Adoption I have a same-sex couple who were engaged and one of them called to adopt a baby, but I noticed that the baby was only considered a family member to the person who actually made the phone call to adopt him. Now they're married, and their second child is a family member to both of the parents. Is there any way to have the first adopted child be a family member to BOTH the parents now? It's a little weird having the other parent listed as "best friend"
Answer Since you were only engaged at the time of adoption, you wouldn't be able to set the other sim as a parent now that they are married. The child is going to be permanently stuck as a "best friend". If it's really gonna be a nuiscance to you, you could always kill the kid off and then adopt another. Or you could use the "move objects" cheat and delete him/her, and that way your family wouldn't have to deal with the trauma this will cause your family.
Wow... I never thought about how adopting a child before marriage would affect the parental relationships after marriage... I suppose the game views the other parent as a step-parent sort of? This makes me wonder if an expansion later might have the feature to be able to adopt an exisiting child who is a memeber of your family, but not considered "related" to the parent wanting to adopt them?