Family ties bull****

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Xenu, Oct 5, 2004.

  1. Xenu

    Xenu New Member

    Family ties bull****

    A and B have a relationship, and a relative of A see B cheating.
    The relative get really really sad.

    A teen can't flirt with her own brother or sister.

    What is not so fine is where the lines are drawn.

    The line for acceptable partners seem to be drawn at birth.

    One of my families, the lesbian couple Diane and Sheena, have three children. Diane have a daughter named Artemis with a guy named Dirk, while Sheena have a pair of twins named Albert and Miranda. Diane and Sheena had been married for a long time when they moved out temporarily, and they never had any formal relationships with the guys. Only sex, and the mandatory "love" required to have sex.

    Diane moved back in with Sheena while pregnant, and Sheena was the only other adult there when Artemis was born.

    Sheena had Adam and his parents present when Albert and Miranda was born, but she and her twins moved back in with Diane seconds later.

    Artemis don't mind at all when Diane and Sheena kiss each other. But the twins go straight into "You are traitors and I hate you" mode whenever the adults touch each other. Gah. Ungrateful little brats. Diane was the one feeding them while they was infants and teaching them to walk when they was toddlers. And they still don't accept her as their stepmom, just because she wasn't there at their birth? :mad:

    On a side note, Artemis and Albert cannot flirt with each other.
    They are not genetic relatives, they was not present at each others births, and they don't have the "family" flag. And it's not that they live under the same roof, just made a test family to test that theory. Makes me wonder exactly where the line is drawn. Might be impssible to create childhood sweethearts at all, something like being good friends at young age exclude you permanently from relationships.
  2. Xenu

    Xenu New Member

  3. Xenu

    Xenu New Member

    I was wrong.

    There are no special family loyalities.
    Instead, every sim have a loyalty to every sim friend.
    This can create some totally ****ed up social situations, lol.

    If A is a friend of B and C, and B and C both love D, then A will get angry with B if B and D makes out, and angry with C if C and D makes out.

    This made the problem really easy to solve in my case.
    Adam kissed Lilith in front of Sheena, and then Sheena kissed Diane in front of Adam. Now Sheena and Adam don't love each other anymore, and the kids no longer object to Sheena making out with Diane or Adam making out with Lilith. Now I just have to straighten out some really sour relationships and Adam's deep depression, LOL.
  4. Sadie

    Sadie New Member


    One question...

    Why would you want to flirt with your brother/sister?
    Would YOU!? Lol. :eek:
  5. Xenu

    Xenu New Member

    Uh, what?

    The interesting thing about Albert and Artemis not getting a flirt option is that they don't have any common ancestors, arn't flagged as family, and wasn't present at each other's births. This makes me wonder exactly where the game draws the line for who counts as a relative and who does not. Not knowing where the line is drawn could create problems in many different storylines.

    In any case, the issue is not "flirting with siblings". The issue is "who counts as a sibling and who does not. Why and why not". Clear enough?
    As for your question, I consider it a flame. But I chose to respond as if it was a real honest question.

    No, I would not flirt with anyone tied to me by family, residence or work. This include genetical family, but also step-family, neighbours and coworkers. I did have a romance with a coworker once. BAD IDEA. Never again. Would you?
  6. Rhaevyn

    Rhaevyn New Member

    my head hurts

    Xenu, I personally think you should run out right now and purchase stock in the Tylenol company as your posts are starting to give me a headache :p

    But seriously, you should be writing for the soaps. I can't even finish most of your posts as just trying to keep up with your cast of characters is more than my feeble mind can bear.

    Whatever you're saying, best of luck to you. I only hope that my Sims 2 experience won't be quite so intrinsically complicated :confusion:
  7. Toast

    Toast Rebmem Drawkcab

    Haha. I was thinkin' the exact same thing. The whole story was so confusing that I had to read it like, three times to understand the situation.

    With the whole "teens who aren't biologically related not being able to flirt/date" thing, I really doubt that EA will put any sort of patch for that because your situation seems really extreme and probably will be a fairly rare occurence with most Sims 2 players.
  8. Xenu

    Xenu New Member

    I'm not looking for any patch or fix anymore, and the problem that I did look for a fix for was the real problem, the one about the kids getting angry whenever their mom kissed their stepmom. The problem is solved now.

    As for tghe story being confusing, that's just because I suck at telling it. I was working on my own little storyline when it suddenly crashed into unexpected game mechanics. Some of my posts are a mixture of storyline tidbits and game mechanic discussions. I came here to solve a problem, not to tell a story. I might write the story one day, in a more storylike fashion. I'm certain that it will not be nearly as confusing then. :)

    It might also be simply that I suck at English. It's not my first language.

    In any case, the question of "who is or isn't a sibling, and why" remains.

    However, this thread is kinda stillborn. It's mostly about a problem that is both badly presented AND obsolete. So lets scarp it and Use a more relevant thread instead. Like this one:

    Or, hell, lets just keep it really simple with a new thread:
    I hope I was clearer there.

    And finally, Rhaevyn: Don't worry.
    The game mechanics are intuitive enough for most situations.
  9. Rhaevyn

    Rhaevyn New Member

    Thank you Xenu. I have no worries about game mechanics. I'm pretty technically inclined. I just meant the deep caveats of Sims interpersonal and family life that you have delved into here. I am amused at your exuberence over the finest details of the family dynamic and also think that maybe you might be hitting the caffeine a little too hard? ;)

    If English is your second language, you are doing just fine :)
  10. ihavenoskin

    ihavenoskin New Member

    Is B nice looking?
  11. vattuflickan

    vattuflickan New Member

    I had a similar situation. I had an absolutely adorable couple of teenagers so sweetly in love with each other (a "black-boy-from-suburbs-meets-millionaire's-daughter" kind of story :)), but then her father fell in love with his mother, they got married and... it was no longer possible for the children to have anything but a family kiss :( Had to divorce the parents, also mother was already pregnant. But eventually this added a nice twist to my story :p

    still, it really makes one wonder about how long family ties are stretched. I have not played long enough (my first in-game born Sims are only adults now), but I wonder if two Sims can date, for example, if their grandparents were cousins, or something like that. Perhaps someone here can explain it?
  12. muffin-tacos

    muffin-tacos Queen of Xeex

    Hmm, interessting question. Why don't you start a new thread somewhere on the forum? Mods have this thing about raising threads from the dead.. Like Jupitershana once said to me: "Let dead threads stay dead" :rolleyes: More people are likely to see your new thread and answer your question than if you raise this thread from the dead. :)

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