Another Sims 2 Box Shot

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by ManagerJosh, Jul 8, 2004.

  1. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    Another Sims 2 Box Shot

    Another Box Shot of The Sims 2 has surfaced...

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  2. Supernova

    Supernova New Member

    So this ones the same as the other ones. Cept its a box instead of a picture?
  3. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    We're getting closer if they've made the packaging. ;) :D
  4. Trinasis

    Trinasis New Member

    I like the way the box looks it's very tempting to buy right away!
  5. wize_guy123

    wize_guy123 A ***** Retiree

    I wonder if there will be 2 different pics on either side of the box... and tell me when they come up with a pic of the back of the box...
  6. grizfan235

    grizfan235 New Member

    Sweet box design, can't wait!:)
  7. Trinasis

    Trinasis New Member

    Yeah I seen the box in a gamestop paper!
  8. Supernova

    Supernova New Member

    There is usually a different thing on the back. Like a preview of whats inside. Unless the have a little flip thing on the front that has everything about the game on the inside, there should be something on the back.
  9. Trinasis

    Trinasis New Member

    I seen the gamestop paper and it had it up there with the box picture. The picture is in the stores now!
  10. wize_guy123

    wize_guy123 A ***** Retiree

    I just hope this is the box shot it is a very good one if you ask me!

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