How to get twin babies

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by sexierjess14, Sep 24, 2004.

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  1. killgorian

    killgorian New Member

    Personally, I found that having a teen daughter at the time of my twins toddler stage was actually a big help. She was able to take care of training, etc, while my adults were "greening up" sometimes after work. I just had to make sure she did her homework first.

    As for the nanny, I hired two for the days my SIMS worked and I caught both of them in their bathing suits at least once as my SIMS were getting off work. Them moving in and wandering the house in their underware only goes to further support my insistance that we should be able to drug screen them. It is obvious to this SIM parent that they are either senile or have serious drug dependancy issues....
  2. litl_mama1971

    litl_mama1971 New Member

    Omg I got a good chuckle at the granny nanny in undies. That is too funny. I give up on babies and toddlers for now shew. I'm just no good at keeping up. I haven't had twins but I had a toddler and a baby at one time and shew thank God for the nanny so the mom could sleep more than two or three hours at a time. And boy it takes so long to teach them everthing it's hard to do it all before the turn into a child. Last few families have either just been couples who have knowledge aspirations. Or a mother , child and Aunt living together and they all were focused on money.
  3. sexierjess14

    sexierjess14 Depressed Soul

    how do you hire 2 nannies? I've never tried before, only had one nanny and yes she always takes a dip in the pool when the baby is sleeping :eek: and when its time for the baby to be fed, she will be walking around the house in her bathing suit. I dont really mind these problems, only dislike it when she actually stays over :mad: she cooks in my house, eat in my house and irritates my simmies :mad:
  4. sexierjess14

    sexierjess14 Depressed Soul

    Im still hoping to get twins despite how difficult it is, just for the fun and experience :p wana see what they both look like when they grow up, how bad it is in taking care of them etc etc lolx :D so far all my simmies have given birth but no sign of twins yet :( *crosses fingers* hopes for a pair of twins :p
  5. HelloKit

    HelloKit New Member

    I haven't done it, but would assume since the Nanny always tracks the schedule of the parent who actually makes the phone call, that having both parents call for one would result in two being hired - one for each parent's schedule.
  6. sexierjess14

    sexierjess14 Depressed Soul

    ahh that could be it! thanks! :D but prob is I only have one child lol, I still wanna try to have twins..curious to know what they'd look like when they're grown up etc :p
  7. Supernova

    Supernova New Member

    The nannies are horrible... But not as bad as the maid! This one time, the maid picked up the toddler and cuddles it, then she went back to her van and drove away. With the baby still in her arms. And then the picture disappeared and the baby was gone forever!
  8. sexierjess14

    sexierjess14 Depressed Soul

    :eek: .................................... :eek: *speechless* that could happen?? *faints* thank God the maid never touches my kids! lol next thing I know missing baby alert :p but if you had twins, and they we're such a nuisance, maybe the maid could do it and take one away and make your life easier :p
  9. SolidSnake_19

    SolidSnake_19 Senior Moderator

    ahahaha. Dang. I didn't know they could do that. I'll have to be careful with the maid I hired.

    One thing that I've wondered about the nannie is does she normally set herself on fire when she's working? Mine set my house on fire twice (while also catching herself on fire).

    Oh yes. I do have twin babies - got them on the first try. :D
  10. sexierjess14

    sexierjess14 Depressed Soul

    :eek: almost everyone seems to be getting twin babies on their first try :eek: Ive been trying many times for all my simmies but no twins :( and so far the nanny hadnt burnt anything in my house nor almost burn my house down lol but she was standing in my bathroom with a bubble above her head which shows that she needs the loo badly, but cant seem to use it :eek: I was so afraid she'd die in my house and Ill be having a ghost wandering in my house that I had to use the move objects cheat to delete her :p
  11. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Crumbs. :eek: This game gets curiouser and curiouser. Baby-napping maids? Pyromanic nannies! When can we expect to see a child begin keeping an imaginary llama as a pet then? Or maybe that's the big secret? Santa's sleigh is pulled by a team of pink-nosed llamas ... that ... er ... eat babies and do pee-pees all over the roof ... yeah that sounds about right. :D
  12. sexierjess14

    sexierjess14 Depressed Soul

    lolx! :p Ive decided to stop having granny nanny services because Im afraid she'll gt stuck in my house again and Ill be having a few nannies in my house again :eek: most of the time the nanny I hired will always swim in the pool, once she feeds the baby and puts it to sleep she'll go for a swim, one the kid wakes up, she'll feed it and put it to sleep and go swimming again till the sim parents come home :eek: I guess that explains why my kid grows up to be a plum teen :eek:
  13. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    The maid kid-napping your baby sounds pretty exciting!! :eek: Now I'm glad I've never hired a maid! And I'll keep a closer eye on her when she comes over to visit as the "friend" the sims I know invite to come over with them when I call... wow... I remember her picking up my baby and the baby liked it.... hmmmm....

    Should I be worried now about the Pleasant girl, Angela, when she comes over to the Broke household and picks up the baby and plays with him?!
  14. FinalFantasy4ever

    FinalFantasy4ever Oh where in the world...

    Im wondering now.....If she stole your baby but then you married her would she still have the baby? lol
  15. sexierjess14

    sexierjess14 Depressed Soul

    lol good question.. Im wondering how it would be like also *grins* :p however so far none of my sim friends ever picked up the baby only the nanny.. the maid and other npcs never plays with the baby either lol
  16. Sadie

    Sadie New Member

    I haven't gotten any twins yet.. Which I'm glad.

    Twins are chaos... even though I haven't had any in TS2, I've had lots of expierience.
  17. Sylla

    Sylla New Member

    I've had 3 sets of twinsthe first ( 2 boys), occured after ALOT of trying for baby, and was in one of my later families, so yeah, took me a while to get my first set.
    The same parents then went on to have another set of twins (boy/girl), but my darling husband tripped out the power so they where lost forever (trust me, I was not happy with him).
    The parents then had a baby daughter.
    The daughter grew up had her own set of twins a boy and a girl, was very happy when that happened, they have just turned into children.
    So I'm thinking that there may be a family genetic thing happening here, aswell as some randomness thrown in to simulate real life.

    But a trick for you all that are finding having twin babies too hard, buy the birthday cake and blow out the candles, makes them grow up, you can do it any time you like with the babies because their age time is so short anyway, for toddles and older, you can get them to grow up any time after recieving the first message that their birthday is in 2 days.

  18. sexierjess14

    sexierjess14 Depressed Soul

    maybe because the parents had gotten twins before, so their children might get twins in future when they grow up and start their own family? so far none of my families ever gotten a pair of twins lol
  19. Trinasis

    Trinasis New Member

    Do the Kids have homework or is it just the Teenagers?
  20. zydeco

    zydeco New Member

    Yes, the kids have homework. I think it's a little too much homework, too! lol Since their fun meter drops at the same rate as the homework is completed, they spend all of their time playing console games and homework. I still can't tell if private school kids have more work than public school students though. I haven't had twins yet either. I'm not sure I could survive the homework routine with multiple kids. I DO wish you could designate where they put that blasted homework, too. I've had to pause and go room by room looking for it. I then have to physically move it to a desk every single day.
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