Creating a Basement: How-To

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by frikafrax, Sep 22, 2004.

  1. frikafrax

    frikafrax New Member

    Tutorial: Creating a Fully Functional Basement

    Howdy folks. I've created a tutorial page for one kind of basement construction method. You can find the tutorial here.

    The nice thing about this construction method is that the ground outside the perimeter of the foundation walls butts right up against them so it doesn't look like your house is sitting in a crater. :)

    While I have tested this in-game, I haven't done any truly extensive in-game testing so please let me know how this technique works out for you.

  2. xjockman04x

    xjockman04x New Member

    Thank you! i haven't tried it yet but your effort is appreciated =)
  3. Yay!

    Your a genius, will try it out later.

  4. jmherdman76

    jmherdman76 New Member

    Thank you so much for your detailed tutorial!:) Much appreciated!
  5. litl_mama1971

    litl_mama1971 New Member

    Yay thanks for the tutorial. I was a dunce I didn't get it at first, but now I do. It is so easy to understand I musta been a total dunce not to understand it at first.
  6. Supernova

    Supernova New Member

    The way I figured out (I didnt look at this tutorial) is I found a pre-made house with a basement and looked at that. Personally, I find its almost more trouble than Its worth.

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