
Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Definitive_Prankster, Oct 14, 2004.

  1. Meditate

    Ayup all.

    My sim was in the bath and I clicked on him (as Id heard there might be a "play in bath" or something option) and it came up with "meditate". I clicked and nothing happened until he got out, then he wandered into the living room, assumed a pose, and then sat cross legged. I watched him for about 2 hours of game time (in case something else happened) and was baffeled as to the use fo this. Then I realised that none of his bars had moved the whole time!

    So now when my sim is really happy (pretty full bars) I get him to meditate until work, presto happy worker, fast promotions.
  2. Deva

    Deva New Member

    I use meditation a lot when I play, especially when I have sims at the top of their career-ladders and with teens. When they meditate, their "needs"bars are totally still. It doesn't move up, or down. For example; Lola, comes home for work at 4 pm. Then they usually needs to sleep for a while. Lola wakes up at 21. 30 pm. She eats, uses the bathroom, get a shower, and reads a book, or something she might think is funny. Maybe socialize a bit with her teenage daugher. The time is about 12 pm or 1 am. Now, all her green bars are full. And then I let her meditate the rest of the night 'til she needs to be at work at 10 am. Easy to play with, but oh, so boring.
    But meditation comes in handy, if you have someone in a large household, a father or a mother, who could really need a promotion. When he or she comes home from work, you take good care of him/her, and when their needs are satisified, he/she can meditate in the garden for example until the next day, while you play with the rest of the family.
    Meditation is really cool, after some hours of meditation, they start to levitate. And after some more hours, you can click at any place you want on your lot and teleport them there =P it doesn't cancel the meditation, they just teleports to that spot and keeps on floating.
  3. Jakethedane

    Jakethedane Man of the world

    That is SO cool! What a neat trick! I go to try this right away. I usually get my sims to work with platinum moods, but sometimes that promotion is far away. Thanks!
  4. mglp

    mglp New Member

    How many logic points do you need to meditate?

  5. Cyricc

    Cyricc Goblin Techies

    3 Logic is required for meditation.

    Never knew they could levitate/teleport, must go try that now :)
  6. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    Meditate before work is not actually all it's cracked up to be. Firstly, meditation, while it freezes needs, still causes the Asp meter to plunge, since the Sim is still awake: You have to go to sleep in order to freeze ASP. Since needs are pretty much irrelevant and far secondary to plat, meditation before work is not really a good plan. You're better off taking that time to achieve plat, even if your needs suffer: You're guaranteed a promotion on platinum if you meed prereqs, whereas promotion on mood rarely happens unless your mood is extremely full, or you already went to work in platinum mood at least once before meeting prereqs, so your job performance record is already up: In that case, even needs which are not fully satisfied won't really drag you away from a promotion as long as your mood is still fairly green.
  7. BrynHilde

    BrynHilde New Member

    3 logic? **** that's low as... What about yoga? How many body ( I assume ) points do you need to do yoga?

    Are there any other actions like these for getting other skills up?
  8. Xenu

    Xenu New Member

    I only know of three actions taht sims can do with themselves.

    Meditate, Yoga, and "Jonglera". Dunno what it's called in english. You know, throwing several balls up in the air and keep so at least one of them is in the air at all times. I don't know the requirement for this one, but it seems only some of my sims can do it.
  9. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    That would likely be juggling, an entertaining activity one can perform with balls, hand grenades, knives, chainsaws, or othersuch, where the number of objects that remains suspended in the air exceeds the number of hand-equivalents used by at least one. Juggling one object, an exercise which therefore requires no hands, is therefore a rather impressive demonstration of telekinesis.
  10. Deva

    Deva New Member

    :D Jonglera!
    I think it depends on how playful they are.
  11. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    I suspect "jonglera" is derived from the same word as "jongleur", a performer.
  12. zydeco

    zydeco New Member

    I've waited all evening for JMP to jump in and give us the details for this one! lol I can't figure out why some have the options and others don't. I haven't had any elder who could do yoga so I assume they don't get this option..but it might just be mine. I'd rather see an elder do a less strenuous yoga than jump around to the "work out" on the stereo or lift weights. :confused: I like the yoga feature because they can do it anywhere and costs nothing. And what's with the juggling? You can juggle cups and all kinds of stuff. Is it just for fun or does it build a skill? I never think to play with this.
  13. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    Yoga requires 2 or 3 body points to be able to perform. It is not "free", in the sense that you had to have a weight bench or pool in order to *GET* those two or three body points in the first place!

    Juggling, I have not yet encountered. I theorize that it requires a playful Sim. I also believe it requires some number of skillpoints, likely body points as well, because Dina Caliente, the playful Sim I have, who always plays Pirate in the tub, can't do it. I will commence research on the matter.

    Or did you mean the details on "jonglera"? It's derived from the same word that "juggle", which is, obivously, juggling, and "jongleur", a performer or minstrel, is derived from: The Latin word for "jester", which is something like "ioculator".
  14. Deva

    Deva New Member

    Yes, elders can meditate. I had an elder doing that for days, I wanted her too die, without taking care of her. It wasn't that I didn't like her, then I would have just walled her in with a fireplace and some curtains to wrap herslef in, but I just got tired of her and played with the rest of the family. Then the weaker, tenderhearted side of showed it's ugly face, and I let her come in and cuddle her grandson. She died right after that, luckily.
  15. Jakethedane

    Jakethedane Man of the world

    The meditation is great if you want your Sims to go to work in platiunum. J.M., thanks for that one. But! My sim hasnt got that promotion yet. No skills are maxed out, he is in platinum asp, all the basic needs bars are full, he has 7 friends(2 req. for the next promotion), his relationships with all his friends and family are near 100. What am I doing wrong. You state that a sim is guaranteed a promotion if the requirements are met, but Im now on my 2. week with this Sim.
  16. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    No, meditation is TERRIBLE if you want your Sim to go to work in Platinum. While he meditates, his aspiration meter still decays at the concious rate, as opposed to if he is asleep, which freezes his aspiration meter. Therefore, while your Sim is meditating, he obviously is not aspiring, unless his aspirations are all dependent on the actions of others and do not actually involve him, such as child aspirations. Meanwhile, the meter continues to decay, and as he is not losing energy, he will not be able to go to sleep: The best thing for a Sim to do is in such a situation is to continuously woohoo until he reaches exhaustion, since woohoo burns energy faster than any other activity. Then he can go to sleep, which locks his aspiration meter. His NEEDS will suffer, but if you have plat, you don't care about this as long as nothing stays in whine-critical for too long.

    If he has 7, and it says "2 req for next promotion", indicated by a +2, this doesn't mean he needs two, it means he needs two MORE. All requirements satisfied is indicated by a number indicating how many friends he has, and a (0). Also, his skill requirements must be fulfilled. These are indicated on the skillometer. At the time of work, for guaranteed promotion, it's necessary that he must, at the time he gets into the car, be in platinum. What he does during the rest of the day is irrelevant. Note also that while at work, the aspiration meter is frozen as if the Sim was asleep, and can only increase or decrease as a result of actions taken by you (buying crap), or others (if he has aspirations or fears pertaining to other Sims).
  17. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member

    Yoga requires 3 body points to do it independantly. Your Sim can join another doing Yoga even if they have no points. But you don't see the progress tube until they have over 3 body points.

    Body points don't just need a universal gym/weight bench. Your Sim can get Body points by swimming, working out to a TV program or working out to music. (Click on the TV or the stereo to get the "work out" option.)

    As to juggling, my Sims who are very serious (serious/playful of 2 or 3) still get the option to juggle. If you click on the coffee or expresso maker, you get the option to juggle mugs or cups. Clicking on the refrigerator sometimes gives the option to juggle, but I've seen it most often if there is a baby or toddler in the house as "juggle bottles." It might be something that takes either creativity or body points, but they show the juggling on the "Yummy Channel" so, who knows, it may require cooking skill! (I'm not that interested in juggling so although I've seen the option, I've never used it.)
  18. J. M. Pescado

    J. M. Pescado Fat Obstreperous Jerk

    My point here was that yoga could not be used to develop body points for free, since it requires an initial investment that already gives you the ability to gain bodypoints without the use of yoga.

    Yes, but I was specifically referring to the self-juggle option that somebody above mentioned, not merely the juggle cups/bottles options.
  19. ijRoberts

    ijRoberts New Member

    Actually, if you went to a community lot to swim, you could gain body points for free, then come home, do yoga, and never have to purchase a pool, stereo, television, or workout bench.

    I'd call that free.
  20. zydeco

    zydeco New Member

    Taxi fare to the community pool? ;)

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