That's pretty funny. I had them in boring careers like Morty in science and Bella with sports/acting/politics. Though I never used them with SS careers because I thought they were a little square for my young hip StudioTown.
Ya the Goths dont really seem... well... They just have no "it" factor i suppose. Being cubic people and all lol.
No, they didn't really have much. Though they're house of pretty interesting with the graveyard/ghosts... I had a lot of fun making them fight with each other!
Yeah, they had a big g-yard. With 8-9 stones in it and the ghosts would come out at around 2am to try to spook anyone that was up.
That annoyed me so much! My sims would wake up to be spooked. Couldnt get any sleep with all those darn ghosts even though I do love the Goth familiy anyways ^.^
I built a fence around the graveyard to keep the ghosts from bothering my people and they stated "cloning" sims. It was very un-nerving to see little Cassandra Goth out there crying because she was starving and freezing and wanted out of the graveyard, when the real Cassandra would be comfortably asleep in her bed. LOL LOL
But can't the ghosts just fly through the fence??? I mean, you think they would put that in the game since when you think of ghosts you know they can fly through stuff... and did I make any darn sense?!?
Pixie I know what that word mean but I asked a question! Why is it impossible to make bella? It wasn't really directed to you but it was like a question...are you going to mae her etc etc etc whatever that is up to you guys! But is it impossible to make her? Pixie you shouldn't act like that It was a question to see what other people say! I don't think it's impossbile if I wanted to make her!
LOL! No, they weren't really ghosts, I think. They were clones or something. Because I'd wind up with 2 of the same Sim. I used Cassandra for an example.
My ghosts were a little girl named Bratty and a couple of Aunts/Uncles and grandparents that looked more like Bella than Mortimer..
I never played them at all except when I was new and did the freaking tutorial, then I deleted them for the lot. The Goths too, I played them a while but the first time a gost came out it gave me a heart attak and I deleated the gravyard and eventually the whole family and I moved in a mobster family. LoL! But when they were there I accually like Cassandra the best she was a good kid, smart and creative. I think I might accually play the new Goths in sims2, sounds interesting!