-- Regrets -or- Happy with --

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by lavinder, Sep 30, 2004.

  1. lavinder

    lavinder New Member

    -- Regrets -or- Happy with --

    I havnt bought The Sims 2 yet but i have looked at some of the movies and researched all the new stuff about it but i want reall peoples regrets of buying the game and what people are thrilled with about the new game.

    please post your regrets and happy with's so i can see if its really worth buying :D
  2. Rhaevyn

    Rhaevyn New Member

    I just had to comment on this, as I see threads like this all over the net on different game boards. What constitutes fun or enjoyable to me may not be the same for you. If you like vanilla and I like chocolate, we both still like ice cream, right?

    Like my mama always said, "go with your gut" -- if you liked the first Sims you'll undoubtedly like the 2nd. No one here or anyone else can tell you if you will like it, only you know that.

    And besides, you're on a Sims 2 fan site. What do you expect but positive feedback? hehe, if you're interested, you have the money, GO GET IT. If you don't like it chances are there are many people you know that would be willing to take it off your hands.

    Have fun!
  3. Orion

    Orion New Member


    I definately like the 3D graphics.
    Game runs great and smooth on my 3.0ghz processor with 500mb ram.
    Game is choppy on my 650mhz processor with 500mb ram.
    Love the facial character creation features. Can make a character that looks close you yourself and others.
    Don't like the lack of things in this first Sims 2.
    Don't like the lack of hair color textures.. only 5 colors to choose from.
    There are a few buggy querks but no show stopping things.
    Don't like the long hesitation with picking a child up out of the crib.
    I like the different stages of life to go through and being able to turn the aging off and on.
    I would like to see sims become more self reliant/smarter as skills increase so you don't have to tell them to go to the bathroom, take a shower, go to work, eat and they can keep thier own stats up as they get older so you can pay attention to the younger generation/children.
    Why my adult self sim only makes himself a meal and my sim daughter is smart enough to make a meal for the family, I don't understand yet.
    After making a sim of myself and wife and had a daughter, I didn't like how homely she looked but when she became a teen, and put some make-up on her, she looked ok.
    I love the DNA thing they have to mix the features of the parents randomly into the child.
    I like the pary feature of being able to invite 8 people. My old 650mhz only allows me to invite 2 people to a party. It gets really jerky with alot of people on the screen.
    I like being able to keep freindships up over the phone, especially when you have other loves out there and you don't want 2 of them running in one room and have one kiss, flirt or hug you.
    At the very top of my millitary career, I get picked up by a huge hellecopter for work.
    I'm pretty satisfied with the game. I'm definatly having fun with it having characters of my family in a house I made to look like mine.
  4. sexierjess14

    sexierjess14 Depressed Soul

    Basicly in my opinion, I think the game is worth purchasing. What I like about it compared to sims1 is that its more realistic in the sense that sims are more human-like now. They can lie on the bed or lounge on the couch to watch the tv, they can lie on the ground to watch the stars, almost everything they do will affect them in future, for example if you dont raise your child well, he might turn out to be a brat although you can "control" him since you are the player :p

    however, whether to purchase the game or not is entirely up to you. If you have seen the screenshots and movies, and you think it looks nice, then I suggest you buy the game, because playing it is better than those in the screenshots and movies :p

    p.s : I hope Im making sense lol :p
  5. lavinder

    lavinder New Member

    Ok :D im going to buy it ... when i get to go out ... mom and dad to busy with work and ive got tons of homework :(
  6. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    Any regrets I have about the game:

    I wish my computer were faster but we can't upgrade the RAM. :( We bought a second 512 RAM card that is incompatable with the first RAM card so the motherboard will only accept one or the other, but not both. So that's not the game's fault. :p

    I wish they would come out with programs to let you make your own walls, floors, and recolor the objects in the game. I agree with a lot of people it's a little frustrating to only have the decorating/design colors for your furniture and rooms that the game comes with, and not many things are really well matched for sets that look good together, but we have high hopes that this will change soon if they come out with something for us to modify stuff with! :D

    The move_objects on cheat works differently so I can't cheat and be my sims maid for them, deleting dirty dishes. :p I can delete dirty diapers and baby bottles and newspapers and weeds though, so I'm happy I can still lighten the load on my sims!

    I was sad to hear that female sims can't get pregnant from alien abductions. :( So I can't have my single sim female raising alien babies alone... but with everything else the game has this is only a small let down! :)
  7. zydeco

    zydeco New Member

    I'm enjoying the game immensely but my biggest fear is that maxis/ea won't turn loose of enough tools to truely customize the game objects the way we've come to expect. I hope they realize that the custom items, homes and skins are the reason the original series was so successful. I would have lost interest in the sims a long time ago if it weren't for the sim fans collective creative genius. Without them the game would not have been so successful...or fun! lol

    I like the life cycle and having goals to work for although I do find keeping the aspiration meter gold and platinum kind of a pain at times. I can see that by game 3 of this series the aspiration meter could be what makes me lose interest. I would have killed to have the homework for kids on the original series because it was hard to keep them busy. They can do so much now that I find the amount of homework punitive. :( I wish they had made the hygene stuff less time consuming this round. I know it has never taken ME an hour to pee! lol The only thing that has me hollering at the screen is when I NEED them to do something (like feed the baby) and they stand there for 20 minutes waving their arms because they just have to watch tv. I can see me telling my real kids that I can't pick them up from school because I'm tired or that I HAVE to have some fun first. ;) Most people seem to love the building tools but I'm not thrilled. I find myself twisting and turning and going to overhead because the walls, windows and doors don't drop the way they did in the original. I can spend ages trying to see in a small room to match flooring to wallpaper. You can't make a grouping of foundation plantings because you can't get to the back row to trim. Many of the trees are so big that they block my view within the house at times. I do like that the kids and teens are real people with skills and interests and friends. I love the yoga and meditation feature so I don't have to buy the weight machine. I love the fat/thin/muscular feature. I even like buying groceries..it's a big part of my real life..but I wish they'd given us a few more fast food options like the pizza to order. I can live with all of it in hopes that each additional game will add more options but I wish they'd given us a wallpaper program with this one.
  8. Cyricc

    Cyricc Goblin Techies

    Bad stuff:
    Sims take too long to do certain tasks. Several of the start/stop actions are too drawn out and take too much time to start/end/cancel. Also, the waving and yelling when needs go down too far is really annoying, as said already.
    Still can't put things against diagonal walls.
    Sims can't turn around on stairs. Considering how long it takes them to get from top to bottom, this can waste up to 30 minutes of gametime.
    For some reason, it runs very slow on my computer. Doom3 on High, Rome: TW on maxed, and 3DMark03 on default all run faster than this monster on High. :ermm: For much more impressive visuals.
    No setting body features, only facial features.
    Community lots drastically de-sync sims' internal clocks.
    Not very many objects. Perhaps a few more than the original.
    Default camera is sluggish.
    Not related to actual game: My manual is in Chinese, which I can read like 10 characters of.

    Good stuff:
    Just about everything mentioned above... I'm really enjoying the game. I must have stayed up till 1AM every school night for the past 2 weeks. :D

    @ zydeco: walls don't drop? Stupid question, but are you sure the walls are set to cutaway? I defintely sympathize w/ your other complaints tho ;)

    @ FaeLuna: that's why you always make sure that new RAM is the same speed as old RAM... :p
  9. Ningengirai

    Ningengirai Cadwallader


    - the new neighbourhood screen and all its functions. It always bothered me that when I downloaded new houses, I had to check and double-check that I didn't accidently replace already existing houses with them.
    - the new download function ( as long as you download the .Sim2 packs, anyway ) which makes installing new stuff easier than before.
    - Building higher than just 2 storeys. I always mourned this in Sims1. Also, building basements.
    - the new family/friend/lover interactions. The fact that when a Sim moves out, he or she doesn't just disappear, even when they broke up after a lover's spat or other fight
    - keeping relationships going over the phone. It makes making new friends that much easier
    - having the choice of letting kids move out eventually. Families usually got boring for me the moment their kids were, well, 'kids' and they were stuck with them forever
    - the aging on/off feature. I checked, and it seems to take a normal Sim about 30 Sim-days to grow into an elder. ( see also: bad stuff )
    - the BodyShop. I did already create some custom content for myself and I think that even making long hair for men shouldn't be all that hard...


    - Roughly 30 Sim-days, not real days, for a Sim to grow into an Elder unless you use cheats or the Elixir of Life. If you asked me, I'd say that time is hardly enough to even raise kids, be successful at your job, have fun, and simply explore
    - the long time it takes them to do stuff. Even just sitting on the toilet uses up energy and time; I didn't build giant houses but it still takes my Sims 10 minutes to get from, say, the ground floor to the first floor
    - the game time itself. Is it just me, or do the days just fly by? I'm all for the fast-forward functions, but sometimes I'd like my Sim-days to go a little slower, and not for an hour to pass in less than five minutes. I wish there were a way to actually regulate that yourself in the game
    - Someone mentioned it before: the giant trees. The weed that grows so fast that even if you just have a hedge around the house, you'll soon spend all your day pulling weeds

    All in all, though, aside from my minor gripes, a very enjoyable game.
  10. zydeco

    zydeco New Member

    Yep, I'm on cutaway. On the old series the walls would be up and as you moved in they would drop. I could pick a wall to focus on to match colors. On this one the walls and windows just don't drop correctly..or at least the way I'm used to. I can live with it until I'm working on a small inner room. The back walls will drop and if I move back enough then the doors and walls are back up and in the way. Perhaps I'll pay closer attention so I can describe what frustrates me so much. I know it's "off" because I dread working on small rooms. Perhaps if I had built the houses I wouldn't notice. I know the dimensions of the furniture so I build rooms accordingly. I've been modifying existing homes on the senarios and there are a lot of dinky sized rooms I would never build! lol
  11. Xenu

    Xenu New Member

    Good stuff: Graphics, navigation (Sims don't get stuck nearly as much as in Sims 1), improved psychology (spiration system is cool), LIFE CYCLE, everyone is still bisexual and polyamorous.

    2) everyone is always jealous, there's no polyamory or open relationships (in spite of every sim being polyamorous), and there doesn't seem to be any way to part as friends. These three factors are bad in themselves, and they also make the romantic character class broken and disgusting.

    I don't think it was really meant to be the "use, abuse & discard" emotional vampire class that it turned out to be. In either case, to hell with it. And a big rude gesture to Maxis if this was reallt the way they intended the class. But the four remaining character classes are good. :eek:

    I have yet to find out if Sims 2 have a certain feature that I really hated in Sims 1: Sims at the top of the career ladder switching career tracks without the player's consent. I sure hope it doesn't, because that SUCKED.

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