Another Donny Darko moment Well, almost I noticed that one of my sims, Rickie, had under his fears the following: "Social Bunny (-3500) Lonliness can make a sim see things. To avoid a visit from this furry fantasy friend, make sure your sim spends time getting along with others" So I thought, "Wow, if I get my sims social score wayyy down Frank will come and talk to him!" Unfortunately, the Social bunny is just the clown out of the first game (but he's a rabbit this time). You can do all the interactions with him and your social score will rise. Bit dissapointed really...
What I've heard is that the other sims in your sims family will NOT be able to see the Social Bunny when you have them selected, so the sim interacting with the bunny will be interacting with empty air when you select someone else and watch! Now I want to see this!