Beanie problems *please help* I want to wear a beany but when ever my sim decides to go for a swim etc he takes it off and underneath is a really horrible hair style that i cant seem to change, is there any way around this? thanks even wearing th ebeanie when he swims would be better!
so every time i wanna change into something other than casual ill hav to go the mirror first to allow beanie? **just tested it, even when i chose the beany in the mirror if i changed into my swim suit i just had a the ugly hair cut with outt he hat, even when i selected the hat, when i changed into my casual the hat cam aback again.
Hmmm... seems like if you don't want scary hair when he swims, you might have to keep a mirror nearby the pool, and have him change to a hairstyle you can stand, then swim, then use the mirror to change back to the beanie.... Sorry the default swim hair that came under the beanie is so bad!!
Yeah, hair sucks Same for the Viking helmet. The guy's hair under that looks like the world's lamest combover. Use the Mirror, Luke!
This thread is making me hope they make it so you can choose the swim hair for your sim as well as choosing the hats/helmets! Maybe we can get that in a patch or expansion someday.... but in the meantime sounds like the mirrors will get used a lot around the pool!