Do you know how long it takes for the mother to have a baby? Hi, everyone, I am new here! I just got The Sims 2 yesterday and I just want to know how long does it take for the mother to have the baby and like what happens when she is in labor lol?
From what I've seen, pregnancy lasts three days... almost like trimesters, lol! The first day she will still look normal but may get nauseous or even throw up, and a thought bubble with a pacifier and a question mark (am I pregnant?) will appear over her head. The second day her tummy will grow and she will change into maternity clothes, and she will begin to waddle when she walks. The third day her tummy gets a bit bigger. During the second and third days her hunger, comfort, bladder and energy needs will deteriorate much faster than normal... she'll pretty much rotate between eating, peeing, and sleeping until it's over, lol. When she goes into labor she'll clutch her gut and moan and generally look to be in a lot of pain, and then suddenly she'll reach up and catch a baby that appears to fall from the sky.
Thanks! Thanks soo much.. LOL falls from the sky.. how realistic is that lol! Hey look you live in RI and I live in MA 45 mins from eachother hehe!.. I just thought I would mention that!
My sim Moms almost die most of the time from lack of everything. Thats why I had one of those energizers in waiting....
OMG Wow! Wow, they must really lose hunger, hygiene and etc.. points really fast.. but I still can't wait to get my wife in the game pregnant! I think they should have expanded the time a lot longer though atleast 9 days to actually make it seem more realistic, but oh well.. what can we do? Does the stomach look bigger when you have twins or does it look the same as when you had only one child?
The stomach looks the same whether it's twins or not, so far I've had 4 pregnancies happen in my game and 2 of them were twins, and 2 were single births, and the mothers all looked the same as far as their size during pregnancy.