How does one drug sceen their nanny...

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by killgorian, Sep 24, 2004.

  1. Nellie

    Nellie New Member

    Look on the bright side. I moved a new family of sims into a house only to find the nanny from the previous occupants still wandering around the place, weeing on the floor, sleeping in the family bed (picture the scene, you come home from a hard days work, fancy a bit of Woohoo with your Mrs and find a smelly old lady asleep in your bed who won't wake up and wont leave the house).

    I tried walling her up in the bathroom on the off chance she'd do something useful like die, but after 3 weeks of her making that awful "obstruction" wail they do I gave up and moved the family out and knocked the house down to make sure.
  2. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    LOL! I don't think the Nannies need drug tests, I think they need medication for Senility! Wouldn't it be funny if we could create an retirement home for demented Nannies and keep them locked up there? That would be a fun house to play! LOL
  3. Nellie

    Nellie New Member

    Horrible thought, you'd need an army of similarly demented maids following around behind them to pick up all the bottles and mop up the wee.
  4. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    I'd have dug a little pit and buried her there. Hey, free nanny. Sure, she doesn't *DO* anything, but she does get rid of that absurd "can't leave child home" nuisance, and won't be able to destroy your house when buried alive in a pit. I mean, hell, *I* can come up with a better nanny algorithm than Maxis has. Considering what the nanny currently manages to, I'm pretty convinced a blind, limbless monkey would do a better job.
  5. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Hm ... LOL. Actually the Sim nanny is only doing what the Sim social services require. (a) child not to be left in house alone, and (b) child not deprived of milk and (c) child not left to scream and scream and scream. Sim social services don't care how much the child stinks ... presumably the unlovely aroma of sim baby-poo doesn't waft too far and sim babies don't get diaper rash and no matter how stinky or dirty baby always quits crying when held ... ah if only RL was as easy. ;)
  6. sim024

    sim024 New Member

    The nanny has been getting quite annoying. I do agree, however, that she is wonderful when my family tries to keep social workers away. Lately, I've been finding her to be so vexing; whenever my baby has an energy meter in the deep oranges and is in her crib, the nanny comes along and takes her out to feed her! :rolleyes:

    On the subject of twins, one of my families is trying for ten kids. Try that for a challenge! By the way, has anyone ever reached that aspiration goal? We've had one baby boy, Michael. Next we had twins, Matthew and Cheyenne. My SIM just had a baby boy again, Bryan. Can the SIMS have triplets? I've heard of quads so apparently they can.
  7. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member

    They can have twins. Quads is a glitch in the system. (One person got 6 at once. Boy, were *they* mad. And they saved just after wards before they realized that they were stuck with so many at once.

    But those are all multiples of 2. I've not heard of anyone getting triplets (only wishing for them.) I don't believe that even a glitch would cause that.
  8. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    I feel lucky because my nanny's have done house cleaning when not feeding or holding the babies. they do watch tv or swing. they do not do diapers. sorry, no twins.
  9. FinalFantasy4ever

    FinalFantasy4ever Oh where in the world...

    i downloaded a family with 6. it was so funny course then they grew up and got taken away cause ones social went down -.-
  10. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    I had two Nannies show up last night. I have no idea why, except the family has just had a new baby. No one called for the second Nanny. The 1st baby had become a child and was going to school. The 1st Nanny showed up and went swimming. Then I noticed she had a diffrent dress on, and realized that I had two Nannies!!!:eek: :rolleyes:
  11. Rika

    Rika New Member

    I don't know if this has happened to anyone else, but I was watching my sister play Sims 2 on my computer. Her nanny was taking a bath, and got out of the shower when my sister's mom got home, but the nanny decided not to put her clothes back on. The nanny proceeded to do the rest of her housework, chores, taking care of the baby in the nude and would not leave the house. I found this mildly disturbing >>;;

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