What Pets Do You Wish They'd Add? Hello fellow Simmers - the title says it all: What kind of pets do you hope they'll add to an expansion? For myself I hope they add more of a variety than just cats and dogs. I like to see a few variations of reptiles (which dont have to be as interactive as cats/dogs) and maybe more different mammals, like ferrets and monkeys, etc. What would everyone else like to have as a pet?
I really hope they'll add a large variety of pets. Included big and small dogs(St. benards and taco bell dogs) and some fat cats would be really fun. Iguanas are a must because they would be so cool to watch running around the lots.onder:
I wish they'd add ferrets, chinchillias, dogs, cats. and more but I would love to see the ferrets. I have two ferrets of my own. So that is what I would want to see!
I really like the ferretts and monkeys in addition to more variety of cats and dogs. I'd love it if my sims could have more small animals like hamsters, guinea pigs, rats, mice, sugar-gliders, rabbits, gerbils etc. that could have little mazes, and those plastic balls that let them run around the house and explore and exercise without escaping behind furniture. And I'd love more interactive toys to play with the pets, like balls and frisbees for playing with dogs, and those wands with string and a fake fluffy mouse on the end for cats to pounce when you wave it around.
It'd be fun to have mythical pets too. Like a dragon or unicorn. Then they could torch a special character that woulld show up, like a knight or something.
If the guinea pig doesn't make a return, I'll go mental. Those critters were so cute. Especially when they bit the Sims ^_^
The guinea pigs were not cute at all! Not only did they kill my Sims, all they look like is a ball of fluff animation. I can't see how thats very cute.
I admit that the idea of more interesting animals does appeal to me....although, contrary to Sold's wishes, I'm not sure about the reptiles but I admit that the mythical beast idea is kinda cool. If we start bringing in alien life forms will we struggle with the same issue that William Shatner did when he was overrun by those furry little creatures on the Enterprise!? Hmm, imagine a simworld overtaken by tribbles...(that was what they were called wasn't it? Sorry, I'm not a big Star Trek fan!) I like the idea of the additional games, mazes for your pets but admit that this sounds like a lot of memory to run the game...
I say, to hell with game size! As long as they put some freakin awesome pets in (and not just dogs and cats) I'll be happy.
Hmm....... Maybe they could put in like poodles or chiuauas or bulldogs or somthing. At least a HUGE variety of cats and dogs.
There are going to be EP like Unleased 2 and stuff like that.... but it might have a different name.... Where do you get an alien animal????!
That would be funny. Like a sort of alien purple octopus or squid thing that jumps on peoples faces .
Try looking at some of the hacked object sites. I can't remember which one it is (and I just saw it, didn't get it) but it's one of the ones which have a black background and bright lettering (reds and electric blues) when you pull up the website.
I's like to see more realistic/interactive birds. As a parrot owner I was pretty disappointed with the birds in Unleashed and even though I love birds IRL, my sims never have them b/c they're such a useless pain in the butt.
Yeah, the birds weren't much fun. They just sat there, they didn't even fly around and attack people..tehe
I never like unleashed for the pets. I like it for the new increased neighborhood size. I wish the pets were more fun in the Sims 2. In unleashed they all are a royal pain in the butt.