Teams all completed the task and had to wait while locals called taxis for them.

    Standing in an area separate from the larger group, Marshall & Lance and Chip & Kim grabbed the next available cabs. Being the first of the larger group to call for a taxi, Kami & Karli also headed back to Punta del Este. Having called together, Dennis & Erika, Colin & Christie, Brandon & Nicole and Jim & Marsha had to decide which Teams got to take the taxis first. After the Los Angeles airport incident in which he held up the line, Dennis offered a "good faith gesture" and let the other three Teams take taxis first. This left Dennis & Erika to take the final cab to Punta del Este. A frustrated Erika told Dennis, "I don't know why you'd let them take a taxi before us."

    Dating couple Alison & Donny continued to set the pace, but instead of going to the cluebox across the street from the hotel, they entered the hotel itself after seeing yellow and red flags. Alison quickly realized their mistake, but the pair was passed by bowling moms Linda & Karen as both Teams opened their clue to discover a Detour. A Detour is a choice between two tasks, each with its own pros and cons. In this Detour, Teams had to choose either "Zips" or "Chips." Teams choosing Zips must make their way to the top of the hotel and pull themselves across a horizontal zip line 210 feet above the ground. Once on the other side, they must take a second zip line 18 stories down to the pool below. While this option was frightening, Teams with guts could finish quickly. Teams opting for Chips must make their way into the hotel casino to play roulette with 20 chips. They would receive their next clue only if they hit their number. While the task wasn't scary, the gamble was. If they didn't get the clue, they still had to complete the Zips option and would have only succeeded in wasting time. Linda & Karen, Alison & Donny and Bob & Joyce all made their way to the roof of the hotel to perform Zips.

    As the Teams geared up and pulled themselves across the zip line, Kami & Karli arrived at the hotel and followed the flags directly into the casino without finding the Route Marker. Unaware they made a mistake, the twins began playing the roulette game. On the roof, Alison overcame her fear of heights to complete the Zips Detour with Donny. The couple opened the next clue, which directed them to travel by taxi to the first Pit Stop ten miles away at Casa del Pueblo. The last Team to check in would be eliminated.

    Back in the casino, twins Kami & Karli got lucky and hit their bet, 17 black, thus winning their clue. Making the same mistake as the twins, married parents Chip & Kim also entered the casino without seeing the Route Marker and began to play roulette. The couple was soon joined by brothers Marshall & Lance, who got their Detour instructions before entering the casino. The brothers won on the first bet by playing their family's birthdays. Having also finished Zips, Linda & Karen joined Marshall & Lance, Alison & Donny and Chip & Kim, who completed Chips on the next bet after the brothers, in a cab race to the Pit Stop. On the way to Casa del Pueblo, Kami & Karli realized they may have made a mistake by not crossing the street from the blue-and-white hotel to get their clue.

    As Bob & Joyce finished the zip line, Brandon & Nicole and Jim & Marsha reached the cluebox and opted for Zips, while Charla & Mirna excitedly headed for Chips, declaring, "We are a gambling phenomenon." As Brandon & Nicole braved the heights of the zip line, Jim & Marsha got lost looking for the roof, allowing Colin & Christie to pass them. In the casino, cousins Charla & Mirna celebrated hitting their lucky number and rushed to the Pit Stop.

    Arriving at Casa del Pueblo, married parents Chip & Kim ran onto the mat, where Phil awaited them. After telling the couple they were first to arrive, Phil delivered the bad news that they had missed a Route Marker and had to retrieve it before they could check in. A stunned Chip & Kim hurried back to their cab, crying, "We are so dead, it's unbelievable," just as twins Kami & Karli received the exact same news from Phil forcing them to return to the hotel as well.

    This mistake allowed dating couple Alison & Donny to step onto the mat in first place. For their efforts, the pair won a trip to Hawaii, compliments of American Airlines website, About their win, Donny remarked, "To be number one feels great because we're going to lead ourselves and lead everyone in the pack." As Dennis & Erika arrived at the cluebox in last place, the couple chose Zips as Jim & Marsha began the task. Worried that her father's injury could hamper them, Marsha pulled herself across the expanse of the hotel.

    With brothers Marshall & Lance and bowling moms Linda & Karen finishing second and third respectively, married parents Chip & Kim and twins Kami & Karli raced back to the Cluebox at the hotel. Time was slowly running out for the two Teams to rectify their huge mistake as Bob & Joyce arrived in fourth place and cousins Charla & Mirna in fifth. As Jim & Marsha finished the zip line, Chip & Kim picked up the missed clue. Soon Dennis & Erika also completed the Detour, while Kami & Karli got the clue they missed earlier. Thus began a four-way race to avoid elimination.

    As Christian couple Brandon & Nicole claimed sixth place and couple Colin & Christie took seventh, the remaining Teams hoped for the best as they rode anxiously in their taxis. Erika remarked, "I hope this taxi driver knows exactly where he's going." Catching a huge break, Chip & Kim recovered from their mistake to finish in eighth place, followed by twins Kami & Karli in ninth place. In his taxi, a stunned Dennis said, "I can't believe it's coming down to this." Defying the odds after a potentially Race-ending injury, father/daughter Jim & Marsha finished in tenth place. Jim commented, "Pain is not a factor. Nobody's ever died from pain. I still think we can win this thing."

    Arriving at the Pit Stop in last place, dating couple Dennis & Erika were informed by Phil that they were eliminated from THE AMAZING RACE. Erika quipped, "We knew our downfall was Dennis' kindness. But I'd rather be with a nice guy than a jerk." Dennis reflected on the experience with his partner, "Erika's a great girl. I love her to death. I really feel like the Race showed that we were really meant for each other." Erika added, "I can't imagine myself with anybody other than Dennis. He's amazing to everybody, and I wouldn't want to be with anybody other than him."
  6. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    Wow... that's quite an update! Thanks! :D I almost feel like I didn't miss anything even though I didn't get to see the show! :p
  7. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member


    [​IMG]Monday, July 12


    Alison & Donny Zip into First; Dennis & Erika Eliminated
    Punta Ballena, Uruguay. THE AMAZING RACE 5 got off to a rough start for one contestant as 11 Teams set out from the Santa Monica Pier in Los Angeles, California on a quest for a the million-dollar prize. Ex-military man Jim fell down amid the frenzy running along the boardwalk from the starting line, resulting in a leg wound severe enough to warrant stitches at a nearby medical clinic. In Uruguay, married parents Chip & Kim and twins Kami & Karli both made the costly mistake of missing a Route Marker, but managed to complete the course in the nick of time. Alison & Donny arrived first at the Pit Stop, but by allowing other Teams to take a taxi in front of them, polite dating couple Dennis & Erika stepped on the mat in last place to become the first Team eliminated from THE AMAZING RACE 5.

    Next on THE AMAZING RACE, Tuesday, July 13, at 10 PM ET/PT
    • On the streets of Buenos Aires, one Team implodes during a disastrous Detour.
    • A fight over a taxi causes bad blood between two Teams struggling to avoid elimination.
    • On a hunt for a Route Marker, several Teams receive incorrect information, costing valuable time.
    Live Chat with Host Phil Keoghan
    Tuesday, July 13 at 3:30PM ET/12:30PM PT Get a head start on THE AMAZING RACE by joining the live chat with Phil Keoghan, only on the official AMAZING RACE website.

    While you're there, check out Amazing Moments with Phil Keoghan, our exclusive video interview. You can also meet the Teams and find out what their relationship is like at the starting line of THE AMAZING RACE. You'll see Team profiles, photos, video and more!
  8. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    So has anyone watched this season yet? What did people think of Episode 2? :D
  9. Flameback777

    Flameback777 Josh's Servant Staff Member

    I can say that I haven't watched any of it yet. :(

    I have to wait until the EVIL channel 7 :)mads::mad::tired: )puts it on. So I haven't read any of your updates yet (Although it's so tempting! :p).
  10. wize_guy123

    wize_guy123 A ***** Retiree

    I've seen all three episodes so far... it can get very exciting after a while.... but then you get people yelling at each other then it gets halarious! :eek:
  11. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member


    [​IMG][​IMG]Tuesday, July 20


    Brandon & Nicole First in Buenos Aires
    Buenos Aires, Argentina. As Teams made their way from Uruguay to Argentina, tensions began to rise. Father/daughter Jim & Marsha found themselves in last place after taking bad advice from bowling moms Linda & Karen. Dating couple Alison & Donny imploded during the dog-walking Detour when Donny's inability to navigate the streets caused Alison to berate him. Fearing elimination, married parents Chip & Kim and twins Kami & Karli fought over a taxi, causing ill will between the two Teams. In the end, after taking a slow bus into the countryside of Argentina, dating couple Alison & Donny became the second Team eliminated from THE AMAZING RACE.

    Next on THE AMAZING RACE, Tuesday, July 20, at 10PM ET/PT
    • After receiving assistance from a Team, another Team breaks their newly formed alliance.
    • The relationship between two Teams deteriorates as everyone fights for airline tickets.
    • A high-flying Detour tests one racer's fear of heights.
    Visit the official AMAZING RACE website to see Amazing Moments with Phil Keoghan, our exclusive preshow interview. While you're there, don't miss Been There, Done That, a new feature that invites fans to write in about each week's destination.
  12. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    Race Report: THE AMAZING RACE Bulletin, Issue 4


    [​IMG]Monday, July 26


    Colin & Christie Glide into First
    Bariloche, Argentina. While tension still simmered between married parents Chip & Kim and twins Kami & Karli after the previous leg's taxi standoff, new rivalries erupted in the Buenos Aires airport as Teams jockeyed for the first flight to San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina. Cousins Charla & Mirna felt betrayed when their new alliance partners, dating Christians Brandon & Nicole, took a better offer and bought tickets with father/daughter Jim & Marsha. Charla & Mirna also clashed with brothers Marshall & Lance, prompting Marshall to declare, "I hate [Mirna] so much I can't even explain to you." The cousins got the last laugh as they coasted to another second place finish behind dating couple Colin & Christie, while Marshall & Lance narrowly escaped last place. Jim & Marsha arrived last and became the third Team eliminated from THE AMAZING RACE.

    Next on THE AMAZING RACE, Tuesday, July 27, at 10PM ET/PT
    • An intense personal dislike fuels a fight between two Teams.
    • One Team forms an alliance with three other Teams, only to break it when it becomes inconvenient for them.
    • Two racers are tested to their physical and mental limits at a grueling Roadblock.
    Visit the official AMAZING RACE website to read Jim & Marsha's exclusive After the Race interview. While you're there, read fan stories about Buenos Aires at Been There, Done That, a new feature that invites fans to write in about each week's destination.
  13. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    Race Report: THE AMAZING RACE Bulletin, Issue 5

    Monday, August 2


    Chip & Kim Eat up Competition
    St. Petersburg, Russia. After three legs in the warm South American sun, Teams bundled up and headed north to snowy Russia. At the bus station in Bariloche, Argentina, dating couple Colin & Christie and cousins Charla & Mirna squared off in a battle to get the best tickets, ratcheting up the tension between the two Teams. Colin & Christie and dating Christians Brandon & Nicole led all Teams into Russia, but watched their lead completely evaporate as Christie and Nicole faltered at the Roadblock, where they had to eat two pounds of caviar. Their struggle paved the way for married parents Chip & Kim to claim first place, while internet dating couple Bob & Joyce became the fourth Team eliminated from THE AMAZING RACE.

    Next on THE AMAZING RACE, Tuesday, August 3, at 10PM ET/PT
    • Injuries cause serious problems for two Teams.
    • Poor map-reading skills threaten to sink one Team lost in the Egyptian desert.
    • Rivalry between two Teams continues at the St. Petersburg airport.
    Visit the official AMAZING RACE website to read Bob & Joyce's exclusive After the Race interview. While you're there, read fan stories about San Carlos de Bariloche at Been There, Done That, a new feature that invites fans to write in about each week's destination.
  14. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member


    In a close race to the airport, car problems strand two Teams on the roadside. Will the other Teams stop to help?

    After a fight with a cab driver, Colin is hauled off to the local police station for questioning, threatened with being thrown in jail.

    The stress of travel leads one Team member to say to the other, "I want a different relationship."

    Dont miss all the action Tuesday, August 24 at 10PM ET/PT.

    Tuesday, August 24

    Been to This Weeks Destination?
    Have you got any tips or tales to share with other travelers? If so, Click here to send us your story. Every week, we post our favorites on the Amazing Race website.

    Got a Caption for This Photo?
    One picture is worth a thousand words, and we want to read yours! Click here to submit your caption for this Photo Finish photo. Every week, we post our favorites on the Amazing Race website.

    We were invited for tea in a caf
    Sarabeth, Woodland Hills, CA

    We were in Egypt about five years ago and had a fabulous time. The best night was when we walked across the bridge over the Nile and entered into the local neighborhood. We were the only Americans and were very welcomed. We were invited for tea in a caf, where I was pretty much the only woman, although I was treated with much respect. It was wonderful more

    To read all the stories, click here.

    Consistent with their Incredible Shrinking Lead, Colin chooses an Incredible Shrinking Horse.
    Tracey, Hockessin

    Wow, look at the *** on that donkey!
    Rob, Fort Worth, TX

    This is not what Eeyore expected when he signed up to be on THE AMAZING RACE.
    Becky, Baltimore, MD

    In a bizarre twist, Teams are forced to select new partners. Tired of Christie, Colin makes a rash selection.
    Brenda, Medicine Hat

    To see all the captions, click here.
  15. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member


    Linda & Karen get into a dispute with a local cab driver, who gets the local police involved.

    Infighting plagues a couple of Teams, who struggle to complete the Roadblock. Frustration leads one teammate to exclaim, "You know, I could do that much better than you!"

    One Team chooses to go for the Fast Forward but is shocked to learn they must shave their heads. Will they do it and take the Fast Forward?

    SPECIAL AIRTIME Tuesday August 31, at 8PM ET/PT

    Monday, August 30

    Been to This Weeks Destination?
    Have you got any tips or tales to share with other travelers? If so, Click here to send us your story. Every week, we post our favorites on the Amazing Race website.

    Got a Caption for This Photo?
    One picture is worth a thousand words, and we want to read yours! Click here to submit your caption for this Photo Finish photo. Every week, we post our favorites on the Amazing Race website.

    My most memorable moment was watching an elephant
    Lindsey, Athens, GA

    I was awestruck by this beautiful African soda lake oasis during my month-long study abroad trip with the University of Georgia this May. My most memorable moment was watching an elephant unabashedly rub his rump on a fallen tree about 20 feet away from our truck, all the while paying no attention to us. We visited other parks, but this was the closest we ever came to some animals, including huge elephants, playful baboons, a lazy monitor lizard.

    To read all the stories, click here.

    They really had to restrain Chip from eating the camera.
    Krystle, Boston, MA

    A second later, a baby ostrich burst out of Chip's stomach.
    Chris, Port St. Lucie

    Chip is instantly excited when he spies the Tanzanian buffet.
    Sabrina, Victoria, BC

    "This is how wide I had to open my mouth to eat that ostrich egg."
    Chris, Eureka, IL

    To see all the captions, click here.
  16. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    Race Report: THE AMAZING RACE Bulletin, Issue 9


    Two Teams go head to head at the airport, vying for the last two available seats on an important flight.

    Realizing they have failed to secure a good flight, Kami & Karli try lying to ticket agents as a strategy. Will it work, or will they find themselves far behind?

    An argument spurred by one Racer's driving develops into a bigger fight that tests one Team's relationship. Will it affect their performance on this leg of the Race?

    Fear is not an option for several Racers, who chose a Detour that plunges them headfirst into powerful whitewater rapids.

    See all this and more Tuesday, September 7, 8PM ET/PT

    Tuesday, September 7

    Been to This Weeks Destination?
    Have you got any tips or tales to share with other travelers? If so,
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    Definitely try the wadi-bashing and the sandboarding
    Amy, Manama, Bahrain (originally Chicago)

    Dubai is a happening city. The Middle East definitely isn't just tents & camel rides. See the Burj and spend the day at Wild Wadi Water Park: it's a blast, and you'll feel like a kid again, despite the 100+ temps. Visit Dubai, and definitely try the wadi-bashing and the sandboarding. You might be surprised at how modern Dubai is, with all the new architectural plans and good shopping! I've been living in the region for eight months, and Dubai is a great place for me to take a weekend getaway

    To read all the stories,
    click here.

    "Kami, let me tell you, things were so much simpler at the Blue Lagoon!"
    Dawn, Olympia

    Coming this fall to CBS Daytime: "The Young and the Clueless."
    Bruce, Garden City

    The blonde leading the blonder?
    Noni, Milton-Freewater, OR

    Yes, it's a perm
    Wanda, Charlotte, NC

    To see all the captions,
    click here.
  17. copter

    copter New Member

    I can remember that show a year ago in Australia. It was pretty cool-except the Channel Seven Network moved its timeslot to something like 12:30AM :(
  18. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member


    One Team gets lost right out of the Pit Stop and starts fighting with each other.

    Several Racers have to face their fear of heights in a harrowing Roadblock that forces them to walk across a narrow girder high above the waters of Auckland Harbor. Will they be able to complete the task?

    After 10 legs of the Race, one Team finally decides to use the Yield. The Yielded Team is stunned and furious. Will time lost during the Yield mean elimination?

    One Team finds themselves stuck in the mud at the mercy of a stubborn ox.

    See all this and more Tuesday, September 14, 8PM ET/PT

    Monday, September 13

    Been to This Weeks Destination?
    Have you got any tips or tales to share with other travelers? If so, Click here to send us your story. Every week, we post our favorites on the Amazing Race website.

    Got a Caption for This Photo?
    One picture is worth a thousand words, and we want to read yours! Click here to submit your caption for this Photo Finish photo. Every week, we post our favorites on the Amazing Race website.

    He came back with a tiny goat under each arm
    Christa, Seal Beach

    In a little village in India I saw an elderly man wearing a long robe standing by the gate of a house. I am shy about asking people to have their photo taken, so I smiled and gestured to my camera. The man shook his head, pointed to the ground and disappeared. Puzzled, I hung around. He came back with a tiny goat under each arm and happily posed for my picture. This was my favorite photo of India.

    To read all the stories, click here.

    "Not a bowling ball, Karen, a BRICK!"
    Pam, Hamilton, OH

    "Just a few more blocks over here, Karen, and we'll have Colin trapped!"
    Mike, Saint Paul, MN

    "Are you SURE we shouldn't shave our heads?"
    Audrey, Plainfield, IN

    Frustrated by the game, the Bowling Moms decide to build their own Pit Stop.
    Lauren, McLean

    To see all the captions, click here.
  19. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    NOOO! Colin and Christie didn't get eliminated....NOO!!!
  20. kristygal

    kristygal New Member

    I liked Colin & Christie even though he was a hot-head. They deserved to win the game unlike Brandon/Nicole & Chip/Kim. I guess I'll cheer on the bowling moms now.

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