
Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Definitive_Prankster, Sep 23, 2004.

  1. Retirement

    Someone mentioned elderly sims retiring from their job. Do sims get pensions or are we expected to save money up for their old age? Not had any of my sims die yet (well, not of old age anyway, the satelite incident doesn't count) so not sure how old they get before they pack thier job in (I assume its before they die?)

    And one other thing, this inheritance that sims get when a loved one dies (per the manual), do they somehow get it personally (like if 2 brothers get their dads inheritance and one moves out do they have 20,000 + x simoleons instead of 20,000?). Dead weird that that money just appears on a sim leaving home innit? My sim family had 32 simoleons and one left and went to live somewhere else and suddenly had 20,000 to do it with lol. Pocket money and such would have been a nice addition.
  2. HelloKit

    HelloKit New Member

    When to retire is entirely your choice - you do it over the phone (Call Work -> Retire). A sim can retire as soon as he becomes an Elder, or work right up until his dying day. They do get a pension, which will be higher the further up the career ladder they get.
  3. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    Does anyone know if pension is affected if you have managed to work your way up to the top of more than one career? Like if you max out as a scientest and then decide to switch careers to business and make it to the top in that as well before retiring?
  4. zydeco

    zydeco New Member

    Sheesh! I didn't even realize you could retire! lol I should have known though because Mortimer Goth is retired and gets a pension. I, too, would like to know if the pension is higher if you've climbed more than one career ladder.

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