What Pets Do You Wish They'd Add?

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by SolidSnake_19, Jul 18, 2004.

  1. swro

    swro New Member

    :cool: hay

    i'm new--how is everyone?
    i think it would be cool to have a saint bernard skin or wolf skins, you know the larger dog skins
    never made one before--like i said new to game--is really hard to make skins for animals?
    later dudes:cool:
  2. swro

    swro New Member

    this is for grizfan235:cool:

    i like the way you think---st.bernards are cool---think it would be cool to have taco bell dawg and the gecko lizzard in the game--you know he looks so cool in the shades riding around in the cars

  3. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    no snakes, please. but for an unusual pet, maybe a horse, ridable of course. and if you go with a country theme how about chickens. there are some really cool chickens... or how about an "easter" bunny that leaves neat things for the tots?
  4. grizfan235

    grizfan235 New Member

    Thanks SWRO!

    The best(and only) way to go with a pets expansion for S2 would be to go all the way. Unleashed had only one size of pets for cats/dogs, we need variety and a lot more interaction with them....:)
  5. Supernova

    Supernova New Member

    Snakes would take some crazy animation skills. I mean they are ALL joints. They have to be able to move at any point, and have smooth movement. I think snakes are out of the question in any event.
  6. grizfan235

    grizfan235 New Member

    Yeah, everybody would die from snake bites...:(
  7. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    maybe, but they would be a great solution to those pesky bugs and rodents.
  8. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    Snake animation might be easier that you think, but they might have to only have the snake taken out of it's terrarium to play with it or feed it with specific interactions. I don't think they'd want to animate the snake actually moving through the house chasing down mice... though that would be pretty exciting!! ;)

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