Sims 2 Come to Me!

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by ManagerJosh, Sep 15, 2004.

  1. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    Sims 2 Come to Me!

    I got my copy of sims 2 today :D!!
  2. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    Whoohooo congratulations! :D

    I hope to be allowed to pick up my pre-order at Best Buy tomorrow... if I'm lucky... :p
  3. ringleesim

    ringleesim Computer Overlord

    Mine has just shipped last night...
  4. Trinasis

    Trinasis New Member

    That is good! You guys will be playing the game in no time!
  5. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    walked into gamestop today and bought dvd version. "extras" disc reads fine... but it won't even open "disc 1"... HELP!!!!
  6. Ricky

    Ricky New Member

    ManagerJosh congrats on receiving the sims 2! what do you think of it by now?

    FaeLuna good luck getting TSO2 at best buy tomorrow, probably do the same thing here but did you also buy that boxed version of ts2 on shelf that had insider cd an stuff for $10? What I did wondering did you do the same! So hopefully will just take the ticket to that, pick up a copy an that should be $10 credit towards ts2!!

    Anyways have fun everyone playin that has it so far and good luck to the rest as we find, locate an buy!!!
  7. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    what's wrong? :|
  8. ringleesim

    ringleesim Computer Overlord

    Okay, it's almost been five days since it shipped the 16th (Well, at least I want it to be.) and so I am sooner or later gonna buy the Prima guide just to keep me busy...:D
  9. FinalFantasy4ever

    FinalFantasy4ever Oh where in the world...

    I been thinking of buying the guide now. Probably will get it tonight or tomorrwo if the game still isnt here then.
  10. ringleesim

    ringleesim Computer Overlord

    Well it didn't come in the mail today... so I'm guessing (and hoping) tomorrow.
  11. Ricky

    Ricky New Member

    Hows everyone like TS2 today an who else has gotten it!! Just went to town an got back from Best BUY a minute ago myslef an bought The Sims 2 Special DVD Edition!

    If your looking for TS2 DVD or CD edition go to your BEST BUY and they should have it.

    As soon as you walk in TS2 setting on a display table an a huge crate full, lots of dvds an lots of cd's

    Just a note for me to first hand say they have lots of copies of both!!!

    ok guess i am installing it an playing allittle while!!

  12. Supernova

    Supernova New Member

    EB certainly has it in. I picked my pre-order up on the 14th, so they obviously could put it on shelves whenever they wanted.
  13. ringleesim

    ringleesim Computer Overlord

    okay, i have a question, I pre-ordered it at Do I have to go pick it up or do they ship it to me since I selected a shipping price? Please help! I hope I get the game today so I have something to do tomorrow since there is no mail on Sundays..... HELP!!!!!!!!!
  14. astaregod

    astaregod New Member

    oh my god i forgot usps doesn't deliver on sundays!!! :( ugh, now I have to wait till monday (and I have to stay after school for band practice until 5 PM).

    ringleesim: when you buy from it does not give an option for in-store pickup. i think you have to go to the physical store to pre-order it for in-store pickup. but by the looks of it i think the game is being shipped directly to your house. go to the site and review your order information to find out exactly what's up
  15. alaskasmith

    alaskasmith New Member


    My boyfriend got me a present yesterday.

    You guessed it, the DVD Sims 2!!!!

    I already loved him, but it's possible I love him more now. Now I just need to find time to play it...

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