
Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by CoolKites, Sep 24, 2004.

  1. CoolKites

    CoolKites New Member


    My teen sim is getting grown-up and when i invite sims to the party they never show up! Is something wrong or do they just take time to get there???
  2. killgorian

    killgorian New Member

    SIMS attendance to parties is directly related to their relationship with the SIM hosting the party. So if you are inviting several strangers or SIMS who are not that close, they may not show up.
  3. Cassiepeia

    Cassiepeia New Member

    Try to get the sim who has the most friends, to invite sims to the party.
  4. SaintC_horse

    SaintC_horse New Member


    You actually have to call the friends and tell them that a party is going down?! I thought that when you picked the "Throw Party" option, it did all that for you. Dang it! No wonder my wedding sucked.
  5. killgorian

    killgorian New Member

    Hehe. Well, you should see a menu come up when you use the "throw party" option. On it is a list of everyone you know. You then move people from one side to the other to make up your invitation list for the party.
  6. MZB

    MZB New Member

    lol but can invite more than 2 guest to a wedding?
  7. killgorian

    killgorian New Member

    Im not 100% on this, but I believe the max number of people you can invite to a party is 4, however I believe it subtracts from that number the amount of guests you already have over.

    So if you have two people visiting at the time you're throwing a party, you can only invite two more. Im not sure if charisma, etc, will effect the max number of people you can invite.
  8. MZB

    MZB New Member

    oh okay thanks:D
  9. MZB

    MZB New Member

    so do you know how and where people make their own clothes for their sims and then put it on the game
  10. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    The first party I threw in the game gave me the options to invite 8 sims... then later I had options to invite 7 sims, then next time it was only 6... I started thinking it was just going down and down... but then next time it was 7. ??? Does anyone know what influences the number of people you have the option to invite in the Throw Party menu? I'm wondering if it's based on how well your last party went....

    For making your own clothes for the game, use Sims Body Shop and it will let you choose clothes to re-color and show you the file path to the location it saves the graphics images to, so you can open them in ANY Paint program to re-color and draw your own patterns on the clothes, and use the black and white graphics to control what parts of your clothes are visible. :D There are tutorials on this somewhere, try looking around the forum for threads about Body Shop. :D Great clothes will definitely make the parties more fun for YOU anyway, whether your sims care or not... :p

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