Are you a Legacy or Modern User?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ManagerJosh, Jul 16, 2004.

  1. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    Are you a Legacy or Modern User?

    Question says it all...

    If you guys don't know what it means, basically I'm asking whether if you are a traditional Legacy user, which means having the username on the left side of the post.

    If you are a modern user, you have the usernames on the top of the post
  2. Flameback777

    Flameback777 Josh's Servant Staff Member

    Maybe I should just pick one. :eek:
    If I were to pick one it would be legacy.
  3. SolidSnake_19

    SolidSnake_19 Senior Moderator

    I would be a Legacy User.
  4. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    Legacy, I do better with the information on the side where I don't get it mixed up with the posts! :p Also it's easier for me to scan through as I scroll up or down to find the last post I made in that thread.
  5. huskerman007

    huskerman007 The Monkey

    I like legacy.
  6. OinkUsed2BABunny

    OinkUsed2BABunny Perma-banned.

    Didnt even know such things existed...

    Too lazy to even find out how to change it back, so I'm now stuck being a Modern.

    Solid and Fae have almost as many posts as Josh, but how come they both only have 1 green fame dot each when Josh's name is "known to all"? :p
  7. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    its a repuitation point :).... You get as many as people list...

    BTW need to visit more often :p
  8. Colonel Froggie

    Colonel Froggie Lord of the Frogs

    I like them names on the SIDE, thank-you-verymuch.
  9. Supernova

    Supernova New Member

    Gah? I ahvent changed it since i signed up, so what does that mean mine is?
  10. Colonel Froggie

    Colonel Froggie Lord of the Frogs

    You can CHANGE it!? :eek:
  11. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

  12. Colonel Froggie

    Colonel Froggie Lord of the Frogs

    I;ve been to that screen, but I geuss I just never saw that lil' tiny button there.

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