Private school and dinner parties

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Definitive_Prankster, Sep 24, 2004.

  1. Private school and dinner parties

    Hi all.

    What are the benefits of sending a child sim to private school? And what does the manual mean when it says that if a parent has a high enough dinner party skill? Does it mean cooking?

    I COULD find this out myself I know, but 1. all my sims are either babies or adults, and 2. my pc is all the way back in Nottingham and I'm in Sheffield, and I want to know now now now :)

    Think Sims 2 is pretty good so far. Cant wait till I have a few generations of sims in my neighborhoods.
  2. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    The best dinner party score I ever got was about 70/90 so I've given up for the time being. And that was when he hadn't eaten! :p ... the option to call him to dinner disappeared and never returned halfway thru the tour of the house/ He just stood around with his stomach growling while ma and pa chomped thru the pork chops ... lol maybe I should've cooked a kosher meal ... ;)

    However I suspect -- knowing the Maxoids and their evil ways -- that kids who go to private school have to work even harder, get more homework and get thrown out if their grades fall below A- ... either that or they become all preppy and geeky. LOL
  3. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Update on Private School

    Well I got little Jubal Quilter into the academy, quickly too. His first day at school was a Friday, which meant they all had Saturday to lounge around in readiness for the Head's visit. Went well. Showed him the rooms with all the educational stuff ... eg telescope, the surgery reward, a bookcase and that seemed to score well for the tour (TIP show three rooms and call it a day!) Dad did that while Mom cooked a turkey dinner .... I anticipated success cos the headmaster kept stopping on the tour to sniff the air and go yummy! As soon as tour over call him for dinner. I had 32/90 after the tour, 79/90 after dinner and the smooching was almost a disaster cos I let Dad try his hand at it first (he's a medical researcher and has about as much charisma as Gnorman The Gnome's pet ant!) Luckily Mom rushed to the rescure.

    So far the only difference I have seen schoolwise is that he now goes off in the school bus wearing a totally geek-ridden black suit with a paisley patterned waistcoat (vest in the US). Yuck! I nearly kept him home, the little love! Bless! His mom was a bit old when she had him and she retired on the day he started at the private school ... LOL ... I hope there aren't any fees to be paid at the end of the week ... :p
  4. killgorian

    killgorian New Member

    My guy wouldnt eat pork chops either. He kept setting down at the table only to get back up immediatly. I woder if it's a glitch, or the pork chops.....
  5. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    Just in case, I think I'll try cooking the turkey dinner instead of porkchops when I get to this point in the game! ;)
  6. FinalFantasy4ever

    FinalFantasy4ever Oh where in the world...

    I did Salmon (sp?) that worked well but now she knows the lobster one so that should be excellent
  7. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    So far the one time I had my sim make the lobster... it burned in the oven, started a fire, and then after the fire department showed up to put it out... my sims took out the burnt lobster and had that for dinner anyway, haha! :p
  8. sexierjess14

    sexierjess14 Depressed Soul

    well so far I've gotten all my sim kids into private school, and each time I scored about 110/90 :eek: I didnt do much at the smooze (I think I spelt that wrong :p ) area but I did the tour thingy and it helps out quite abit, all I did was select the "tour" or "show tour" (I cant remember whats it called, but its related to showing the headmaster around the house :p ) and walk to each room and click on the headmaster and select "show room" just show him each room and when I was close to showing him the last room, I made the husband prepare "mac and cheese" because the lobster might take abit lol but even with "mac and cheese" the headmaster seem to like it and I keep getting around 110/90 score lol, basicly showing the headmaster around the house, feeding him, and maybe smooze a little about work or school, and voila, your kids are on their way to private school ;)
  9. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Yeah, I agree. Last night I made my first trailer trash family and for a laugh I got the first kid to phone up and invite the headmaster over. The the tour didn't take long ... would've been even quicker if they hadn't all stop to stomp the roaches. Dinner scored 35 points (toasted cheese sandwiches - go figure!). THere was no time for smoozing cos Mom went into labor as soon as dinner was over. Final score 42 out of 90, but man I had nightmares about living in that house. The Mom is one fierce red-headed Irish momma, she beat the holy doo-doo out of a female colleague that hubby Declan brought home from work ... why? well because she was blonde and thin. Maybe I should post some pics ... :p
  10. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    Hahaha...can we say Beverly Hillbillies? ;)
  11. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member

    I've been too chicken to try. It can give your family a big aspiration boost (for the knowledge Sims anyway) but it can also cause a big aspiration hit if they don't get in. But then I'm still trying to get my neighborhood built up enough to have more friends they might like.
  12. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    Ooooh please DO post pics! That sounds like one hillarious dinner party to impress the headmaster!!! :eek:

    I'm having fun learning both what to try and what NOT to do when I get to the headmaster stage of my kids lives! :D
  13. litl_mama1971

    litl_mama1971 New Member

    hee hee hee mirelly that story is hilarious *hearty chuckle*
    My visit with the headmaster did not go so well. I kept on trying to get him to eat but he never would. My family's cooking skills were still low so I had gotten that party table and had them serve the food. But we never could get him to eat it.
  14. Supernova

    Supernova New Member

    I had this one family of two roommates, and one had an alien child. I tried to get the kid into a private school, and so invited the headmaster over. All was going well with the tour until my other roommate (Jethro) walked out of his room in his underwear with twin stink lines coming from his armpits. I think my final score was like 20 or something. The headmaster hated my after that. It was sorta funny! :D
  15. sexierjess14

    sexierjess14 Depressed Soul

    hmmx..maybe you didnt select on the headmaster and choose "entertain" > "call for dinner"..I invited him before when I tried it the first time, he never ate the food, till the second time I noticed the "call for dinner" selection :p and I only fed him "mac and cheese" which he seemed to like! lol
  16. zydeco

    zydeco New Member

    Some of you have had some interesting dinner parties! :D It never occurred to me to have roach stomping as an entertainment! lol I saved and then called him over. I didn't know how snooty he might be so I dressed family in formal attire. I tried serving several courses but that was a huge waste of groceries. The headmaster had a chef salad and was thrilled. Only one of my family members were good at schmoozing so I made everyone else sit at the table out of the way. I tried taking him on a tour but I don't think he ever got out of the entrance hall. He finally took a tour all by himself! He went upstairs, snooped, nodded to himself and came back down. Mom (on her own initiative) made him a cup of espresso which gave me the extra points needed for junior's admittance. I've noticed the headmaster liked my kid so much he calls him daily to chat! lol Think he's schmoozing us now or should I be worried? ;)
  17. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    That's great that the headmaster calls to chat now!! :D

    I tried to do the headmaster over for dinner but I think I did the tour of the house wrong... I wasn't sure HOW to give him a tour! I clicked on tour... then tried that again but he said he'd already seen that room... and we were still standing outside on the porch. So I had my teen sim run into the baby's room and click tour again, so I THINK he was shown that room, and he complained about it. :(

    With the shmoozing and food I passed with 110 out of 90 needed points... but I almost didn't find how to call him to dinner too! :eek:
  18. FinalFantasy4ever

    FinalFantasy4ever Oh where in the world...

    I wasnt sure how to give him a tour either at first but I know now. and he hoots and hollers at my rooms cause of the enviroment. its funny
  19. sexierjess14

    sexierjess14 Depressed Soul

    lol yeah.. his reaction towards each room in my house was he kept "hollering" lolx and each time he sees my son, he will wave "hello". Now he calls the mom up everyday to chat lol and the dad doesnt seem to like it :rolleyes:
  20. kirstymom

    kirstymom New Member

    Headmaster and dinner

    I couldn't get any of my sims into the private school for a long time since I was fumbling through what to do. Then the teenager herself talked and joked with the headmaster, I hadn't expected to get her in. She was from a trailer, mother was poor in smoozing, brother kept doing odd things, father was watching the TV, dinner burned, but she was not only admitted but the headmaster kept calling her to talk at night!! hmmm...

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