Cops and Robbers in the kitchen I had a funny thing come up while I was playing today. Two kids were playing Cops and Robbers in the kitchen when something odd happened. LOL! I thought you might get a kick out of this.
Lol... Don't you hate it when that happens? I have found a couple bugs like this as well... Let's see if I can post my latest one: I don't know how it happened, I didn't get to see it. I just looked and saw it. She must have sat on it at some point?
Woah what is that thing protruding from that woman's body? And by the way, I LOVE her hair. Is that a hair style/length that comes with the game? If not, point me to the place to get it!
Actually, that hairstyle IS in the game! I was pretty jazzed when I saw it myself. =) That thing sticking through her middle is her poor childhood teddy bear. I'm not sure if she ate it or what, but she's got some serious co-dependancy issues with the way she carries it around all the time...
LOL or possibly separation anxiety issues I have seen some really great faces/hair on The Sims 2 site, and a few other fan sites as well. Can't WAIT to get this game! BTW, I'm a redhead too
I've heard of others who have had the teddy bear problem. Did it just happen or had you left the "move_objects" cheat on. (That seemed to be why it happened to some people. I know that with my child in the table, that's not what happened because I haven't used the move_object cheat at all.)
I had my sterio implant itself in the front of the baby's high chair while I had the move_objects cheat on... I didn't realize where my sterio went and thought it had been stolen, haha! I also had a really weird thing happen while bathing my infant... the mother was doing all the actions at the kitchen sink... but the blurred baby was down on the floor over to the side, and the neighbor girl kept picking him up and cuddling him while he was being bathed.... if that wasn't weird enough THEN the mother seemed to get stuck while changing his diaper... she was just standing there holding him not moving for a while, so I clicked on the action in her queue to break her out of it... and then my infant suddenly had NO NEW DIAPER! He had a bare bottom without any blurring!
All Ive had happen is the teddy bear somehow floated up and was betwwen the first and second floor outside of the house. I have no clue how in the world it got up there.
Teddy Bear Syndrome Kat, you're probably right about the Move Objects thing. I sometimes use that while building, and forget to take it off... She must have been using it and decided that it'd be easier to just carry it around with her. =) Sounds like some of the bugs are kind of funny!
I have a wierd picture to it has two of my sims hugging and their both pregnant and their overlapped. I cant show it because its on my other computer but its WEIRD
Woah there! Athedia, this thread is almost 4 years old! Please don't resurrect old threads - we would much rather you start your own. By the way, welcome to WorldSims - glad you joined. (Thread closed due to ancientness - is that a word? If not, it's my word. )