Poll: Favorite Prime Time TV Show?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Vchat20, Oct 20, 2004.

  1. Vchat20

    Vchat20 New Member

    Poll: Favorite Prime Time TV Show?

    ok. this may be a bit unorthidox, but being one who isnt very sociable in real life, i am resorting to the net to complete my project for school. ;)

    anyways, simple poll. whats your favorite prime time tv show? unfortunately, i cant list every single show under the sun, but i have listed the most common according to Nielsen Ratings.
    • CSI
    • CSI: Miami
    • Desperate Housewives
    • Without A Trace
    • Everybody Loves Raymond
    • Survivor: Vanuatu
    • E.R.
    • 60 Minutes
    • Two and a Half Men
    • Lost
    • Cold Case
    • Apprentice 2
    • Major League Baseball
    • Monday Night Football
    • NCIS
    • Extreme Makeover: Home Edition
    • Joey
    • Crossing Jordan
    • Will & Grace
    i need atleast 25 votes. but i will be posting this at other sites i frequent and will probably fudge in extra votes if i dont get enough in time. the absolute latest i can get these votes in is early friday morning befoore 7AM EST. at that time i need to have it all compiled and printed before the bus arrives at 7:35.

    personally, for me, its got to be Extreme Makeover with Crossing Jordan in a very close 2nd.
  2. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    Extreme Makeover: Home Edition
    Apprentice 2

    You're missing a ton of WB shows.
  3. Gebbinn

    Gebbinn New Member

    I dont watch any of those, except an occasional extreme makeover episode, so I would have to vote for that one.. my favorite primetime show is Stargate SG1, and/or Stargate Atlantis.
  4. kristygal

    kristygal New Member

    Desperate Housewives is the best followed by Extreme Makeover Home Edition. I watch Extreme Makeover which makes me cry every week then I laugh my butt off during Desperate Housewives!
  5. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    You left my favorite one out: Wife Swap! I want to be on that show! LOL I'd be the sloppy wife they'd trade out with the clean-freak, and I'd come home to a clean house! :rolleyes:
  6. zydeco

    zydeco New Member

    My favorite show is Stargate SG-1, but I log off the computer for CSI and CSI:NY. CSI would be my pick from your list.

    Geez..kristygal..you sound just like me! lol You can come over and share a box of kleenex. Desperate Housewives is the best new show this year. I need my guys to see that mom isn't the only one. I've noticed my crew keeps taking breaks from their football game to peek in on me. I probably sound demented. An hour of sobbing and an hour of laughing out loud is very cathartic. ;)
  7. alapokeygirl

    alapokeygirl Very much in LOVE

    I am the rare breed as in I don't watch tv. It is just too boring for me.
  8. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    From the UK ... CSI is quite good ... but the Brit series, Silent Witness is infinitely better, tauter and more atmospheric and lacking in those deus ex machina moments that spoil CSI.

    The latest UK series of wife swap is awesome. Last week saw a UK family (all income, no style - wife a complete airhead -- does her nails, not housework/cooking) swap with a German family (nice, middle class, hard working, no TV in lounge!, homemaker wife who bakes everyday) It was hysterical! I nearly cried for the poor neat hous frau who had to spring clean el slobo's house and then train her anti-social pre-school brat to eat fruit at the table rather than endless chocolate candy and chips on the sofa in fron the 42" plasma. I tell ya ... life doesn't get any closer to the sims that it did then!
  9. SolidSnake_19

    SolidSnake_19 Senior Moderator

    If Scrubs is in Prime Time count that as my vote. :p But, if it has to be from the list: Joey. ;)
  10. kristygal

    kristygal New Member

    I KNOW!! :D You laugh, you cry, you feel all warm inside! My husband actually watches both with me, although he would NEVER tell his friends!
  11. hataz_gon_hate

    hataz_gon_hate Be Nice

    I'd have to say Desperate Housewives...then Lost...
  12. Rowanstaff

    Rowanstaff Kilted Freak!

    I like Law and Order... any of them.
    Other than that I avoid all current, trendy Prime Time shows. I do not watch network TV in general.
  13. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Oh, pshaw. I bet you're in the other room playing the sims instead ;) . Before I got Sims2 (and Uni and Nightlife) I watched Cold Case, Lost, and CSI (the original one). I've missed a lot of them recently. Lately I've started watching Desperate Housewives with my husband who likes Terri Hatcher :rolleyes: . Have to keep an eye on him, you know. The show has its moments. I used to watch Law and Order endlessly, all the reruns, but I guess I finally overdosed and haven't seen much of the new season.
  14. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    Law and Order SVU is first on my list, CSI Las Vegas (the original) is a close 2nd
  15. MegRen

    MegRen New Member

    Geez, I can't decide. BTW, I agree with Josh. I watch TONS of WB shows--7th Heaven, Gilmore Girls, Supernatural, Charmed, Related, What I Like About You.

    But I also love CSI and CSI: Miami, Law & Order SVU, Law & Order Criminal Intent. Grey's Anatomy, Two and a Half Men. I watch a lot of TV... :rolleyes:
  16. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    equally Crossing Jordan & Lost
  17. copter

    copter New Member

    Cold Case (great show) ;p
  18. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    Cold Case: I was flipping through the channels last year and found an episode of Cold Case where she was investigating the murder of a mother and daughter. It showed the flashback: Abusive Hubby/Boyfriend/Neighbor/whatever was trying to get to the mother to kill her. Mother locks herself into the little girl's bedroom, picks up the little girl, gets her to sing a happy song, and then jumps out the window with the little girl in her arms!! I shreiked and turned the channel. Haven't been able to watch it since.

    Three more scenes like that that disturb me:

    1) Titanic: The Irish mother in steerage who realizes that she can't get off the ship in time, so she takes her two children back to the room, tucks them into bed, and tells them a lovely story.

    2) Last weeks episode of "Night Stalker" (Hubby was watching, so I couldn't turn the channel:( Two little boys are hiding from their father. Daddy has had a breakdown and is chopping the family to bits with an axe. He's already killed their mother and older sister. The little boys hide in a kitchen cabinet. One of them looks to be about 7, the other one about 4. The older one covers his brother's mouth with his hand to keep him from screaming. Dad walks around the kitchen, going through the panty and cabinets, yelling for them. The boys can see Daddy and the bloody axe through a crack. Dad stands there, ready to open the cabinet where the boys are, but then changes his mind, goes into another room and hangs himself. The oldest boy realizes that Dad is "gone" and takes his hand off the little brother's mouth, tells him, "Come on, let's get out of here." Little brother has died of fright.:cry:

    3) "WWII In Color": An ABC special that is rerun a lot on the History Channel. Big history buff that I am, I found it interesting. I loved the color film of the dog fights. Even thought that seeing FDR and Winston Churchill in color was cool. But then it turned really ugly and graphic. As the American Troops were occupying one of those Japaneese Pasific Islands (Maybe Okinawa?) the Japaneese Government had told the civilians that American Troops were the devil, going to rape and murder and torture childrne and so on. An American cameraman caught a woman throwing her baby off a cliff and then jumping!! They said, "We kept yelling at her to stop, stop! But she was terrified of us." I wanted to vomit. I can't even watch the cool footage now when I catch it on the History Channel, because I know what else is on that show.

    I can't watch that stuff. TV should not show little children being killed off. I can't handle that!!!
  19. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Yes, thanks so much for sharing. :(

    My favorite primetime shows? Kim Possible and Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends.

    I am dead serious. Whoever writes those horrible shows like Kristal just described should have their head examined.

    I want to be entertained, not haunted, by what I see on TV. And I'm no wuss. I thought Fargo was hilarious. I have a dark sense of humor, hate chick flicks, and don't mind a little action, pathos, even violence when it's called for but too many shows go too far. As a mom, dead kids is the last thing I want to see.

    I have to admit I might enjoy Desperate Housewives if I ever got organized enough to watch it. But it's been 10 years since I planned my life around what was on TV.

    I watch stuff I think I might like on DVD. Buffy the Vampire Slayer is, bar none, the best thing to ever come out of television, though Firefly is a close second.

    If they bring Firefly back I just may start planning one day a week around it. It's that good.
  20. Kristalrose

    Kristalrose Wakey-Wakey!

    LOL You're so welcome. Always glad to spread joy where ever I roam. :rolleyes:

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