The Simmer's

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Vchat20, Sep 22, 2004.

  1. ijRoberts

    ijRoberts New Member

    Not to mention that you can start downloading houses and Sims from the exchange and get all prepared ahead of time! =)

    Then on your first day of playing you can have a neighborhood stocked with houses and sims, and not have to start from scratch!
  2. Supernova

    Supernova New Member

    I think that the boys look mroe like their fathers, and the girls look more like the mothers.
  3. Rhaevyn

    Rhaevyn New Member

    Thanks ij, great idea. Now if I could only pry my daughters off the one working computer so I could actually GET online to download things LOL.

    Picking up 2nd, now fixed, computer tomorrow after work. Huzzah!!
  4. Vchat20

    Vchat20 New Member

    a small update:

    Gordon is now a teen. but the pary ended up being a "disaster" as the game calls it. and there is another family member on the way (nina is pregnant).

    i think what im gonna do for relationships between gordon and jennifer is just get them hooked up with the 2 sims that are causing the feud in the neighborhood. get the 2 families to finally make nice maybe.
  5. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    Sorry the party for your teen was a disaster, my party for my twins turning to teens was a disaster too! I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong... my guests SEEMED to be happy and having fun... is it that the sims in my family have to constantly interact with the guest sims the whole time?!?! :eek:
  6. Vchat20

    Vchat20 New Member

    well, the only update i can give at this point is that Nina finally had her baby. it was a girl. her name is Angie. so now we have 5 members in the Simmer household: Vchat and Nina which are the parents, Gordon who is a Teen, Jennifer who is a child, and Angie who is a newborn.
  7. Vchat20

    Vchat20 New Member


    Jennifer is now a Teen. you can check her picture in the loading screen below. the party ended up being "Good Time" thanks to inviting everyone into the 2 adjacent hot tubs. and i had about 6 guests there. :D . as well, checking the family info in the neighborhood view, Jennifer's title is a "Total Babe" :D it isnt just whistlin' Dixie. :p

    also, Gordon now has a crush on Juliette Capp and is just about ready to have a steady relationship. :cool:

    Angie is now a Toddler. already tought her how to walk, im very close to finishing potty training her, and i have still yet to teach her how to talk.
  8. Vchat20

    Vchat20 New Member

    Well, Angie is now a Child and is already getting good grades.

    Gordon has already had his first run in with the law. he snuck out with Juliette one night and when he came back, he came back in a cop car. the officer ended up lecturing Nina, but i guess it went through one ear and out the other cuz she never said a word to Gordon about it.
    also, Gordon is now in Love with Juliette. his lifetime relationship meter is @ 79. hes already had his first kiss, now im just waiting for the lifetime meter to go up more so i can try for the "Go Steady" interaction.

    but Jennifer doesnt have a relationship yet. although she has struck up some pretty long conversations with Curtis a couple times.

    last time i checked, both Nina and Vchat were 8 days away from being elderly, Gordon was 9 days away from being an Adult, Jennifer was something like 13 or 14 days, and Angie i dont remember offhand.
  9. Vchat20

    Vchat20 New Member

    one other question i have: why is it that when i have Gordon ask Juliette to go steady, she refuses? both relationship meters are @ 100 and they are in a lve relationship. so far every interaction except go steady has worked. can it all possibly be because Juliette still has a thing for Romeo or what?
  10. litl_mama1971

    litl_mama1971 New Member

    go play her for a little bit and if they are still in love then have her be mean to him. Or if you have met then both. Then invite them both over and let romeo catch juliette cheating with you lol. I would personally go play her for a bit and just do things to squash the relationship.
  11. Vchat20

    Vchat20 New Member

    well, i did end up finding out that it was because of the relationship between her and romeo. i went to the capp household and just had Juliette relentlessly argue with Romeo. so right now her relationship with him is down to about 65 on both meters, they no longer have a crush and are no longer best friends but are simply family friends now. then i had her call gordon over and she proposed to go steady and it was a success :D now just to get them both to adults and get engaged. Juliette has about 9 days to go and Gordon has about 6 days.
  12. Vchat20

    Vchat20 New Member

    one giant b-day party

    well, we had 3 birthdays all at once today. Vchat and Nina are now elders and Angie is now a Teen. and hopefully before the night is up i can get Gordon to the adult stage since he is only 2 sim days away.

    oh. and although i forgot what it was called, but the one aspiration rewards gift that greens up all needs, i highly recommend. its save my backside more times than i can count. just make sure the person you want to use it has their aspiration meter up above gold. but in the simmer household, that is never a problem. we always have atleast 2 or 3 sims at the platinum mood level at any given time.

    and btw, i will try to get the packaged version of the lot up asap for those interested.
  13. Vchat20

    Vchat20 New Member

    Wedding Bells

    Good News Everyone! Gordon and Juliette Are Now Happily Married! so Juliette is now part of the Simmer Family. :)

    the new loading screen is below. from left to right here are the people:
    Jennifer (Teen), Nina (Elder), Angie (Teen), Gordon (Adult), Juliette (Adult), Vchat (Elder).

    the family has come a long LONG way since Vchat and Nina were first created.
  14. Vchat20

    Vchat20 New Member

    well, new updates:

    with Gordon and Juliette Married i moved them out and i had Jennifer and Angie join them.

    but this time around, although i opted for the biggest lot available, i only used the motherlode cheat as i needed it to get the house built. so right now they are at their usual 20k.

    Juliette has already had her baby. its a girl and her name is Jackie. Jackie is already to her toddler stage.

    also, Jennifer is now an adult. although she never had her first kiss yet, im still working on getting her relationship up with Curtis which seems to be stuck @ 79 on the lifetime meter.

    ill post up the new loading screen soon.
  15. kuponutty

    kuponutty Confused little moogle

    Didn't you plan to get Katherine and Gordon together? Instead you ruined Romeo's life...
  16. Vchat20

    Vchat20 New Member

    i know this thread is old, but i figured i would continue the updates on my family here rather than start a new thread

    unfortunately, due to cirumstances, i had to restart the Simmer Family. started them out as Vchat Simmer (adult), Nina Simmer (adult), Johnathan Simmer (teen), and Ashley Simmer (teen). shortly after i moved them into their house, i sent Johnathan and Ashley off to College.

    At college they met up with Chaz, Ellen, Marla and Phineaus (dont remember their original last names, but they were maxian sim's). they all got along very well in college although there were a few times that jealousy got the best of them. towards the middle of their college life they all got engaged to one another. Ashley was engaged to Phineaus, Johnathan was engaged to Marla, and Chaz was engaged to Ellen.

    Upon leaving college, Chaz and Ellen moved into their own house. a small and cozy 2 bedroom household. they married soon thereafter. they soon had a child: a little girl named Jennifer Frost. she quickly grew up into the childhood stage. this is where i left them at.

    The rest of the brood moved back in with Vchat and Nina. again, they all got married on the spot. Ashley and Phineaus kept the Simmer name, and Johnathan and Marla kept the Biggs name. soon after they all got jobs to keep the family afloat. cuz little did they know was that they had 2 children on the way which would require a nursery to be built. about a week down the road, both Nina and Marla had children. both little boys. Nina's child was named Sam Simmer and Marla's was named Adam Biggs. they are both now to the child stage.

    shortly after their childhood birthday, both Vchat and Nina died of old age. one right after the other. reason i say of old age is because they were both at the elderly stage in life (nina grew up shortly after birth of Sam) and neither showed any signs of previous issues like neglected needs and whatnot. just out of the blue they dropped dead.

    so now its Marla and Johnathan Biggs, their son Adam Biggs, Phineaus and Ashley Simmer, and Sam Simmer who both families take care of mutually.

    Ashley is also pregnant and will soon give birth. hopefully to twins.

    and this is where it currently stands. i will try and grab some screenshots soon for ya.

    edit: LOL, how is that for ironic. as i was about to bump up this thread,someone else did it for me.
  17. Vchat20

    Vchat20 New Member

    first off we have the 2 families. the first is the Frost Family. from the left its Ellen and Chaz Frost. in front of them is Jennifer Frost. Second Family is the Simmer/Biggs Family. from the left its Marla and Johnathan Biggs, Phineaus and Ashley Simmer, and in front of them is Adam Biggs and Sam Simmer.

    Attached Files:

  18. Vchat20

    Vchat20 New Member

    next we have are the houses. first is the Frost household

    Attached Files:

  19. Vchat20

    Vchat20 New Member

    second is the Simmer/Biggs household

    Attached Files:

  20. kuponutty

    kuponutty Confused little moogle

    Nice... They must have really good jobs! My sim based off me (but in adult form) is at the top of the Culinary career.

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