How to get twin babies

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by sexierjess14, Sep 24, 2004.

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  1. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    I haven't even had same sex twins, yet, though my daughter had them in her neighborhood. We can't tell if they're identical yet because it takes her forever to raise a baby and she won't play that house because twins are too hard. The last time we looked in on them the father was passed out on the floor.

    I guess I should offer some assistance. :D
  2. Eleyia

    Eleyia New Member

    My frist pregnant sim resulted in twins. They weren't quite identical. They look almost exactly alike except one had a shade darker skin than the other. I've only managed to have twins twice out of all my pregnancies, and that's a shame. I've about perfected raising sim babies. The more the merrier! :silly:
  3. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    I've only had one set of same gender twins, boys, out of probably about 10 sets of twins born in game. They were not identical, one with red hair, one with brown.
  4. sexierjess14

    sexierjess14 Depressed Soul

    In my case, both twins cases, were of different genders, both times a boy and a girl. I hadn't thought about identical till now :p

    It would be cool to have identical twins although I doubt I would ever want my sims to experience having to care for 2 babies at once! Babies are fine, but when they reach the toddler age .. :eek: :eek: I totally lose control :eek:
  5. Sacharissa

    Sacharissa New Member

    I've had three sets of twins so far - two boy/girl sets and one set of identical girls. I find the baby stage the hardest, 'cause they always seems to want to be fed at the same time! At least with toddlers, you can tell one to go play with "Mr Charisma Wabbit!

    I also created a family with identical triplet girls! THAT was one tough toddlerhood! (But boy, were they adorable!)
  6. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    In my old 'hood I created the triplets of Belleville as toddlers. Thanks to a dollhouse and three Mr. Wabbits they got through toddlerhood just fine. They were all the way to adulthood and had babies of their own when I had to start over.

    I am good at raising sim babies, but I admit the current Nova family has me swamped. I quit playing them to let the other kids of the parents' generation catch up, and because it's HARD. One child, one very neglected toddler and a brand new pair of twins. EEEEEEEE!!!

    The parents are about to plotz. What's really funny is his brother showed up, the not-nice romance sim brother, and he's helping out autonomously! It's like the game said, OK, this family needs help. I had little Riley ask Antonio for a bottle and he even got a pat on the head to go with it. His uncle may end up being his favorite adult, LOL.
  7. Dee

    Dee New Member

    My sister had made triplets for one of her families and they caused her absolute havoc. I myself had one couple have 2 sets of twin girls one after the other. I kept them in the high chair all the time till they needed changing or sleep. That way way they were always ready for feeding and didn't get on my nerves too much. They are grown up now though. Thank god!
  8. sexierjess14

    sexierjess14 Depressed Soul

    I prefer the baby stage because I just have my sims feed them and leave them in the crib, wherelse my sim toddlers, they tend to LOVE playing with the bowl :eek: and whenever they are awake, they yell and cry and wake the simmies up (all my sim babies/toddlers sleep in the same room as the parents). So somehow I find the baby stage easier for me :p

    But one thing for sure is, it's tough caring for twins! One is enough to drive me insane, two? :eek: :white:
  9. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    After having 3 sets of twins in the course of playing this game, I've gotten used to them. With Hoenheim's twins, I had the teen sons and the parents involved in feeding, potty-training and rearing the toddlers. It made the walking/talking thing simple by having the parents train both at the same time, with smart milk of course. When I had twins for the first time, though, God that was awful. I had to move in the mother's sister and brother-in-law in in order to raise decent kids. They made it through easily after that. :eek:
  10. sexierjess14

    sexierjess14 Depressed Soul

    Looks like Im the only one who's having problems raising just 1 child from toddler age :p :p

    I still remembered one of the incidents where my sim got twins when I did not plan to have one was after she did meditation the whole day :eek: I had my simmie meditate because I had to attend to the teen and child and husband which I was having trouble controlling :rolleyes: and she ended up having 2 children, which almost made me fall off my seat, so I replayed the family without saving, and she had 1 child :rolleyes: ;)
  11. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Toddlers ARE harder than babies, Jess. It's all that mobility and their more demanding natures.

    Don't worry, you'll get the hang of it. No one's that good at it at first.

    I'm in awe of Chee-Z getting them both all trained up. With my babies if there's twins potty training's about as much as they can expect.
  12. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    I agree that toddlers are more difficult than babies, but not dramtically so. Unlike real toddlers you can turn down the volume when they are screaming for attention and they only really get wildly upset at being caged up with nothing to do (in a high chair with no food or in a crib basically). Leave them with a toy and they'll play contentedly until either bladder or energy runs out. If they stop because of hunger ... well! :eek: boy! have you ever got game-play issues :rolleyes: The toughest part of the toddler raising challenge, fo me, is not so much managing the kiddies but managing the parents' aspirations so that one is always available in gold, or better mood, to make up the smart milk.

    I just concluded a marathon session with a branch of the Simmonds family. Norton and Lila were expecting their third child (a late baby ... both have since retired while baby Tyrone was still toddling - he's grown to child now, though). Into this madhouse came their eldest daughter, Taylor and her bashful new groom, former Llama All Star Dorkerooney, Ricky Andrews. Taylor got pregant accidentally on purpose after graduating and when Ricky graduated later, Norton made him come over and do the decent thing :p Taylor gave birth to Macca about 8 hours before her Mamma Lila gave birth to Macca's uncle Tyrone. Taylor got pregnant again immdiately after giving birth (it seemed like a good idea at the time ... :rolleyes:) so the third boy in in 80 hours was born. Welcome to the madhouse, Tebay!

    Anyway. Macca got his first A+, Tyrone has 8 charisma points and it's Friday night so he'll have 8 cooking points and 8 creativity by Monday and l'il Tebay should be able to go to school on Monday, so I'll have the HM over on Sunday and get them all into private school.

    Mind you! I don't wanna repeat that experience again in a hurry :rolleyes:
  13. sexierjess14

    sexierjess14 Depressed Soul

    Wow .. by far my largest sim family only consisted of a max of 4 persons .. I could never handle more :( I tried once with a grandma, grandpa, parents and 2 children, I had problems controlling them so I had to keep pausing the game to give them each tasks :p

    But about aspirations level, I cheat at that :( I use the energizer painting each time the aspirations reach gold level ;) Im such a cheater in games :rolleyes:
  14. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    That's OK Shana. The cheats are there to be used. I'd be lost without the pause key, though. Also, I always play with free will off because I never like the dumb things sims do when they have freedom. The odd occasions when they do do something really cute is when you're not looking anyway .... what's the point of that! :eek: All told it makes for slow playing but hey, I'm not in a race. :eek:
  15. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    Huh? Did you mean Jess?
  16. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    :eek: :boggled: :blush: :ashamed: :guilty: ... that's another fine senior moment I just had ... :dopey: :smirk: :covereyes: :sorry: :footinmouth: :eek:ld:

    dang anyone know a good electrolysister ... erm ... did I just make that word up? :LOL: :laughing: :silli: :yes:
  17. Your Mom

    Your Mom Simaholic ;D

    Oh dear God, yes, the Sandwich triplets (Molly, Olly and Polly). What made things worse was that it was just their single dad, Arnie, looking after them throughout their toddlerhood. Not to mention they had a tiny house. Heaven knows how I got them through it. I think it was the charisma bunny toy which saved them from being taken away. XD
    I eventually got tired of their small house and moved them into a bigger one, and gave them a stepmum (Wendy). Arnie and Wendy had another child, Eloise, and the triplets are now at college.
  18. Dee

    Dee New Member

    Dear god how I hate multiple births. I almost cried when my mum sim gave birth to twin girls 20 minutes ago.
  19. sexierjess14

    sexierjess14 Depressed Soul

    Lol the cheats are wonderful and the pause key is what I rely on practically the entire time I play the game! I hadn't turned "free will" off before because I keep forgetting what it does and hadnt bothered to fiddle with it :p I guess that explains why my sims keep doing things I never asked them too once in awhile :eek:

    And Dee, are you keeping thw twins? When my sim had twins I didnt save the game and replayed back to the time she hadnt gotten pregnant :p :p I think I handled my sims in sims1 better than sims2, I used to have a large family and had no problem controlling them but now I do :(
  20. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    It just takes practice. And sometimes even that doesn't help, much like in real life. I'm pretty good at handling large numbers of sims but every once in a while everything goes haywire, especially if babies or toddlers are involved.

    Guess that's what keeps the game interesting!
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