The Fire, The Burgler, and Buy mode I ALWAYS hated how when the burgler came or a fire started You couldent open Buy/Build mode. I usaly forget to put in a phone so i couldent call the Fireman, And then i cant delete the burgler! Its SOO Anoying! Hopefully maxis will fix this in Ts2
Well, one thing I don't like about the burlgar in TS2 is the fact that they seem to be invisible! Those screenshots of the burlgar sneaking into the house while everyone is awake is kind of absurd, especially when he's standing in a room full of Sims and no one even notices him? I hope that doesn't happen very often...
I totally agree - I saw those and thought 'yeah right!' I thought sims were supposed to be self aware.
I thought the point of those screenshots with the sneaking burglar was to show you how into their current activity they were, that they didn't even notice the burglar.
For some very odd reason, the burgular managed to get and not set off the burgular alarm.... *looks annoyed* Luckily I could pause my game, and I woke my sim up, and had them call the police. It was funny to see the scuffle. I should have recorded it.
I think it would be interesting to have the burglar come . Then I could hit on him/her like I am all the other NPCs. especially the maid!
I'm not sure if one of the sims that came to meet and greet kicked the gnome and destroyed it while we weren't looking... but it LOOKED like he picked it up and shoved it up his shirt and STOLE it! ?!?!?! I thought he might be a criminal/life of crime career, but when my friend (who was playing her sim character in my game) had her sim marry him, he wasn't. Has anyone else had a Gnome thief like this?
Hi there, I am new here but I had to comment on this. I did have a gnome theif, one of the neighbors that came to greet the family in the house I just started. He shoved it under his shirt and took off. Then the next day my main guy all of sudden got a gnome icon that said "steal back gnome" then he took off to the end of the property and dissapeared. When he came back a few minutes later he did have the gnome and put it back in the yard. It was pretty funny.
There was a spate of gnome napping here in the UK a few years ago. Someone would steal one their neighbours garden gnomes and hide it away somewhere. Over the following weeks and months the neighbour would get postcards in the mail ostensibly sent by the gnome. They would usually have postmarks from all over the world so the practical jokers clearly had contacts in the aviation industry. Anyway one of my sim families has begun a gnome napping war. Poor old Gnorman Gnome of the Quilter family has been all over Drakesfield in the last couple of weeks. He always gnows when he's about to be gnapped because he hears a gnaughtily wicked giggling and then: poof! he's up a gneighbour's sweater and before he can say: "Gnot on your Gnelly!", he's decorating the frontage of a gnew owner. Luckily Benjamin Quilter is getting pretty gnifty at gnipping out in the middle of the gnight to gnick back his garden's gnumber one gnative inhabitant. :bunny: (that's the gnearest I could find to a gnome )
Hahaha both your gnome stories were great!!!! :bunny: I'm so glad I'm not the only one seeing the gnome thief!! We were starting to convince ourselves that maybe we just missed him kicking it and misunderstood the weird up the shirt looking movements... now we know we really DO have a gnome thief! If this happens again I'll try to look around the neighborhood for my stolen gnome. I guess you just have to wait for your sim to think of stealing back the gnome on their own while you haven't told them what to do next?
Ive been robbed several times when Ive only had a few bucks to my name. The little creep came and in took my TV. Luckily I had the burglar alarm and the cops did show up. I cracked up when they had a scuffle. My Sim was woken by the siren. I put her back to bed, but the goober got up and went outside to watch the scuffle! In TS1, I usually got a reward and could buy another TV; however, I dont remember if I got a reward in TS2, maybe they didnt get away with anything. **sigh** I just cant remember. I havent played for 4 1/2 days and Im going through withdrawal!
If the cops catch the burglar I usually get a reward, but not always. I once had a burglar take something while the alarm was going. After the cops caught him I got insurance money, for about half what the item (my exercise machine!!) was worth. My Sim was broke, too, so it took a while for him to be able to afford a new one. It was kind of funny to see the burglar zap the exercise machine into that little bag, though.
I had my first buglar :shocked: . but it was a poor family lol and they got their tv stolen and i had an alarm, the cops come they got in a fight and the buglar got away:shocked: . Whats the deal with that ? I HAD to buy some gnomes it was about 12am when my sims went and stole it back it was a laugh lol I plan on putting more gnomes in my other houses as well now.
I know. I don't like them that much in real life, but now a gnome is a must-have item for my sims ... just too funny not to. Didja know gnome kicking is second only to flamingo kicking as far as raising the fun bar goes? I've started putting one or the other outside every dorm or house with a student in it ...
Actually, gnome-kicking is equal in value to Flamingo Kicking, but gnomes cost more and have associated side effects. Also, flamingos can be kicked from two sides, but gnomes may only be kicked from behind. I'd know: I wrote the automated kicker. Nonetheless, Kicking Stuff is truly the Sport Of Kings. It has supplanted every other source of fun available.