some relationship questions

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by stonegolem, Sep 27, 2004.

  1. stonegolem

    stonegolem New Member

    some relationship questions

    I have a problem with going steady, what relationship level do you have to have, what things do you have to do? Also what role do signs/personality play in whether ralationship options work? I mean it is there for me to choose to ask the girl to go steady, but she refuses. What do i need to do to make it work?
    It is a person i made so i can control her although not in the same game as the boy, obviously.
  2. sexierjess14

    sexierjess14 Depressed Soul

    well you gotta make sure that both of your sims are having a "Crush" on each other in the short term relationship, and "love" in the long term, as long as they both have that, the guy or the girl can ask to go steady. My sim was rejected once also, so I went over to the girls house and checked her relationship with the guy, and it seems that she wasnt in love with him thats why he rejected :eek: lol.. try making them both talk more, "flirting" really helps heaps in teen relationships :p hope this helps :D
  3. sexierjess14

    sexierjess14 Depressed Soul

    sorry, I forgotted to add, go over to the girls side and check her relationship status with the guy, make sure she's in "love" with him under the long term relationship bar, then you can use her to ask the guy to go steady or go back to the guys side and make him do it :D
  4. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    I can't wait to get some teenage sims in love. :D The trick of checking how the relationship is going by playing the other sim for a while too is good advice!! I probably should have done that with my adult sims when I had them proposing and getting engaged and married, but I got lucky and it worked out without rejection. :D
  5. stonegolem

    stonegolem New Member

    I will try and let you know how it turns out.:D
  6. sexierjess14

    sexierjess14 Depressed Soul

    lol good luck! teen love is actually quite funny, like their first kiss, first crush etc both my simmies that are married now :cool: , started dating since they we're teens :p it was preety easy because I could always play both sides to make sure they have a preety good relationship before proposing for marriage, because he got rejected once to go steady with her and he had a bad mood drop :eek:
  7. stonegolem

    stonegolem New Member

    I had two girls in this particular house and one said yes to a boy(for going steady) but the one to which i was referring to ealier still doesn't although the other has a lower lifetime relationship with her boyfriend?!?! However do you know what part signs/personalities play in romance?
  8. Supernova

    Supernova New Member

    I just sort of noticed one day how some of my Sims were going steady all of a sudden. I dont even know what happened. Its sort of confusing. :confusion:

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