knowledge aspiration question

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Fizz, Oct 1, 2004.

  1. Fizz

    Fizz New Member

    knowledge aspiration question

    I have a girl sim with the knowledge aspiration.. but every now and then she gets the thought bubble with the knowledge aspiration picture.. What does she want? I am constantly having her study or read or whatever. She is 1 away from maxing her cooking skill and well on her way in logic, body and cleaning skills.
  2. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Those thought bubbles are probably just showing that she is dead chuffed with herself at having gotten so good. Thoughts are indicative, but the aspirations are specific demands that affect a Sim's life with significance. In other words, don't worry I don't think you're doing anything wrong.
  3. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    Just keep up the good work...I think it might be a sign you are achieve your sims's aspirations.
  4. Fizz

    Fizz New Member

    Thank you Mirelly and ManagerJosh.
  5. FaeLuna

    FaeLuna The One and Only

    When I see my sims thinking about their aspirations I check what they currently want to do, just in case that might mean they want to do something there. I think Mirelly and ManagerJosh are right though, that your sim is just enjoying thinking about their aspirations! :) I think I got to see that if my sim was unhappy feeling that they weren't getting to take care of their aspirations, they would wave their hands and have an unhappy red thought logo of what might have been their aspirations... they were very red... had a bad party, got fired... FAR far from Platinum. I could have been mistaken on what they were demanding, but as long as your sim seems to be having HAPPY thoughts about their aspirations, I'd say you're doing well. :)
  6. FinalFantasy4ever

    FinalFantasy4ever Oh where in the world...

    hehe mine shows his aspiraion but he crys ^.^ Feel bad for the poor dude but its funny so I dont care if he doesn't get everything he wants lol
  7. Simophile72

    Simophile72 Good mommy, Bad mommy

    avoiding death aspiration

    My teen sim with a platinum aspiration level and no signs of impending doom got, as one of her aspirations "avoid death" +8000 with a tombstone on it! Does this in any way imply she is in danger of dying? I did buy her the extend your youth elixir or what ever that is. Doesnt seem to be what she wants... ANyone else get this avoid death aspiration?

  8. Flameback777

    Flameback777 Josh's Servant Staff Member

    lol no she is not going to die. :p The 'Be Saved From Death' want means they want to die but have another sim plead with the grim reaper to keep them alive.
  9. Cyricc

    Cyricc Goblin Techies

    It's always seemed like a pretty weird aspiration to me... after all, I know of no sane person who even for a moment seriously thought "You know, I would be so happy if I were to be saved from death today."
  10. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    Knowledge/Popularity makes a good pair for this reason: The knowledge sims want to kill themselves so they can be saved from death, while popularity sims, if they've recently seen a death, want to defeat the reaper.

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