Hehe, Im still trying to figure this one out myself. I have a romantic sim, who has 10 loves, all of whom he has woohoo'd with, his aspirations meter is getting hard to manage now, because he keeps wanting to public woohoo, but no matter what I try, I just cant figure it out. any help?
Whoohoo in public Are there any public hot tubs or beds somewhere? Or can you place a hot tub or bed on a community lot?
I remember seeing one of the preview videos showing sims doing SOMETHING in a changing booth, I think it was woohoo but might have just been make out... it's worth a try though.
How To Wahoo in public Find a changing room usally in a clothing shop try on some clothes once your sim goes in click on the other sim your hot for and have them join in they will rush to the changing room and look around then slip in the store employees will all gather around and hoot and holler kinda funny to watch fyi a little tip ,,, If you right click on a asperation (sp?) you can lock it so it wont change also it will expand a pop up window that explains how to do the act your looking for try it hope that helps someone
Oooh that helps a LOT to know about the pop up that explains what you're looking for to fulfil the aspiration!! I've managed to lock an aspiration before, but missed seeing the pop up. Thanks for the step by step how to on the changing rooms too. I'll have to try this right away next time I play, haha!