Making Wallpaper?

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by SummerMagick, Sep 21, 2004.

  1. SummerMagick

    SummerMagick New Member

    Making Wallpaper?

    Does anybody know how to make wallpaper in the new sims 2 game? How would you install it? Thanks guys!
  2. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member

    At this point there is no way to do that ourselves. Maxis is working on a "Homecrafter" type of tool for that purpose, but they haven't said when it would be available. They've only said that they were working on it and it wouldn't be available before the game comes out. But that doesn't really address when it *would* be out.

    So for now we're going to have to make do with what Maxis has already provided. But I can tell you that when I built my first house, I was sure wishing I had some of my old favorites!

    I'm hoping that they will make the "Homecrafter" tool as easy to use as Body Shop. But we'll have to wait and see.
  3. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    I would love it if they come out with a homecrafter type program soon, I'm hoping that for recoloring furniture they do it so all you have to do is click the color in a spectrum, or put the path to a graphic you want to use for each part of the furniture.

    Example: for a bed, pillows, sheets, coverlet, head and footboard etc. should each be a separate thing to recolor with a solid color or use a graphic you've already got saved, like a fabric sample, logo, or wood grain for instance. :D
  4. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member

    I most definitely hope that the Homecrafter will allow us to change the designer options. I'm frustrated that though you can have collections, the collections are not complete for each. I'd like it if they could at least have consistent wood types across the board instead of having some of them just a little lighter or darkeror less red or more red, etc.

    But I really am hoping that they'll come up with tools so that we can do a lot more with customization. I love BodyShop but want an object type of thing,a mesh making thing (for more object bases, more hair and clothes meshes), a neighborhood decoration type of thing, etc.

    Yep, more tools. I want more tools so that we don't have to rely on Maxis so much.
  5. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    Maybe we should point out to them once they develop and release the tools.... it's less work for them from after that!! ;) :D

    I've been frustrated too with trying to get a white collection of stuff for a "Wedding" collection folder....
  6. ijRoberts

    ijRoberts New Member


    If the "Homecrafter" is as easy to use as Body Shop is, I think that would be just about all I'd need to survive! A way to create new textures for the upholstery and frame, as well as a way to recolour any of the objects that have the 'redesign' feature (appliances, tables, etc).

    Even with all the options that were shipped with the game, it still doesn't feel like there are enough for all the 'looks' that I've been trying to go for.
  7. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member

    I know what you mean. It's very hard to have a consistent color scheme in a house because they don't always have a matching wood.

    But it is way better than TS1 was (unless you had downloaded a lot) before Makin' Magic. I really miss those Makin' Magic kitchen items (especially the lovely mediterranean kitchen. You could match the whole kitchen with those!)

    I'm hoping that the first EP will fill in a lot of the gaps in wall/flooring as well as the objects.

    One frustration I do have with the "looks" is that there seems to be far more to do Moorish and Oriental all in one "look" than to do one "look" for the others.

    But I did manage to get a blue/blond wood Scandinavian look to one of my houses. I was *very* pleased with that, considering it didn't have a "collection" of its own.

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