Job Missions

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by pmaura, Sep 20, 2004.

  1. pmaura

    pmaura New Member

    Job Missions

    Are the job missions your recieve are they random in what you choose or does each one actually have a right answer.
  2. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    First time I saw one of those I stopped for coffee and to have a think about the question. I had been glued to the screen for over an hour without moving so it was time I took a break ... addictive isn't it? Anyway after refreshment I came to the conclusion that a right answer couldn't exist. In the end I sent my poor weedy teen to sort out a fight in the locker room and he got a busted toe and loss of body points for it. I decided that if he ignored it it might do his rep no good and he'd have a hard time getting his woo hoos in later life ... :)
  3. pmaura

    pmaura New Member

    what sucks then is that every option I have chosen for my cat burglar has turned out badly I wonder if it truly is random
  4. waxpants

    waxpants New Member

    I had the same question come up twice and the answer was the same each time.

    So I have a hunch that they are not random and I also think that there is just one question per employment level in each job stream.
  5. DrEvil

    DrEvil New Member

    However I have answering the same answer to a single question twice and received different results...

    I think it is a chance question, results based on your current moods and skills.
  6. zydeco

    zydeco New Member

    I thought these were fun until I got one on the science level. Husband and wife were both on this track and moving up to the higher tiers. Hubby chose to go on an archelogical dig instead of digging an old theory out of his desk and lost his job. I thought it was a pretty drastic punishment. Wife got the same question the next day and I chose theory and she got two logic skill points which maxed this category out for her. On the earlier questions I discovered that the answer that seemed absurd was the "right" answer. This didn't seem to be the case on this one. I lost 5K on another one and I was saving up to move them to a bigger house. If I'm well up the career ladder and haven't saved recently I do hit ignore now.
  7. Rhaevyn

    Rhaevyn New Member

    Well, I can see from all this that I'll be wearing out the Save Game function when I get TS2.

    I think it's like most other games, when you come to a situation/scenario with a variable outcome... SAVE. This way you can pick an answer (or action) with less stress as you can always reload. I don't mind getting a negative outcome here and there, but having something happen to wipe out my bank account or cost me my job that I've worked hard on would definitely NOT please me.
  8. zydeco

    zydeco New Member

    You game works great but saving seems to take ages. I put off doing it! lol I have started putting up with the inconvenience when my sims are at a higher tier of their career.
  9. HelloKit

    HelloKit New Member

    Try making sure your video drivers are up to date. Doesn't make sense, I know, but it fixed it for me.
  10. tobias

    tobias New Member

    im pretty sure the answers arnt random.
  11. HelloKit

    HelloKit New Member

    I don't know if it's completely random, but I can definitely say the same answer isn't always the right one. I've had the same scenario twice, answered differently each time and been "wrong" both times. They say it has partly to do with the sim's skill levels... who knows what else factors in?
  12. FinalFantasy4ever

    FinalFantasy4ever Oh where in the world...

    All I know is I dont like the results to most of them.
    I had to pick tween blue and red licorice and i chose blue (hey its different) and i dont member if I lost my job or was just demoted lol. but that happens alot to me since I could really care less when i can just cheat to earn money.
  13. zydeco

    zydeco New Member

    Thank you! I noticed that I could update my video drivers when I installed the game but for some unknown reason my hubby told me not to. Assuming he knew what he was talking about I didn't. I'm running to do that now! lol The save thing is the only aspect that's been a pain for me.
  14. Xenu

    Xenu New Member

    There is definitly some element of randomness.

    Diane and Sheena are both on the science track.

    Diane once found out that a junior scientist had done a discovery without realizing it.
    Should she steal it, or tell him?
    Honest as she is, of course she told him.
    He went all braggart and stole her job, so she was demoted two levels.

    Later, Sheena encountered the same problem.
    This time I opted for stealing the discovery, but she was discovered and fired.
    Oh ****, I thought.
    A lose-lose scenario?

    Lucklily, I had saved recently. So I restored, and the same problem showed up again at the same time. This time Sheena opted for honesty. And this junior scientiest turned all grateful and shared the reward with her.

    It is random.
    At least in some cases.
  15. Kane

    Kane New Member

    From my experience I would agree that it is random, to the point where it depends on your sims mood, skills, and maybe even personality and interests.

    The best one was when one of my sims was headhunted for chairman of a big company's board of directors and given a $35 000 dollar signing bonus!
  16. FinalFantasy4ever

    FinalFantasy4ever Oh where in the world...

    I dont remember what mine talked about but i got 75000 tehehe. it helped alot i tried to not cheat with that family but failed (only cheated for 1000)
  17. BrynHilde

    BrynHilde New Member

    One question was the bane of my life >_<

    It was the first Business career question:

    "You find your boss' speech.. yada yada ... grammar errors etc etc"
    Check by hand / Run grammar check on PC

    Here's my outcomes thus far:

    - Run grammar check -
    The grammar checker wrongly interprets some of the syntax in the report, boss reads it to client, YOU ARE FIRED

    - Check by hand -
    You spend 3 hours checking the grammar and make a couple of amendments. Your boss demotes you for wasting time

    - Run grammar check -
    Grammar check is successful and you run off extra copies, you get $$ bonus and are promoted.


    There are probably at least four outcomes ( good / bad from each answer ) so in the end it's a 50-50 chance thing.
  18. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    I think it's not quite 50-50, but there are cards, and specific times, that you just don't want to touch. Particularly when all options suck, or you've seen it before and the drawback is particularly severe.

    Being demoted, however, is not necessarily a bad thing. If you were at Prize level, the level you received your career award, and draw card and get demoted, if you immediately use your reward upon returning home, you will get another one when you promote again! Also, promotions come pretty much automatically when you go to work in very good or platinum mood, and net you triple pay. Which means you get MORE money if you are demoted, then go to work next day and are immediately promoted again, since you never collect the lower wage of the job you were demoted to, and immediately collect triple pay of your new, +1 position returning that day. Particularly handy when you're near the top anyway.

    And my general got 100K for blowing away two satellites. Woohoo! I don't know what the "failure" results are for that other outcome, but in most cases, the highest-level card is only gain money/lose money. The quantity is particularly large. In all likelyhood, however, you are either A. Broke, and therefore can't actually lose more money than you have, since TS2 will not put you into negative money, or B. Rich and Loaded, in which case you can afford the loss, since you already have a ton of money and have no pressing need to get more right now. These are good cards, since the drawback is minimized, making them nearly all gain. Or you might get demoted, but like I said, when you're already *AT* the top, that's not a bad thing.
  19. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    Man, that one is such a loaded question. Anyone who's ever used a word processor knows you never, ever, count on the grammar checker. :p

    I wonder how much Microsoft paid for THAT one.
  20. GQ-Bouncer

    GQ-Bouncer New Member

    for the general - you get a mission and i've only gotten bad cards

    situation - satellites decending down to earth yada yada gonna kill everyone etc. etc.

    these were my answers

    space mission - you screw up, -2 mech -2 charisma
    vapourize - you screw up, get fired

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