teens "going out"

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by HelloKit, Sep 30, 2004.

  1. HelloKit

    HelloKit New Member

    teens "going out"

    I had a teen show a want to "go out" with one of his friends. When I clicked the icon it explained to ask a parent for permission to go out, then after getting permission go to the phone and choose "go out". Well, he got permission, but I could find no such option on the phone. Is there supposed to be an actual "go out" option, or is he supposed to call the friend, or call a taxi?
  2. sexierjess14

    sexierjess14 Depressed Soul

    After asking for permission from the parents/parent, select the phone and look for "transportation" and select "taxi" and "invite another sim to community lot" once you select that, select the sim you wanna go out with in the list and you're done :D hope this helps! ;)
  3. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    I was wondering how that worked, thanks! :D

    I'm still wondering what I did wrong for my teen sim who had his girlfriend call up asking if he wanted to sneak out that night. I selected "yes" expecting a car or something to show up later to pick him up... but I sent him to bed after 2am and nothing happened. Was I supposed to have him pick up the phone and call for "sneak out" transportation? :p
  4. FinalFantasy4ever

    FinalFantasy4ever Oh where in the world...

    I asked to go out. I just waited till it was getting a lil dark selected the phone and said go out. Then I just picked who would come get me
  5. sexierjess14

    sexierjess14 Depressed Soul

    once you have agreed to allow your sim out, his gf/bf/friend will come over in a car to pick you up. my sims gf came over around 1am and he made the call at around 11pm. He came home at 4am in a police car lolx!
  6. PhooshQT

    PhooshQT New Member


    I'm just wondering how you get people to break up with eachother after they've been going steady. I tried irritating alot and that got rid of the "love" aspect but they are still going steady. Also, can a sim be going steady with 2 people at the same time? The reason I'm doing this is because my sim fell in love with an NPC and he can't grow old with her or have babies :(
  7. Xenu

    Xenu New Member

    I havn't tried this for teens yet, only for adults.
    Should work for teens as well.

    When a sim is angry enough at her partner, she gets "break up" as a alternative in the communications menu.

    In any case, all teenage relationships are null and void when the character becomes an adult.
  8. sexierjess14

    sexierjess14 Depressed Soul

    I wanted to make my sim fall in love with another girl but he himself was going steady with another girl he met before so it was obviously a bad thing because he was in "love" and "going steady" with two girls at the same time. I made them argue and all but when the I made him do something to irritate her, she seems to like it :eek: and so far they are still in good terms with each other :eek: so basicly he has another girl in his heart :p
  9. Kane

    Kane New Member

    Which comes first: Love or Going Steady? My sim loves two girls but is not going steady with either of them. Obviously I would like them to be Going Steady before he asks her to move in... What action inspires sims to Go Steady?
  10. PhooshQT

    PhooshQT New Member

    When you have the guy talk to one of the girl sims, there should be a choice that says "propose", click on that, and then there should be an option that says "go steady".
  11. zydeco

    zydeco New Member

    I was playing the Goth family on Pleasantville and didn't want Cassandra to marry the guy she's engaged to. I tried everything to get her to call the engagement off. They argued until they were negative and I never got the option to break up. Her fiancee wasn't even bothered she'd moved in with another guy. I had to reinstall my game but I think that even after she married someone else she was engaged to the other guy. It's certainly much easier to break up in real life than in the sim's world! lol Does the option to "break up" or "call off engagement" exist?
  12. Trinasis

    Trinasis New Member

    So how do you ask for permission? Is there an option for that?
  13. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    You have to go to an older relative higher up on the family tree. A parent, grandparent, uncle, aunt, can all grant permission. It may be time-related, and require a reasonable level of relationship to even ask, let alone be accepted. The relative does not necessarily have to be a resident: The option appeared as one of the interactions possible with a visiting uncle. It may be time-based: You may not be able to ask at the wee hours of the night.

    Sneaking out, on the other hand, appears on the phone after 2200, and lasts until after 0100. If you call between 0100 and 0200, the car will arrive nearly immediately, but will depart again at 0200. Be sure you gave yourself enough time to actually make it there, if you want to sneak out!

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