Just when you've seen it all okay I was playing and I was on the first floor, in my backyard when I saw this.... Just when you've seen it all...
Mirelly said the equalvent of "I guess that'll be the impostor who hangs out under a scaredy sim's bed"....that doesn't really make sense..but then again I'm posting at 4 in the morning...
*giggles* That's funny the funniest pic I have would be the pic of the taxi driver, minus the taxi hehe sitting on thin air! So funny
Yeah, it's either the four in the morning thing or time for you to get a dictionary A fakir is an itinerant Hindu ascetic or wonder-worker, people who are said to have the ability to levitate objects of themselves. peace
Dear Josh. Aww bless him! Haven't laffed ... uh-oh! that's "laughed" ... ... so much in ages. Josh! How could you even think that I, of all people, wouldn't know exactly how far to go in appearing to be risqu while using my queen's english to perfection, both grammatically and ... er spellingly ... LOL
I'm wondering what that animation/pose is actually FOR? Is that a pool I see down there? Could he be swimming/diving in the wrong place, with those pointed feet.... hmmm....
I would assume he's sleeping in a bed, but when he went down a level the furniture disappeared but not the character.
This happened to one of my sims once, except he was in the 2nd floor bath at the time. Hehehhe... got to see what they look like without the blurry bit covering them. It was pretty funny though. "Help! There's a naked man floating about my ceiling!!" **** I wish I had snapped a pic. Oh well... if it happens again I'll capture it and post it. LOL Love this picture, BTW. I agree about his feet, they look deformed. LOL I wonder if he was stretching and moving his feet when the picture was taken or perhaps that's how all sims hold their feet under the covers? And I'd like to know if that's a pool too! An indoor pool? Awesome, what a great idea. Cass.
You want to hear something REALLY funny? Don Lothario came upon a fitting death today: Death by Woohoo. While being "entertained" by one of his many mistresses, he unexpectedly keeled over and died right after the 5th consecutive woohoo. He is survived by his two daughters and clueless wife Cassandra (who never caught on despite the fact that he is buried in his mistress's back yard), as well as his 12 mistresses, the secret of which he apparently has carried to his grave.
My sim, Nathalie became 'invisible' just before she was to give birth to her second child.. annoying, yes, but very amusing as well. When she's holding the baby, it looks like it's floating in the air by itself. I didn't took a screen on that, but I took a screen on Nathalie, though. But she's obviously not in the picture, technically anyways... Here -> http://img.porrigt.se/user/25593/files/1097671494.jpg I drew an orange tingy around her wedding ring, it's glimmering everywhere she goes, and that's how I can locate her. I have the camera zoomed in almost as far as it goes (new pc yesterday The graphics are really stunning!) so I don't look at those green polygones or 'diamonds' above their heads.
Yeah, I had that happen with one of my Sims as well. It goes away if you travel to a community lot for sure, and possibly if you undergo an age transition or change your appearance.
I had the floating person happen too. A guy was in the bathtub, and when I went downstairs with another Sim to make breakfast, the guy was floating naked in mid-air! It was hillarious. I fogot to snap a pic, too, just sat there and laughed.
Seen it all Hi Josh, This isn't really about floting(opps spell chech lol) Sims, But Talk about strange, I had a couple 2 days in game, My lady got out of bed in the morning, went to go Potty, And DROPED DEAD! All bars were full except Hunger and Bladder and they were only one third down???? They were also second day old????
2 game days, or two real days? Were they elders? Elders can drop dead pretty spontaneously of old age. I've had Dirk Dreamer suddenly croak unexpectedly like that also, he seemed to have died in his sleep of unknown causes. Fortunately, he survived the experience.