Tso I don't play online subscription games because I'm not going to pay for something monthly if another game I buy could offer the same gameplay for a one time fee.
If it doesn't help Augment the CD Sims Game Play - Why ? One would expect that the Game would play "FASTER" and you can do much more unusual things - such as developing your own worlds for others to try and experience. Are there things that were developed in TSO - that maybe both the P.C. and the Mac Users might enjoy using in their own game off line ? The Macintosh Users lost out on having the chance to play TSO. --- Were you somehow expecting us to Purchase a Gateway or a DELL ? Sorry, I just don't plans to buying a windows product. Temathi
I don't care for the competitive aspects of the online gaming experience. I prefer to play my Sims in the nice safe environment of my home by myself, perhaps with a friend or my husband nearby.
I always hated massivly multiplayer games. So what, I pay 60 to 80 bucks for a game, and then i have to pay 40 bucks a month to play it? I mean gimme a friggin break. I can't believe people fall for that crap.
i was actually one of the original beta testers myself. once that went up, i quit playing simply cuz i couldnt afford the subscription. between then and now ive occasionally went back with the 14 day trials and quite frankly, not much has changed. still mostly the same objects and all. and it still takes forever to earn enough money to buy smething decent. if i were you id go for the 14 day trial first and see how you like it.
The whole idea of being able to chat with people as Sims was cool but it would be better if it was set up as an IM service inside the game... Like I would start to play the game then invite a friend over. If they're online she get's a message, "EwanGirl5 would like to invite you to play the Sims" she would choose yes and it would start up the game with her Sim at my house and we could play. It would be more like the console version with multiplayers but there would be a little chat window at the bottom (or in the world bubbles of course) and you could chat while playing. But if they aren't online you could choose to play with a stranger. The only thing I could compare this to is the chess or checkers game where you can play with a stranger online, it searches online, finds another lonely player then pairs you up with them. This would work best for people with DSL but if you set up a time with a friend you could both sign online.
I played TSO once when I signed up to be a tester and it was fun for a while but since I had a modem it was holding up the phone and it took too long to load. If there was no subscription for it I would play it but there's no way I'm buying it for $50 then spending another $40 each month. I love The Sims... But not that much.
I have a vendetta against Massivly Multiplayer games. I hate the fact that "hey, even though you aleady bought our game, you have to keep paying us to play it". Its like their plan to soak us for money. I will only play a game like that when its free. Theyd probably make more money that way, cause more people would buy it.
I actually used to play Sims Online when I got the game, but I got rid of my account instead of paying the monthly fee when my 3 months that came with the game ran out. I didn't like it that it was competitive trying to get people to your house, or that no one TALKED when working on skills, or that your skill you were working on could go DOWN AS YOU STUDIED for it!
I only played TSO when the beta was out. After that I could care less if I played it again... Mostly because it was hard to get a decent house and improving stats was a pain in the butt. If I wasn't online for a day or so I'd come back to my character and its stats would have dropped from max (10) to about 5 or 7. That may have only been a problem while testing it out but I didn't want to risk spending money on a $75 game and the monthly cost of $15-20 when I have a perfectly fine version with the one-time fee of $30 (plus dial-up with that game is torture). :\