How best to play this game?

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Ommie, Sep 18, 2004.

  1. Ommie

    Ommie New Member

    How best to play this game?

    Hello all,

    I've only been playing this game a few days but am wondering if i'm going about it all the wrong way. I started off creating a single sim and built him a house. I basically controlled everything he did in order to keep his needs high, fulfill aspirations and excel at his job. I also got a relationship and married a girl who is now pregnant. I'm at a stage where i'm just wondering what else is left to do? I've got a lot of money and there isn't much left to buy in the house. I'm wondering if i've gone about this the wrong way in terms of controlling everything my sim does? Should I have left it more up to him and let him make his own decisions? At this stage of the game what is left? I could continue on and see how the family develops into the future but will this ultimately just be more of the same? Seems like a really fun game but i'm not too sure where to go from here.

  2. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    Try expanding upon the job and pushing the limits of the job. Further more, try seeing if you can beat the scenarios given to you (ie...the romeo/juliet scenario)
  3. Soup

    Soup New Member

    How far is your Sim from entering the next stage of life? If his adult life seems good at the moment, then having him enter into the elderly life stage will add some change to the game. Once you're an elder, you mostly concentrate on your family and their successes and failures.

    If you say the wife is pregnant, once the baby comes you'll have loads of things to keep busy with. From minding the baby, to teaching the toddler (walking, talking, potty training), its childhood stage, and assisting it in the teenage stage with homework and whatnot.
  4. Miche

    Miche New Member

    I think you should continue. Have aging on and develop ur sims to the next stages. Once the baby comes out you will indeed have loads of work, when he ages in a toddler you will have even more work, and it's very fun to see him grow up to child, teenager, adult, even elder, .. keep expanding the family and keep expanding the house. There are lots of features u haven't seen, the game is not only about exceling in 1 job, marry a girl, and make her pregnant. The game has only just begun ;)
  5. Ommie

    Ommie New Member


    Thanks for all the feedback :)
  6. zydeco

    zydeco New Member

    If you are building your own neighborhood and not playing on the senarios I'd build a few more homes and families. Each house is a game in itself but you need others for them to meet and interact with. You need a variety of, couples, starter families, and even a large family. Make old couples, blended families and single parent households. You can even try to create theme families. Bohemian artists, antisocial scientists, geeks, party fanatics, super strict military family, criminal, trashy slobs, and old money. I think most players develop favorite characters but when you have a variety of families you can choose to play the family that suits your mood for the day. ;) I admit I'm a control freak so I've enjoyed playing the families on the senarios because I'd never create any so disfunctional! lol It's given me an opportunity to see what all is possible before I start my own neighborhood.
  7. Kane

    Kane New Member

    And keep throwing those house parties! ;)

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