confuse about design i read the the mannual for designing the sims, but i'm still confuse about how i am suppose to design things in the sims body shop. if someone can give me a breif set of instruction, that will be great. thanks!
First, open BodyShop and select Start New Project. Then decide whether you want to make clothes, or makeup type stuff, or genetics, which is eye and hair and skin color. Pick one and select the Maxis default that is CLOSEST to what you'll be wanting to make, then Click the Export Selected Textures button. This will let you name a folder where your Project will be saved. The next screen will show you EXACTLY where your project has been saved to. Use that File Path to find the graphics in whatever Paint program you want to use to make your own designs. Open Paint, or whatever Pant Program you'll use and select File then Open, and hunth through the computer to find the Project Name Folder and open ALL the files in that folder. You can then paste logos on shirts, recolor hair or eyes, etc. to modify and make it your own design. When you're finished hit Save and be sure it's saved as the same file name and file TYPE as it was when you started. Then go back to your BodyShop window and you can enter your tooltip, this helps you know the name of your creation when you use in on a sim in BodyShop or in the game when it comes out. Click the Import Into Game button when you're all done, and it's finished! To see what your creation looks like before you've decided it's done, save the file and refresh in BodyShop by clicking the curvy arrow to the left of the tooltip. You should see the current version of the saved file on your sim and decide if you want to change it any more before you're final version. Hope this helps, have fun!
Hahaha well I used to be one but I kind of vanished off the face of the net for a while and got demoted. I'm fine just dropping in and trying to keep up and help out where I can.