Question about engagements Ok first off let me explain what went on. I went out with nina and got engaged to her. Then I found out that she flirts and want to make out with 3 different sims at the same time! So I started a relationship with another girl, from work, and asked her to move in. For 3 or 4 sim days, the engagement option did not come up although we were both at 100 and lovers. So I went to Nina's lot and built a pool made her swim deleted the stairs and killed her. But my dude still does not have the propose.../engagement option. By the way we Woohoo'd about 5 times. Plz help, do I have to get another lover. What happens if she moves out then can I ask her for an engagement? Thanks for the help!
On a related note... ...can sims get divorced via a menu option? And after a fight does one sim still leave and never return (like in the original)? Cos one of my sims aspirations is to win a fight but i dont wanna get rid of another sim to do it.
ManagerJosh you are right, I should have pissed Nina off so much but I can't go back right now and bring her back from the dead. One thing i did notice is that my current gf thinks about Nina when she sleeps although they only met once or twice. Well my gf right now is pregnant, will the propose menu come back after we have a baby? Cause we are adults and I don't know why we can't get married...
Update: Well my gf had twins and the babies are under her last name not mine. But before she had the twins a message popped up and said that Nina and my sim were no longer best friends. So if best friend is above 70 (correct me if I am wrong), then at 2 points per day it will take me 35 sim days, about, to lower it down to acquintace. but Nina is dead, how can i still be friends with her... very weird.
...she haunts you from beyond the graaaaave..... Actually all this is very interesting, but very weird! Thanks for sharing your experience, I hope your poor guy can forget all about Nina and get to propose to the mother of his children someday!! Does anyone know how to divorce in the game yet? Do you just have one of your sims move out? Do they need to irritate each other and have a fight? And if they have a big fight will you completely lose the sim that walks off, like in the first Sims game?!?!
Divorces/break-ups The two times that I've gotten my Sims divorced were both when one caught the other cheating (woohooing to be exact) I had the wife beat the crap out of the mistress and then had her break up with her husband. He cries, leaves (in his undies if that's how she caught him cheating ) and then gets put in the Sim bin, ready to move into another lot.
I just would like to thank everyone who suggested ideas or helped me try to figure this stuff out. I will just keep on playing and see if Nina will stop haunting me from the grave... . Twins are sure hard to take care of especially since both my sim and his gf work.