Custom content and ingame movement!

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by nanshi_nibble, Aug 3, 2004.

  1. nanshi_nibble

    nanshi_nibble New Member

    Custom content and ingame movement!

    One thing that has perplexed me at length about creating items in the game is how our skins will look when they are in movement. Will they work the way we intended? How will an item look in a certain light (if we shade it a certain way)? Will it flow around the body correctly when a sim moves etc...and egads how will it look in S U P E R closeup shots!!!

    Just a little topic I thought I might throw in the mix to see what kind of comment might come back ('cause I certainly have no idea).

  2. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member

    Shading can be interesting with the custom content. I try to shade mine in a similar way to the ones from Maxis. But sometimes I think that things have almost too much shading.

    I can't wait to see them in action, myself.
  3. Supernova

    Supernova New Member

    It would be neat if there was a movement option in bodyshop. Then we could see how the movement flows with our skins!
  4. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member

    On the free bonus disc that I just got from Gamestop it shows some CAS and they seem to be quite animated, not just twirling with the arms up or down like in the current version of BodyShop.

    However, in this week's letter from Lucy she said that one of the updates to the iwithgame version of BodyShop was that you could view the body from several angles and more close up (which would be nice since the current version you only see a closeup of the face and shoulders), and that they would move more. So I suspect that BodyShop will have more movement when we have the updated version which doesn't have to be small enough to download!
  5. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    Yes, I heard that toom and look forward to being able to zoom in further to inspect my skins and make sure the textures still look good close up! That's one of the things I've been paranoid about, that my sim will look fine at the current default zooms BodyShop comes with, but start looking BAD if I were zoomed in closer like will happen in the game! :eek:
  6. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member

    LOL! You aren't the only one!

    I've also been paranoid about textures. I've noticed that no matter how "bumpy" the texture map is, the outfit still looks plain/smooth. I think that it's my non-T&L card not letting me see it. (September can't come fast enough. I get to get a different computer in September, then my husband gets this one.)

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