Something's wrong with my nanny...

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by bangin knee song, Sep 19, 2004.

  1. bangin knee song

    bangin knee song New Member

    Something's wrong with my nanny...

    I think I might have broken her. I called the nanny to come over and work, and then right after without thinking, I invited her over as a friend. So first she showed up as a friend, and then a different nanny showed up to work. I don't know if this has anything to do with it, but now the nanny that I invited over as a friend is stuck. It's sort of funny, but her whining is getting annoying. She's just standing in one place, unable to move, and no other sim can perform any actions on her. She's been standing in the same spot for like 10 days, occassionally passing out and peeing on herself. All my sims do is pass by her in disgust (she hasn't showered) and mop up her pee :(
  2. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    try the moveobjects cheat ... ;)

    First save the game (in case using the cheat screws it up even worse you can go back to the old version and try something else)

    To cheat press [Ctrl] and [Shift] and C all together. You get a little white strip appear at top of screen.

    Then type: Moveobjects on and press ENTER.

    You should now be able to pick up the silly baggage in Buy Mode (F1) and DELETE her.

    Incidentally. The Maxoids are having a laugh ... so what's new! :p When ordered a nanny I had Mary Poppins in mind. What I got was a Granny! Dozy old bint spent all day doing the maid's work and p---ing her off while junior played with the water in toilet bowl ALL morning!

    If you ask me letting her stand there for 12 days is a light punishment for charging $15 an hour for letting the kid do it would do if was left on its own!

    Funny tho ... Nice one Maxoids!

    Is it just me or is the EA BBS for TS2 a complete waste of time? No search option (that I can see) and generally rubbish content ... like it was always garbage but now it only garbage ... seems to me anyway :D
  3. Miche

    Miche New Member

    I wouldn't say it's rubbish, i'd say.. it's way to crowded, and the forum just sucks. If they would make a PHPBB or vBulletin forum, with search option, it would be A LOT better! But now, it's just impossible to follow all the threads..
  4. rose1610

    rose1610 New Member

    I had a similar incident with my nanny getting stuck. I used the move objects cheat to move her out of the way to the front yard as she was annoying everyone. Now it seems I can't save. Anyone else have this problem?


  5. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    you probably should have just deleted her. They always come back anyway.
  6. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Nannies are evil. I never use them anymore. I make one parent quit their job instead, or if it's a single parent they find other ways to make money.

    Nannies are just not worth it. I've had too many nanny-related glitches.
  7. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    BKS, I love your name!
  8. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    That sounds like a typical nanny to me.
  9. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    I love the nannies. I hire them when needed and never worry about them. I make sure to block access to all unauthorised areas including cribs (how anyone could expect a baby to get any sleep when it's constantly picked up and shaken is a mystery to me). The most ideal solution (that requires no cheats or hacks) is to engage building mode as soon as the last controllable sim has left the building and before nannie has disembarked from her nannimobile and move all the external doors to walls that connct internally. Nanny will hang around for her shift generally confused but satisfying the SS requirements that ensure the child-snatchers do not arrive. I honestly don't know what the nanny problem is :rolleyes:
  10. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    So, the game doesn't penalize you for not letting the nanny feed the kid? That was always my fear, other than the abandonment thing.
  11. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Good heavens no. The game isn't that smart. I use nannies when
    1. Mom's just had the baby and is totally platted out and can gain thereby a promotion. This has numerous advantages, aside from the obvious, and as a bonus you get to keep a holiday in reserve
    2. After a toddler has learned the 3 basics you can safely leave him glowing with smart milk goodness and toy ... toddlers don't mind sleeping on the floor
    3. If they will be home alone I get kids to call a nanny as soon as they home, this seems to satisfy the SS (even if the silly cow takes an hour to turn up and mom gets home from work at 4pm and so arrives just in time to send the old bat away again) There are risks with this strategy but I have only ever lost one child this way and I've been using this strategy since day one ... well ... OK, day 21 :rolleyes:
    Babies only need 2 bottles per day. I feed them after change, play, bathe, cuddle. Sims shifts are mostly so short that is extremely unlikely that baby will get hungry enough to activate the SS. I never allow nanny to get at the fridge under any circumstances. The only thing she is good for is keeping the SS away while mater and pater are out earning promotions. It goes without saying that if the chances of getting a promotion are less than 100% then a nanny isn't worth the extra bother ....
  12. nclint420

    nclint420 New Member

    silly nannys when that happened to me all i did was.. I got one of my sims to mop up here pee and delete a magazine that she was standing on... I notice if one sims is in really rough shape all the other sims are hard to keep happy... don't quote me on that tho:):eek:
  13. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    My nanny walked out of the house at ten AM, leaving the newborn on his own. :( Social worker, why don't you understand it WASN'T MY FAULT?
  14. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Yikes! How did that happen, Ems? Please tell more even if you just repeat yourself slowly and louder for my senior-moment comprehension lag :rolleyes:
  15. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!


    I'll write like this. :D Mum goes to work, nanny comes to house, then at ten am nannimobile turns up. Cue me confuddled. Nanny leaves baby on floor! Nanny walks out of house! Nanny - nanny gets in nannimobile. *Violins play*.

    Nanny leaves. :( *Sob!*

    Social worker comes.


    *Curtains close*.
  16. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Who hired the nanny? Was it the Mom? Or someone else in the family who used to get home at 10 am but moved out? Just a thought. I had to scramble for a nanny once (have the kid call one in after school) because whoever had hired the nanny, based on their work schedule, had moved out. :(
  17. babewithbrains_14

    babewithbrains_14 The Offtopic Queen!!!

    Nope, Mum called the nanny, and nobody else had even visited the house.

    In case you're wondering Daddy's name was Boolprop.

    Ooh, idea, idea! I could make a Baby Jevus! With a Mary! It could be an immaculate conception!!!! With Boolprop once again as Daddy!

    Man, that guy gets around. :D
  18. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Baby Jevus? Who's Baby Jevus?

    Is he the son of the Lerd?
  19. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    LOL, SBW. Son of Boolprop, me thinks. And Daddy Boolprop maybe was not reset to false. Or maybe he just decided that single parenthood for this lady was not a good idea after all. Besides, everyone says nannys are BAD. I think Babe should move a nice grandmotherly type into the house before going out with Boolprop again. :p
  20. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    I hate nannies, oh yes I do-ooo, Oh I hate nannies and you should too! They eat your food, they ignore your kiddies, they pee on the flloor, they don't wash the dishes ...

    I never use 'em. My sims just stay home with their kids, as goddess intended. Or, I make my own playable nanny, like Ashley the biker dude.

    Hey, who says it has to be a gnarly old lady?

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