Is there a way to duplicate a house I have already created? I finally mastered a basement, and I want to preserve that, then make a new house layout for another property or neighborhood. How do I do that.
The way that I would do it is in the neighborhood screen, select the house you want to duplicate, then package that house to a file. Then you can double click the file that was just saved as many times as you like. As many times as you install the house is how many copies of the house you'll have in your "Houses/Lots" bin. I'm not sure of any way to do it "in-game".
I tried the package thing and it worked. I copied a house 3 times(it+s like a starter house. Cheap and big enough for 3 sims), but I cant opload it into the game. What do I do?
Packaged Houses One you have put the packaged house into the game you then go into the prebuilt house menu in your 'hood and scroll all the way to the end of the houses there. The ones you have installed will be at the end of the built in houses.
Omg... Can we package community lots????? If so i can duplicate the Veronaville Market, deconstruct everything except the bar, and then build a BAR AROUND IT... OMG MUST GO TRY!!!
I've managed to accomplish a little more than the bar. I don't know how Maxis did it, but I've currently managed to create community lots, from scratch, with self-service coffee dispensing, energizers (the aspiration award), and simvacs(because don't you always wish you could take one to a community lot, rather than have to wait for the trashcan kicker?). It's really helped increase the endurance of my sims on community lots, without which I practically never go to them because their energy depletes so quickly and cannot be refilled by any means, and really kinda disrupts their schedules if you stay on the community lot too long. And yes, community lots can be packaged.
Yes, please explain how to do this! I started a new neighborhood and it took all night to build one house. It took another day to build a community lot. At this rate the next expansion pack will be out before I can play this neighborhood! lol I'd LOVE to be able to use community lots from a senario.
How to package lots, how to restore default neighborhoods after a "tornado", or how to put things on community lots that Maxis normally doesn't want you to put there? To package a community lot, simply select it using the "lot" buttom, click on it to bring up the whitebox, and then push the "package lot" button. Package it to a file. Close TS2. Go to the file, generally inside C:\DOCUME~1\<YOUR USERNAME>\MYDOCU~1\EAGAME~1\THESIM~1\PACKAG~1\ Doubleclick on this file. It will be added to your lot palette. Start TS2 and check it out. Now it gets more fun. Suppose you have a lot on the lot palette, say, a stock house. You want to plant this file multiple times. Go into C:\DOCUME~1\<YOUR USERNAME>\MYDOCU~1\EAGAME~1\THESIM~1\LOTCAT~1. Find the cx_########.package file which corresponds to your recently added lot. You can probably spot it by its creation or modification time. attrib +R it, or mark it Read-Only in Properties. That lot will now respawn every time you hop neighborhoods in-game. It will also reappear if you play a family and exit (with or without saving), or enter and exit CAS (with or without saving). No restarting TS2 required. You can now plop copies of that lot down ad-infinitum. Note that this is doing something you're probably not supposed to do. I've done this without problems, but if it eats your entire neighborhood if you try some twisted variant of this, don't look at me. I warned you.