My teen is dating a sim but its about to be a adult!

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Sim9999, Oct 13, 2004.

  1. Sim9999

    Sim9999 New Member

    My teen is dating a sim but its about to be a adult!

    My sim thats a teen, is going out with this girl and there like really in love. But He is gonna grow up in a couple of days. So she wont grow up will she? So I would have to find him a new girl eh?
  2. Ningengirai

    Ningengirai Cadwallader

    As soon as a teen grows into an adult, all romantic relationships s/he had before are nullified automatically, I believe. In this case, it doesn't matter whether or not she grows up, because as soon as he does, he won't be in love with her anymore.

    But, you can easily have her grow up, too. Just find her family in the neighborhood, play them until she grows into an adult as well, and then move hell and high water to let her and your Sim meet again, maybe at the mall. They won't be in love anymore from when they were teens, but that doesn't mean you can't make them fall in love with each other as adults. ;)
  3. Cassiepeia

    Cassiepeia New Member

    They may not remain in love once he's grown up but they should still be best friends. So she'll probably call him constantly (at least that's what happened to my teen sim who was madly in love with his highschool sweetheart but grew up long before she did).

  4. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    Given that they'll be pretty close to 100/100, will have each other in the phonebooks, and that adults are far more amenable to any kind of proposal than teens are, it should require basically zero effort to hook them up in probably one shot: Once they're both adults, you can probably manage it as the first move, if the relationship is still intact.
  5. Supernova

    Supernova New Member

    Ive never played one family long enough to get their children into teens :D . Ive never gotten past one generation of sims before moving onto a new family.
  6. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    I find that one has considerably more free time to play video games in if one eschews unnecessary time-consuming luxuries like food and sleep.
  7. Sim9999

    Sim9999 New Member

    U said something about moving them into the neighborhood, how do you do that if i meet her in the park or the mall.
  8. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    I'm gathering that you didn't make this other sim, given that you seem unaware of her whereabouts. Like where she lives, and how to play that lot. That means you're dating a townie. Those never grow up. They're going to be a teen forever, and at present, there's nothing you can do about it. This romance is a dead end and will never get off the runway, and you're just going to have to consider it a write-off and move on. Most people don't eventually marry their first kiss anyway.
  9. Sim9999

    Sim9999 New Member

    Yeah ur right, there only friends now oh well. And plus he wants to move out now but i wont let him. He needs to help with his younger brother/sister that will be coming shortly.
  10. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    Move out is only a 500pt Aspiration that fades quickly if you refuse to indulge it. Or you could move out, getting a free 20K when you move back... :p
  11. BrynHilde

    BrynHilde New Member

    ... here's a question...

    Your sim falls in love with a 'Townie' as a teen and eventually grows up despite their eternal youth. IF you then ask them to move in, presumably they will become controllable and grow up ( sooner or later ).

    I assume this is possible ( inviting a townie to move in ), and therefore you can maintain this relationship. Using the elixir of life you can pull your sims life back into late teens once the townie moves in and ... well you're set.

    Has anyone tried this? I'm purely hypothetical at this stage.
  12. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    You can't propose "move in" to a non-adult townie. Adult townies can be proposed, married, moved, and all that, so they're fully functional members of the community, but subadults are dead-ends. The child townies are the most annoying of all! They're basically entirely useless.....AND THEY STALK YOU BY PHONE! In many families, I pretty much never answer the phone anymore because it will ALWAYS be that same crazed child...who is actually NOBODY's friend, yet calls blatant violation of the phone rules, since if YOU have a child sim, you cannot call adults with it. Needless to say, this eventually wears out my patience and switch over to the local "very bad man". His activities are not fit discussion on the forum. The problem is then rectified for awhile.
  13. BrynHilde

    BrynHilde New Member

    Ah you can't move a teen in, I didn't think of that... and yes I know about them damned kids calling! o_O It's really quite annoying. Then again there's not 'that' much reason to answer the phone in Sims2... not like the first one where you could win money and such things just for answering the phone ^^
  14. zydeco

    zydeco New Member

    Personally, I think whoever programmed the teens calling has some real ones running through his/her house! LOL! They call my real house and if no one answers they just talk to the blasted answering machine! I've had hour long conversations clogging it up. I finally took the machine out! lol I've had to explain phone etiquette to total strangers and finally tell kids they can call only ONCE a day! I've even had to tell girls to get a life and leave my son alone. For most teens the concept of leaving a message eludes them. You leave ONE message and people return a call at THEIR convenience if they CHOOSE to do so. Phones in the hands of many teens becomes a tool of harrassment. (We won't even get into cell phones since they've all been confiscated at my house due to the 600 buck bill this month. :mad: ) Anyway..from my perspective Maxis was right on target! lol
  15. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    Nonono, the teens aren't the problem! The teens are generally fairly well-behaved and call no more frequently than anyone else. The PROBLEM is those RANDOM CHILDREN, who call me up as TOTAL STRANGERS, as I do not recall having *EVER* seen them before, and then proceed to harass my families by phone constantly! Often times it's the same kid harassing multiple families out of the blue! How do they even get my number, and why can't we hire somebody to screen our calls?

    Meh. In real life, I never answer the phone unless the caller has an appointment. If you don't make an appointment before calling me, I don't answer. The phone is for outgoing calls, generally to the ISP, only. It works in real life, because REAL people can be conditioned not to call you, because you never reward the behavior. It therefore becomes extinguished. Basic operant conditioning here. The Sims, however, are not really intelligent, or even alive, and cannot be conditioned to do anything.

    That's why you don't use an answering machine: Failure to pick up the phone at all should rightly constitute a desire not to speak to them. Obviously, if you didn't even feel like being there to answer the phone, you didn't want to speak to them anyway. The problem with having an answering machine is that it sends mixed signals to people, and they become confused. You need to send a clear signal: No response. An answering machine makes it seem like you want to talk to them, even when you don't, or else you would have actually answered the phone.
  16. zydeco

    zydeco New Member

    How do you make an appointment to call? E-mail and snailmail or do you have a secretary? I have to say that's taking it to a whole new level! lol
  17. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    I tend to receive email through lackeys, being that I consider it unclean, so yeah, I guess that would qualify as a secretary. Snailmail requires that you be registered sender. Otherwise I throw it in the shredder as spam. If you are allowed to snailmail me, then you can use it to schedule an appointment to phone me. Otherwise, you can schedule your appointment in person. The point being that I'm not trying to make it easy to contact me. I don't really want to talk to you anyway.
  18. litl_mama1971

    litl_mama1971 New Member

    there is still a need to answer the phone, because you can still build up friendship points if you have a good phone conversation.
  19. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

  20. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    Maybe, but I build my friendship points using "chat online". The only people who actually call me are telemarketers, and they only have bad conversations. They should make that as one of the careers, where when you're playing the other Sims, they call you and try to sell you something, and cause bad interactions if you don't want to buy it, which you usually won't, because telemarketers only sell junk.

    I don't get it.

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