
Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Definitive_Prankster, Sep 21, 2004.

  1. Basements

    Hi all

    How do you get a (useable) basement? I put foundations down when i start a house which makes a room below my ground floor, but no matter how much I raise and lower the land I cant get any stairs to go down to it (or a door to get in through the wall). Anyone managed this yet?
  2. FinalFantasy4ever

    FinalFantasy4ever Oh where in the world...

    I have the guide which has u use that weird thingy where u build the stairs instead of one of the staircases after u have lowered the ground all the way.
  3. Supernova

    Supernova New Member

    Ive given up on basements. But i figured out how to do bridges!
  4. Bridges? Do tell...
  5. Cyricc

    Cyricc Goblin Techies

    After tinkering for around half an hour, I discovered the secret to making basements!! :D Or I think I did. Made some screenshots (yes, I suck at designing houses:(

    Full House
    Ground Floor
  6. Ahh ok

    Still none the wiser as to how to get stairs to reach the basement, but I now know it can be done and thats enough. I will crack it tonight if it kills me.
    I just think it'd be so cool to have a games room or something down there, and also seeing as how I always start with a foundation it seems such a waste not to use the space.

  7. frikafrax

    frikafrax New Member

    I've created a basement building tutorial. You can find it here. Hope this helps.
  8. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    As bridges were mentioned, can someone post a tutorial or tips for making those as well? Thanks for the basements info!! :D
  9. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Basements & Bridges

    Fae, I presume you mean little foot bridges over ponds or moats?

    I found out more or less accidentally that you can "paint" in water rignt under a strip of decking, and voil! Un pont du Sims. ;)

    Basements. The trick is in knowing that there are 16 elevation points between storeys. So to dig out a basement. you need to go down that far.

    Note that the foundation slab is 4 points high, so, if excavating inside a square of foundation you only need to go down 12 points.

    How to do this? Use medium size brush for terrain lowering and tap the mouse button 12 times. The top of a trial piece of wall put in at that level should exactly match the the floor level of the foundation slab and stairs will fit perfectly. (If the stairs won't fit you haven't got a long enough run.)

    Go to my sim page where I have uploaded three lots. One has a bridge. All have basements or split/level designs. One is a multi-purpose communutiy lot with room to add whatever fun features the maxoids gives us in the first EP ... :p

    Sorry there are no screenshots cos I don't have time. LOL Am I missing something BTW or is there really no way easily to get at the snapshots we take. I have been snapping away without actually doing much with them. But it looks like the pics are trapped in one album so making a story board that runs takes in variety of locations would seem ... well ... not easy.

    What am I missing, here?
  10. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    Yes, it was little bridges over rivers etc. I was wondering how to make! Thanks for explaining, now I can go make the little meandering river through the community lot I've been working on! :D

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