
Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by droogievesch, Sep 29, 2004.

  1. droogievesch

    droogievesch New Member


    I've tried looking for a problem similar to this on the board but couldn't find any. So here it is: When my sims age their faces disappear on their icon. At first I thought this was temporary, but it's been like that for quite some time. I tried moving my sim out, but that didn't help. All I get is a blank square where their face should be. This problem also happened when my sim had a baby. So now I'm up to 3 faceless sims. Is this normal and will fix itself, or do I have a bug?
  2. ijRoberts

    ijRoberts New Member

    Hmm, I haven't heard of this one before... Definitely sounds like a bug of some sort. And with me not being a technical kind of person, I'd just go out on a limb and guess that it is a video card thing?

    Perhaps someone else will know more, what kind of system are you running the game on?

    (BTW, you also might get more help if you ask in the "Tech Center" forum.) =)
  3. droogievesch

    droogievesch New Member

    I have no idea what system I'm running. Sounds dumb, but it's true. I did that one test to see how my computer would handle it, and I passed with flying colors. I'll re-post on the technical forum but it seems odd that it only happens when they age...sucks in a way because their faces show up when you want them to do something...just not anywhere else. But thanks for your help.
  4. Supernova

    Supernova New Member

    It shouldnt have anything to do with your actual system, it juts looks to me like its a bug in the game.
  5. Orion

    Orion New Member

    Try this...

    Go to a mirror into change your appearance. Change make-up or something and then hit the check as in ok. This should update your face and hopefully have a centered face on a square. I had this when I created my first character and changing my appearance in a mirror fixed the problem.
  6. droogievesch

    droogievesch New Member

    I tried that...it didn't work, but I'll do it again just in case. My game also likes to freeze on me. I swear, this game is more trouble than it's worth.
  7. litl_mama1971

    litl_mama1971 New Member

    Gosh I am feeling very fortunate. I have not had any trouble with my game. It has locked up once or twice. But that is just typical. It may have not totally been the games fault.
  8. Rhaevyn

    Rhaevyn New Member

    Sounds like you might wanna take a trip over to the Tech forums. If you're experiencing freezing or locking up that is caused by several things that may be hardware related (or software, i.e.; drivers).

    How much RAM do you have? And your processor speed? Things like that can definitely impact your game performance. Make sure you have the latest DirectX 9 as well, etc. etc.

    That was just the impression I got from your quoted comment.
  9. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    The no faces after an age change sounds like the game is having trouble generating the proper new face icon... I think it sounds like a glitch in the game that needs to be fixed, but others could be right, it could be related to your computer and not the game, as it's freezing up as well.

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