My first Sims 2 Neighborhood!

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by jonas3333, Sep 6, 2004.

  1. ringleesim

    ringleesim Computer Overlord

    That's what I was saying...
  2. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member

    The neighborhood decor tool has a large variety of trees you can place, including palm trees. I can't wait to get my hands on the game.

    I'm not sure what I want to do first: experiment with importing neighborhoods and decorating them or building a house.

    I suspect that I'll start with the neighborhood. It's a natural progression: neighborhood, family (so that we can get a lot), house (with the use of Kaching! of course.) So much to do, so little time!
  3. ringleesim

    ringleesim Computer Overlord

    Have you guys seen the new Sims 2 website yet???
  4. RellioN

    RellioN New Member

    Hey jonas, I don't know if anyone told you, but The Sims 2 doesn't support heights :(
    And it is hard to build houses on terrain that is not flat

    btw your maps look beautiful.
  5. jonas3333

    jonas3333 New Member

    Thanks for the compliment!

    Yeah - I've totally reworking all my neighborhoods - although spooky hollow isn't really re-workable - I added some extra roads to it though. I haven't checked out Curlique Mt. in the game yet. Lol - I'm relearning my whole system! I'll get it down though soon I think. I'm about to test the new Sutton Place now.
  6. jonas3333

    jonas3333 New Member

    Wow! Actually Curlique Mt is really cool in the game - while it doesn't show the majority of the mountain/pic, it has multiple levels to it on different plateaus and could be an awesome neighborhood to use! While it's not the effect I was originally going for - it's great all it's own. and I hardly have to mess with anything.
  7. Dawn

    Dawn New Member

    Do you have to have SC4 game to make TS2 lots?

    I love everything that everyone is doing with their lots..:) I was wondering though,do you have to have the SC4 game in order to build lots for TS2 or can you download the program to build for TS2? I want to be able to build lots like that but don't want to have to buy the SC4 (again)just for that.And also how do you make the special effects work for the building your neighborhood..All I ever see is the blue box and then the rock when I click off the tool mode.:confused: :confused:
  8. ijRoberts

    ijRoberts New Member

    Hey there.

    Unfortunately, you do have to have SC4 to build your own custom neighborhoods. There ARE some blank templates in TS2 if you want a new neighborhood, but you'll have to use the ones they created, or ones that you've downloaded. There isn't a stand alone tool (like Body Shop) that you can use the create them (or else no one would buy SC4! haha).

    Some of the special effects, I've noticed, don't always show up EXACTLY where they are placed. Things like birds, hot air balloons, hangliders, boats, etc, will "wander" around the area of placement (sometimes pretty far). I think by just putting them down on the neighborhood gives them free reign to go wherever they want. =)
  9. Dawn

    Dawn New Member

    Well hmmm so if you want tweety bird to stay in your area you couldn't make that what about the beach? How do you get that turkey to work..

    And totally unfair that they do that with the SC4 and your right have to make their money somehow even though they are already more then made my first 3 story house last night took me 8 hours to do my game lags so bad because I used the largest lot and made it so grand. I have 70% space left on my computer and the game still lags,any suggestions?
    Thanks again for the info on the special effects..:) ;)
  10. ijRoberts

    ijRoberts New Member

    The waves were a little confusing to me at first as well. But I finally figured them out.

    If you use the "." key to spin the thing around you want the "dark" side of the little strip of sand to be facing the water. It's supposed to look like wet sand. Once you have the dark part on the edge of the land in the water, you'll see the waves start to come onto shore.

    I had to go around my entire neighborhood (an island) and put waves down along every inch, LOL... It took forever, but it looks REALLY cool.

    Congrats on your first luxury home! I know how you feel about the lag, though. My computer exeeds all the requirements too, but still lags with the larger lots. I can't even play some of the homes I've built, because it lags too much. I hope others aren't having the same problem.
  11. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member

    Congrats on your creations, IJ!

    I've been having fun with SC4 and TS2 neighborhoods. However, the bridges are still a bit iffy. It looks like you have to use the small steel arch instead of the level and raised bridges from SC4 vanilla. And the area which is actually visible is just the area with the lots, which means some of my edge detail was weird.

    But I think the freakiest thing is how the lovely SC4 trees turn into random trees in TS2. I had a lush fir forest turn into palm trees, joshua trees and century plants. Now this would have been fine if I was doing a desert community, but it looked very strange in the lush mode. (And I really missed those fir trees that had been in SC4.)

    So, now I'm generally making the neighborhoods without any trees (and making sure not to let time pass in SC4, since that seems to allow trees to grow from unseen seeds). That way I can just place them wherever I want them in the neighborhood using the TS2 neighborhood tools.

    As to the things like birds and ships, they do seem to be able to range far and wide. I just wish I could zoom in close enough to see the swans better and that the swans would swim in pairs or groups, instead of random scatter.

    But the hardest thing is trying to figure out whether I'd rather spend my limited time playing the game, making custom content with Body Shop or playing with the neighborhoods. I wish I didn't need to sleep, eat, exercise, take care of the house, give the cat his medicine, etc. Then I'd have *plenty* of time. (But I think those things are actually more important than TS2. Blasphemy, I know, but "real life comes first" at our house. And if something that is being done for fun becomes not fun, then do something else for a while.)
  12. Dawn

    Dawn New Member

    Tanks for the input about the beach..Guess I will have to make sure I pee pee and get plenty of food around me so that I can focus on making that beach..lmao.That's the one that was driving me the most nuts (me and my husband)lol..And yeah agree hopefully not to many people are lagging as bad when they build their luxary homes..I can only imagine how bad it will get when I build more lol..Anyway have fun with your neighborhoods and please any bit of info or tips that you get let us know..specially with the lags..I know we would all appreciate that..Oh and by the way..that censor patch saw boobies..lmao even though I didn't want to see them *my husband did* he got a kick out of it..And it doesn't mess up your computer either..I know some were skeptic about it..So if you want the full detail go for the censor patch..I'll ask my husband where the link is and add it here soon.Happy sims building all.

  13. packerbacker

    packerbacker New Member

    BEAUTIFUL!!! I love the mountains!
  14. George_Rich

    George_Rich da sims 2 rocks my world!

    i like it. i just remembered dat u could create neighborhoods using sim city 4 rush hour. 10 bene's 4 u!:D :D :D :D :D :D

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