My sim had 4 alien babies at once!

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Cassiepeia, Sep 23, 2004.

  1. Blower

    Blower New Member

    genetic facts

    Okay the genetic facts:
    [D - dominant / R - Recessive]

    Black/brown D
    Blonde/red R

    Brown/Dark Blue D
    Blue/Green/Grey R

    Created sims carry 2 of the same gene (hair - red/red, eyes blue/blue), but a child would mix the two genes,

    Dad is brown/blonde and mom is blonde/red, the child could have
    1: Brown/blonde (brown, D)
    2: Brown/red (brown, D)
    3: Blonde/red (50/50)
    4: Blonde/Blonde (blonde :) )

    So although if dominant genes are present, a brown/brown haired male could have a child with a blonde/blonde - child gets brown/blonde, shows brown - he has a child with a blonde/blonde - could be either brown/blonde or Bl/Bl - obviously Bl/Bl would have broken the brown D gene.

    Custom content is D - when matched against another custom gene its 50/50
  2. BabiBoy07

    BabiBoy07 New Member

    Domaneering momma

    everytime my sims have a baby the child looks more like the mother then the father
  3. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Hey blower that's a neat bit of technical detail there. I may decide to split this thread so that we can continue debating genetics ...

    Some more questions ... these ain't exactly life or death, but I'm kinda curious (but too darn lazy to find out by experiment ... :p )
    1. CAS sim are pure-breeds (2 identical genes) but can I assume that any children made in CAS (of two parents) will have one gene from each parent?
    2. Hair color is inheritable but can be changed in a mirror. If they have children after changing does the original hair color get passed on?
  4. Angelyne

    Angelyne New Member

    If I remember my biology class correctly, this is how genetics works; Assuming Dad is brown eyed (B,B), and mom is blue eyed (b,b) (B represents a dominant gene, and b represents a recessive gene)

    ...| B | B
    b | Bb | Bb
    b | Bb | Bb

    This means that there is 100% chance that your baby will be brown eyed since that gene is dominant. However they will carry the recessive gene for blue eyes (Bb).

    So let's say we have the child above (Bb/Bb) have a baby with a blue eyed (bb/bb) spouse

    ...| B | b
    b | Bb | bb
    b | Bb | bb

    So we see that we have 50% chance of having a brown eyed baby (Bb) (with a recessive gene) and 50% chance of having a blue eyed baby (bb).

    Anyway, apparently this is a simplification and human genetics is more complicated than that. This system was designed by Mendel from experiments he did on peas :)

    However, this is pretty elementary and I wonder if it's how it works in the game. I also wonder how custom genetics get passed along. Is is considered dominant has as been surmised?
  5. Angelyne

    Angelyne New Member

    I believe that if you change the hair color, the child will still be browned haired. I guess this is like dying your hair. In the context of the game, the eyebrows give it away :) Even though you change the hair color the eyes brows do not change.

    I tried mating my black haired girl (from a black haired father and blond mother) to a blond boy. I only had one baby, but that baby was black haired. If changing hair color in the mirror had affected genetics then the baby would have automatically been blond haired.

    ..... b b
    b bb bb
    b bb bb
  6. Dee

    Dee New Member

    My lil sis made a sim who got abducted. Is there meant to be a video for it? One computer with the sims on in my house does videos and the other doesn't. My friend's computer has no videos either. The guy had twins though called Borgis and Borgin.
  7. Eleyia

    Eleyia New Member

    I've had the opposite experience. My babies all resemble their fathers more. I'm sure that's nice for the dads. They won't accuse their wives of sleeping with the mailman. :eek:
  8. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Some computers can handle the graphics and some can't. I have turned off the 'special events' camera on my current computer. My other computer wouldn't even let me turn it on. The on/off is located in the utilities section somewhere -- the 3 dots.
  9. ineedhelpPlay

    ineedhelpPlay New Member


    wow!when i played the curious family,he only gv birth to one!!but ur so lucky!i mean..this is like a real family...especially the pic with all 4 babies crawling around in the bathroom:) must hv been tons of work..wat did u name them?
  10. xingjianma

    xingjianma New Member

    How's the quad family doing? Update please.
  11. Thanhlienh

    Thanhlienh New Member

    Yeesh... Pascal Curious had one baby in my game, then something horrible happened and I had to reinstall, and on the second iteration he had exactly the same baby... now he's pregnant again and I'm scared.
  12. Cassiepeia

    Cassiepeia New Member

    It was SO much work. LOL I swear Pascall nearly spent the whole time having a breakdown (so did I lol :p ).
    I named them Viridian, Pepsi, Uhura & Krysta. :) All four have families now. Viridian has 4 children of her own plus one that was her husbands from a previous marriage. She's the family sim of the group.
    Krysta is miss popularity and is more interested in partying than families but she has one child of her own.
    Pepsi is a fortune sim and is married with one child and one on the way.
    And Uhura is married to another alien woman and they have one adopted daughter and have just adopted another one which hasn't arrived yet.

    I've decided to keep them alive as long as possible. I figure...they're aliens so they'd live longer than humans (or Sims) right? Hehehehe...

    They haven't progressed much because I'd become obsessed over a custom neighbourhood I created and hadn't been back to strange town for ages. But I'm starting to play them again.

    I'll get updated pictures as soon as I can. I've been having problems with my game since installing Open for Business. :) Soon as that's sorted out I'll show you what they all look like with their families. :D

  13. AlisonSBurke

    AlisonSBurke New Member

    For those of you who want alien babies and are willing to... cheat

    Just a few mins ago I wrote this on a different post, but anyway, if you download the inSimenator you can have an alien baby REALLLY easily, or you can have twins really easily. Just google the inSimenator, I can't remember the site.

    Just for a change, I had two ladies, and I used the insimenator to get them pregnant with twins at the same time, so I have quadruplets that look like their mum and... mum:D
  14. rolasonj

    rolasonj New Member

    Getting abducted

    I had my sim stargaze evernight from 10-2. After the 12th night of stargazing he was abducted and ended up having twin boys:shocked: . I would like to try for a girl. Has anyone had a girl alien.:confused: The boys are really great. They are children now and getting ready to start school.:knockedout:
  15. rolasonj

    rolasonj New Member

    So far I have had three sets of twins once from being abducted by aliens. I heard that if you eat spagetti before you try for baby you get twins. So I tryed this and it really worked. I also had her eat it the night before she was due. Both times it worked.
  16. artistvrd

    artistvrd SporeMasterArti

    wow, four babies at once, you have proof. didn't think that could happen..
  17. Twins_all the time

    Twins_all the time New Member


    how do u have alien babies?:confused: I have tried alot do u do with telescope or without both:confused: ?
  18. Twins_all the time

    Twins_all the time New Member


    how do u have alien babies?:confused: I have tried alot do u do with telescope or without both:confused: ?so how long does it take for the boy's 2 come bak after being abducted

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