New MUST SEE SIMS Video on Japan Website!!!!

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Pimms, Jul 29, 2004.

  1. Pimms

    Pimms New Member

    New MUST SEE SIMS Video on Japan Website!!!!

    Hi everyone I just wanted to pass this information on to all the Sims 2 lover out there... I have been hungry for updates and found a link to the Sims 2 Japan website where they have just posted a new video today. I believe it is a japan version of what maxis put out in their E3 demo. This video is of course in japanese but it shows many new interactions and events that we have not yet seen in any videos. Part of it shows a baby being born, a boy sim misbehaving, a sim proposing etc. and so much more you MUST check this video out even though it is not in english you will not be disapointed. If you have trouble playing it just keep pressing the play button and it will play or wait awhile (it could have just been my computer that was having problems... the video would keep pausing). I will check out the other videos and see if any of them are different from the ones on the english site. Enjoy the video it is well worth the time. Sims 2 rocks!!!

    oh almost forgot lol here is the link to the site:
    hope that link works if not it is the fifth button down to get to the video section. Have fun.
    :eek: ~Pimms~:eek:
  2. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    Cool! Thanks for the link! I was looking at some Japanese Screenshots the other day to see new stuff, the money tree I saw had yen or something, so I wonder if they have green money for the American version of the game? What color ARE Simoleans, anyway? ;)

    I'm off to see the video!! Yay! :bunny:
  3. ringleesim

    ringleesim Computer Overlord

    I just saw it.... and i thought... if only i spoke japanese...:rolleyes:

    I thought it was cool.... I'm gonna ask Maxis why they dont have movies like that..
  4. Pimms

    Pimms New Member

    Yes Yes it is a very excellent video considering the japenese person speaking throughout it. I was fun to see the new events and interactions. I would like to ask Maxis that too we need more updates and videos more more lol. I can't stop checking for updates help I am obsessed. Wish the game had come out before I have to go back to school and work. I sat on my butt the whole summer would have been nice to have sims 2 to play. Now my work and studies will suffer because all my time will be on sims 2 lol. Anyway everyone please check out the video you won't be disapointed.
  5. ringleesim

    ringleesim Computer Overlord

    Yes, yes check it out... (if only they had an American version)
  6. Supernova

    Supernova New Member

    It is really annoying how the video keeps pausing. But no matter. it still contains vital information :rolleyes: :D :p .
  7. grizfan235

    grizfan235 New Member


    After I played it through once with pausing, I just refreshed page and it played fine..;)
  8. ringleesim

    ringleesim Computer Overlord

    Well it is from japan it took a while to load to 100% especially if you played Hi Res. we were probably watching it at 98%...
  9. Supernova

    Supernova New Member

    It was really annoying when I watched it. near the end it paused every few seconds.
  10. afropower234

    afropower234 Truly Ancient

    It paused when i watched it and i got anoyed and ended the movie and reopened the link and it worked fine.
  11. ijRoberts

    ijRoberts New Member

    I downloaded the video from the site, and after it finished, it played fine on my computer all the way through.

    If you're having trouble viewing it while it's streaming, try downloading it.
  12. Trinasis

    Trinasis New Member

    how do you download it?
  13. ijRoberts

    ijRoberts New Member

    Wherever I found the link to the movie, I hit the right mouse button and selected "Save Target As". That allows you to save the movie, but only if the link is directly to the movie and not a webpage that the movie is on.
  14. Trinasis

    Trinasis New Member

    oh ok thanks for your help
  15. Pimms

    Pimms New Member

    Oh yes just wanted to say that the family that is in part of the video is the goth family. The old man with white hair is Mortimer, the little annoying boy is Alexander and the woman with weird pig-tail hair is Casandra. Just letting you guys know about that so you can see what the Goth family is like now. And no sign of Bella in the video or in the game as far as I can see from all the screenshots etc.

    Also go here to see screenshots of the family You can see the mansion etc. Mortimer swimming and others.

  16. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    What a great link.... thanx wish I read japanese too.

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