male sims 2 skins--or the lack thereof

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by mglp, Sep 30, 2004.

  1. zydeco

    zydeco New Member

    I can't quite find the right place to post this..hope this is okay. I really don't have a desire to make stuff but I could use some clothing options for guys. With all the UFO stuff and odd career reward contraptions on TS2 I'd like some more stereotypical geeky clothes. Science and medical fields seem to work well so I need lab coats and shirts with pocket protectors. T-shirts that have some sci-fi themes or mathematical formulas. A few more formal options that appear to have been picked by someone color blind! lol Tweed jackets and holey sweaters. I'd really like some round frame glasses for guys. Since that's not an option on the game itself except for girls, can they be made for guys? How about glasses with tape on the bridge like they are broken? Hair that looks like Einstein's for a mad scientist look. I just wanted those that enjoy creating clothing to do stuff other than cool or good looking things. I don't have a clue what all is possible though.
  2. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    A quick perusal of my wardrobe suggests that this situation may mirror reality. I have about 3 different suits. Actually, I have many suits of clothes, but only 3 of them are actually DIFFERENT. The rest are the same as the others. Probably because I buy things in bulk, cuz it's cheaper. Besides, sorting trying to find pairs of socks that match is a pain in the butt, so I just buy 800 pairs of identical socks. Some are subsequently conscripted for nefarious purposes and are never actually worn as socks. Such is the life of identical socks.

    From what I've seen, this is definitely not the case for women.

    It also should be noted that men's magazines contain pictures of women, while women's magazines also contain pictures of women. Clearly, there's a deeply ingrained bias that goes deeper than just The Sims. Probably because men are much less concerned with their appearances, because the attractiveness of men is determined more by how much money they have, than how they necessarily look. A supremely annoying thing, I might point out.

    Fortunately, at least TS2 gave us a fairly decent collection of ugly suits!
  3. Pixie

    Pixie Yoga Queen

    Finally, an intelligent response.... :)
  4. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    I think not by how much money, but how good you look without your shirt, and how cute you are in the face.
  5. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    No, that's how we men often choose women. That's definitely not how it works for women seeking men. Because I look like a horrendous mass of scar tissue, and my ugly, hairy mug rightly terrifies children, but the women are frequently undiscouraged. And not for lack of trying. Even my repulsive body odor is insufficient to scare them all off.
  6. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member

    Oh, good point. Maybe "different" is just what someone is looking for.

    I just finished reading about 5 fashion magazines. (All I could find at the grocery store when I "got the bug" to go looking.) It's *really* hard to find photos of men's fashions in the fashion magazines. I suspect that this contributes to the lack of men's fashions in the custom content.

    I thought of one of my favorite TS1 places to get men's wear (and celebrity faces:( SimsGoGoGo. I hated the download time on the site itself (one of the hazards of dialup service), but I loved the clothes. They seemed so real and trendy.
  7. PkmnDb

    PkmnDb New Member


    Okay. Since so many of you claim to be good at creating Sims 2 skins, I offer a request for those of you who would like to test your skills and satisfy my needs. For male sims there is an everyday full-suit skin that has a big leather black trenchcoat, a black t-shirt and black pants. For females there are three everyday suits that feature a spiked collar and spiked bracelets. I need the collar and bracelets on the trenchcoat suit, and the following design on the t-shirt.

  8. MZB

    MZB New Member


    what's going on here?:D
  9. MZB

    MZB New Member

    um there are alot of men clothing out their and men clothing designers like damon dash for roca rear clothing (also for women), p diddy with sean jhon, then you got tommy helfigir(i guess that's how you spell it), old navy, fubu(ll cool j use to war that alot), shago by bowwow, but anyways im sure there's more out there i just can't think of them right now but if you look in magazines like vibe or jet im sure they have alot of male fashion clothing in there or anyother magazine besides oprah's O mag.

    if none of that made since oh well im sure somebody got what i was sayin:D
  10. Sadie

    Sadie New Member


    Just go ahead and bash on me.. Gah! XP :p

    Anyways, if you want to see my creations, join my group.. *Wink wink* :)
  11. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member

    I've had adult Sim males who could wear the round glasses which had been customized. For some reason, they are always black, even though they are various colors for the women as well as the younger set, male and female.

    As to the sci-fi and mathematically themed shirts, I've already got quite a collection of them from various sites. (Please don't ask me which ones. I have no clue which came from where. However, goth and heavy rock/metal seem to be much more common.)

    Taped glasses and pocket protectors would be fun. Unfortunately, the .bmp for the glasses doesn't give you any clue as to what part is bridge and what is rim or ear piece. It seems to wrap completely around the glasses too, which is weird. (I've thought about doing a color coding with dots to see which colored dot ends up where, but I've got so many other things I want to do, like just plain play, that I don't get to doing it.)

    As to the hair, some of the "moused" ones look just like some of my geeky computer friends (especially after they've been Runequesting or Warhammer40King for more than a few hours.)

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